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Everything posted by medjuck

  1. The iTunes Music store has added another 16 items to the Verve Vaults collecton of o.o.p. Verve group records.
  2. Just got this and really enjoying it even though it's about 5th Hawkins collection I own that starts with Body & Soul and I already have almost every cut on the cd. But the DVD is worth the price of the package. I just wished there was more documentation. They explain a bit about the shows excerpted but they don't i.d. the musicians! I know everybody in the selection from The Sound of Jazz but I don't recognize all of the many musicians in the selection from The Art Ford Jazz Party or the one other number. Prez, Willie the Lion Smith and Pee Wee Russell are easy to recognize but who are the others? The cd notes point out that the trumbonist is J.C. Higginbotham and I presume the tumpet player is Charlie Shavers. It looks like Milt Hinton on bass on one number and I recognize the other piano player but can't remember where from (Johnny Guarnieri maybe?). Any help would be appreciated. BTW At least it is Bean's Centenary. And Fats Waller's but why are there Centennial Collections for Artie Shaw, Duyke and Benny Goodman?
  3. This URL http://www.apple.com/imac/specs.html gives the specs on the new iMac G5. I don't know what most of this means but it sounds like it might be what you're looking for.
  4. I owned all these sets and loved them. (I eventually gave some away to someone who wanted them even more than me.) My only complaint was that their concept of Jazz history stopped even earlier than Ken Burns's . I was hoping they would continue with sets by Bird, Mingus etc.
  5. If you have an air-port card or any other wireless card yo can use teh new Apple device that allows you to conenct almost wirelessly. (At least I think it works on PCs.)
  6. Apple usually offers a small educational discount. And when my daughter got a laptop at a good price at mcgill they also offered an extra $125 (Canadian) off if you bought an i-pod!
  7. Therre's a lot about Kayser in Krin Gabbard's book about Jazz in film called "Jammin' at the Margins".
  8. I think the first cd release of "Chet Baker and Strings" was taken off of someone's Lp (they thanked her). I'm not sure of teh source of later re-issues. Are there any other commercial releases like that?
  9. Yes:" Living in a Great Big Way". I think I've got the Rhino cd too. Lot's of important stuff on it. (Much debate on the EKE list-serve as to whether it really is Duke's band behind Ivy Anderson in A Day at the Races.) I have the number on an old Criterion Lazer disc of Swing Time as an extra. And Berigan's probably right-- I think it was from an RKO film. Hooray for Love I think.
  10. BTW: re: Hardbop's list of bootlegs: Is this a list of what you have personally? There's los of Miles's bootlegs pre- 1959 availaable on cd. I've got quite a few myself. Which we can add to the tree if people want.
  11. Uhhh. I'm not sure what a seed is but I'm game. I have a bunch of Miles bootlegs but most of them are from '6o and earlier.
  12. I've got the 11/6 Paris concert (or at least 70 minutes of it-- it starts with 'Round Midnight) on a JMY cd called "No Blues". I guess it's a bootleg. Because of this thread I started re-listening to it and it's terrific! I think I like it better than anything else I've heard by the 2nd quintet including the studio sessions. I saw the group live in 1965 but don't think they were playing at this level then.) Anyway Guy, if your offer of starting at tree is still good please count me in. I can't wait to hear more of this.
  13. Thanks guys. I found it through Gemm.
  14. What's a good on-line source for rare vinyl? I'm still trying to find a Billy Butterfield Lp with Gil Evans's arrangment of Singin the Blues.
  15. Boogie woogie piano player perhaps best known for his work on "Beat me Daddy, Eight to the Bar" withthe Will Bradley band. Though I presume that he was white he also recorded with T-Bone Walker.
  16. Duke Ellington & Teresa Brewer: It Don't Mean A Thing If It Ain't Got That Swing 1 Columbia CK 37340 9/73 I got it from here: A Duke Ellington Panorama: http://www.depanorama.net/index1.htm
  17. The songs on the cd look good but I'm particularly intertested in the DVD that comes with it. Anyone know what's on it? Fats did a great number with Bill Robinson in a crappy MGM musical. I'd be real happy if it was included-- though I doubt it is.
  18. I think they're broadcasts from Steve Lasker's private collection. I was hoping he would include one he has of the earliest known extant broadcast with Blanton but if they're from 40-41, I guess not.
  19. He wrote music for a tv show called "Staccato" in which John Cassavettes played a jazz piano playing private eye. I think that the credits begin with Cassavettes at the piano and then being pushed aside by another piano player who Elmer once told me was John Williams-- later to become a pretty well known film composer himself. (Or maybe Cassavettes pushes Williams aside-- I forget which.)
  20. Hey we forgot one: Cannonball was sick when they shot "the Sound of Miles Davis" tv show so Trane plays alto on the 3 Gil Evans numbers. So if you get a copy of that, you not only hear Trane playing alto (you have to listen pretty carefully) but you can see him.
  21. Do selects count?
  22. I'm pretty sure that I read somewhere that it's the last one coming out with a metal spine. But I'm writing this in a Starbucks right now (something I've never done before) so I can't check where I read it.
  23. medjuck

    Tony Bennett

    I saw him at the Disney Hall in LA in February and at one point he turned off the sound system and sang truly "unplugged". It was great.
  24. Ray Charles got to own his own masters when he went to ABC. There was a reason they called him The Genius. (Of course the music was the main reason.)
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