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Everything posted by medjuck

  1. What was the first recorded example of vocalese: ie putting lyrics to a recorded instramental solo. "Moody's Mood for Love" maybe? Or perhaps "Twisted"? Which reminds me: Jon Hendricks has always claimed that Annie Ross was originally just part of a chorus who showed up to sing on "Sing a Song of Basie". But wouldn't he and Dave Lamberts have known about "Twisted"?
  2. I listened to this a lot when it first came out. Really liked it and found that it increased my enjoyment of the original versions by Miles-- though she doesn't always reference those versions. Her recording stands on its own and seemed to me to be more of a piece than her more recent cds.
  3. Is this the one with Sonny Rollins?
  4. I've got The Hollywood Sessions. I think the problem with Stitt session is that Stitt blows Art away. I'll look for the Jazz Casual DVD and The Trip. I've been told that there are some recordings (bootlegs perhaps) where Pepper sounds like Coltrane playing alto. I've never heard them. The only recording I have from the mid '60s is Smack Up which I like very much but which doesn't show much Coltrane influence to me. Thanks everyone for all the help.
  5. Owned a .22 and a shotgun when I was a kid. My Dad had a .303. After I left home I think he got rid of them when they started some sort of gun registration in Canada. Where I come from we had a low murder rate but a high "hunting accident" rate. Not sure that the 2 weren't connected. Haven't wanted guns around the house while my kids were growing up.
  6. Ditto to all these recommendations. A great recording.
  7. According to various critics and Art Pepper himself in "Straight Life", he became a John Coltrane imitater in the mid '60s. In all the recordings I've heard from this period he still sounds like Art Pepper to me. Can anyone suggest some cds where the Coltrane influence is manifested? Maybe his recordings with Buddy Rich?
  8. medjuck

    Prez is here!

    What list are you refering to Brownie,?
  9. medjuck

    Prez is here!

    It's out of stock at Dusty Grove and when I tried for the Fresh Sounds site I got Blue Moon which charged a lot more for it. (38E vs $29.) Anyone know any other US sellers? And what's the correct Fresh Sounds URL?
  10. medjuck

    Prez is here!

    Where did you get this?
  11. I live in Santa Barbara which is closer to San Luis Ibispo than either SF or LA are but am in Eastern Canada at the moment. Saw a report about the quake on tv here. My daughter text messaged some of her friends who replied that they could really feel it but I don't think there was any damage or injury there.
  12. No disagreeement here. I 've started to use the i-tunes store quite a bit. I'm hoping that they'll start offering things that are not available on cd.
  13. Chris: This thread is a great Xmas/Chanukka present. Thanks so much. If I had any rare photos I'd post them-- but I don't think I do. Unless you count one of me and Benny Carter)
  14. Thanks for the discographical information. I didn't realize that Tony Williams played live dates with Getz. I think I'd presumed that after he left Miles, he'd only played live with his own group or VSOP. Just as I didn't know that Scott Lafaro was a regular member of Getz's group. I guess Stan had good taste in sidemen.
  15. I recently bought a Getz album on the West Wind label entitled "Sweet Rain" but it consists of live recordings from two different quartets. (I guess it's a European bootleg.) The tunes are: Sweet Rain, Wee, Lush Life, Night Time Street, La Fiesta, Lester Left Town and Lover Man. The first 5 were recorded at The Salle Wegram NYC in 1969 and Getz is backed by Chick Corea, Stanley Clarke and Tony Williams. No date or place is given for the last 2 numbers but the rest of the group consists of Albert Daly, George Mraz and Billy Hart. This is a good record but not as good as the Verve Sweet Rain. (At least as I remember it.)
  16. Has Stan Getz's " Sweet Rain" Lp ever been availabe on cd? If not, why not?
  17. If on-line music gets a little better audio quality it could mean a big change for me. What do you do when everything is available all the time? Already there are some kids who don't feel a need to own a physical object to listen to music (except a player) and I now have many things on my ipod that I don't own as a cd. (A good thing since I'm running out of shelf space.) But I'm still looking forward to Seven Steps to Berlin to complete my Miles box set collection.
  18. Is it possible that some European labels have found a way to remix the American issues (and other European releases)? I 've found improved sound for the BG Carnagie Hall Concert, Complete Charlie Patton and Live Charlie Christian on budget European boxes.
  19. The wife and kids and an old bald guy who would be me.
  20. Aarghhh. I didn't know this duplicated the Mosaic box when I posted. Shows how much I know about Bunny.
  21. My guess is that it's from July 27, 1963. I've got that on a cd which claims to be Miles and Trane live in NY. (running time is (9:23) BTW Did Mobley ever perform with Garland? Didn't he join Miles when Wynton Kelly was the pianist?
  22. Unfortunately The Sound of Jazz is not public domain. Owned by CBS. I worked with some CBS/Fox video people on putting it out legitimately and adding Milt Hinton photos but ran into AFM problems. There's a good print int he UCLA archives.
  23. I just saw this on the Jazzmatazz site. NEW Bunny Berigan - The Key Sessions: 1931-37 - 5 CDs (JSP) Jan? — with the Boswell Sisters, Tommy Dorsey, Bing Crosby, Glenn Miller, etc.
  24. Hey Berigan I thought the the right wing party line was that there was no global warming. Has Rupert Murdoch sent you new marching orders?
  25. Did Prez ever record with (or even perform with) Getz, Sims, Cohen or any other of his White disciples?
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