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Everything posted by medjuck

  1. I remeber having this on Lp and it was my introduction to Jack Sheldon. I think I'd better get it on cd.
  2. Another vote for the Dreyfus sets. I only have the 2 Ellingtons and hear that there is another on the way. I guess I should start looking for some of the others too.
  3. I think she meant the part that goes "Come along and light my fire" or something like that. It does sound like final phrase in "Jambangle". However right after I read that, I was listening to something recorded earlier than "Jambangle" which used the same phrase. But now I can't reember what it was. ( I was listening to both some early Basie and some Claude Thornhill at the time. ) Gil was not above borrowing. I once hearad a radio program where the dj played something from an Lp of Spanish music and pointed out that it was pretty much the same as one of the Evans "compositions" on Sketches of Spain.
  4. Maybe it's "grey market" but I have a Japanese Sony cd of the "lost quintet" called 1969Miles-Festival de Juan Pins. It's a live recording from Antibes July 25 '69. It includes notes in English. I think I b ought it in Toronto at HMV or Virgin. No reason for Sony not releasing it here. But they probably won't.
  5. I think Miles was still recovering from an illness when the week began. It seems to me his playing gets better in the later discs.
  6. Wow. I used to have an office righ there: about 1/2 way to Barham Boulevard. Did you ever find out where they came from?
  7. I've seen him a couple of times at L.A. Duke Ellington Society events. He seems to be a true gentleman as well as a great musician. I think there's a cd available of him discussing the history of jazz in L.A.
  8. When I was growing up, Bostic's version of Harlem Nocturne was the closest thing to jazz they played on our one and only local radio station. Mainly they played country (even the show they called "Western Swing" didn't play Bob Willis). That was all I knew about Bostic so I was really surpised when years later I heard an interview with Benny Golson and he declared that Earl Bostic was the greatest sax player he'd ever heard. I think he qualified it by adding "technically".
  9. How about the Lionel Hampton RCA all-star small groups? There was once a 6 Lp set but I don't know where to get them all on cd.
  10. Actually "Days of Wine and Roses" came with 2 bottles of wine. I think I checked out half the supermarkets in California before I was able to find it. Good wine. Better cd.
  11. What's some good patriotic jazz one might play in honour of July 4th. I never get tired of Ray Charles singing America the Beautiful but th only other thing that comes to mind is Ornette's Skies of America.
  12. On the off-chance that the Apple music store might have the alternate take from some Columbia collection (OK so I'm a dreamer) I searched for "Shoe Shine Boy". Numerous versions of Chatanoogie Shoe Shine Boy, Goodman, Armstrong and Basie's KC Seven (Impulse) doing Shoe Shine Boy and what I presume is the master take (they're all 2:58 long) from 3 different cds and-- get this-- "Lester Young's Solos On Shoe Shine Boy (Takes 1 & 2)" by The Richard Tabnik Trio. I bought it. It's pretty good. Not much information. Anyone ever heard of Richard Tabnik?
  13. What's a good cd source for the alternate?
  14. I wrote the liner notes for the Lazer Disc release of Ron Mann's "Imagine the Sound"-- a film about Cecil Taylor, Paul Bley, Bill Dixon and Archie Shepp. Unfortunately it's now about as obscure as those musicians. (I think it's the only one of Ron's films not available on DVD.)
  15. There are some interviews with her on ESP broadcast cds. I'm not srue that I'd call them autobiographical.
  16. I saw Joe Harriot perform once and that picture does remind me of him. However that was almost exactly 40 years ago so-- to say the least- I can't say for sure.
  17. Wow. Is that on the same cd? If so, where can I find it?
  18. I just got the last (only?) copy at a nearby Borders.
  19. I think I was posting something once and highlighted a word for deletion when some spellling options came up. Maybe I'm just having another acid flashback.
  20. How do you use spell-check in postings? I once activated it by accident but can't remember how.
  21. Damn! I was really looking forward to this.
  22. His father was Milt Gabler's brother-in-law and produced most of the concerts associated with The Commodore shop and label. Billy's production company is called "Face Productions" because he was nicknamed "Face" by Willie the Lion Smith.
  23. Of course the more famous version of this story is that Regan (or whomever) is being shown around and seeing an impressive looking indivudual askes St. Peters who it is. To which St. Pete answers "That's God-- he thinks he's Miles Davis." I think got the punch-line right but somone here should be able to improve on my lead-in.
  24. This non-partisan report comes to you (in a Fair and Balanced, yet Heavenly Way, of course) courtesy of St. Peter's newsletter and weekly shopper ********************************* Ronald Reagan arrived at the Pearly Gates last week, and was met by St. Peter. Reagan was stunned for a moment. "You mean, I---I'm in?" he asked. "That's right" said St. Peter. "Come on, man. I'll show you around." He tossed the keys to a brand new Lincoln Town Car at Reagan, and said, "You drive. This is your car, for the rest of eternity." Reagan was buoyant as they drove along the streets of Heaven, through sunny neighbourhoods. Finally they came to a really upscale part of town (kind of like Bel Air), with large, shaded lawns and sparkling swimming pools. St. Peter told Reagan that this is where he would be living. "That's Franklin Roosevelt's house over there," St. Peter pointed out as they drove, "And that's where Albert Einstein lives, next to Madame Curie. Pope John Paul XXIII lives here....and here's your house." They pulled into the driveway, and got out. As Reagan was looking around, he noticed up in the hills a palace made of shimmering, white granite. He could see it was enormous, with room after room, and terraces with dozens of gold fountains. "That must be where the Lord lives," said Reagan. St. Peter shook his head."Nope, that's Ray Charles' place," he said. Reagan's smile faltered for a moment. "Ray Charles lives there? How come all the presidents, scientists and popes live here, and Ray Charles lives up in that palace? I don't get it." St. Peter chuckled. "Ronnie," he said, "Presidents and Popes are a dime a dozen. But baby, there's only one Ray Charles."
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