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Everything posted by medjuck

  1. For what it's worth: The Great Ray Charles (all 14 tracks) is available for download from the Apple iTunes Music Store. ($9.99).
  2. He was probably about to have a comback in popularity. In Scorscese's The Aviator they keep playing Nightmare as score. In fact at one point when Ava Gardener tells Howard Hughes that she'll sleep with Frank Sinatra or Artie Shaw if she wants to they're playing Nightmare on the soundtrack.
  3. medjuck


    I really like this cd. Though not all the music is great it's a terrific evocation of an era. Maxine Gordon's liner notes are fascinating but I'm not sure that this set should have been released under her late husband's name. If anyone still argues that the boppers couldn't play the blues make them listen to Bop After Hours. The revelation for me here is Barney Kessel: His solos are consistently great.
  4. I'd already heard a lot of Red Allen when I tried to read this book. I think that like many people in many fields (including politics) he's taken an intersting idea and become obsessed by it to the point of distortion.
  5. One of his first films was as Fred Exley (sp?) in A Fan's Notes. It wasn't as good as the book but still pretty interesting. Maybe I just remember it because they shot a scene in my apartment. My girlfriend at the time could later brag that Jerry Orbach had slept in her bed.
  6. Actually I took 2 from him ,and he was supposed to be on my MA thesis board but never showed up. I once got cornered by him on a train trip where he lectured me for an hour about Dante-- whom I'd never read, and hence didn't really understand anything he said. I don't think McLuhan cared: he just wanted an audience so he could try out some new ideas.
  7. Oh no!. I first read Against Interpretation nearly 40 years ago when Marshal McLuhan recommended it in a class I was taking with him. I've been a fan ever since. Though I didn't always agree with her politically I thought she towered above most other supposed intellectuals in the US. She'll be missed and I can't think of anyone who will take her place.
  8. I bought the book and the cd released to accompany it. I'm always interested in finding out about lesser known worthy musicians. The cd was good but I couldn't finish the book. Because he only talks about White musicians and (as far as I read) doesn't discuss influences or interactions with Black musicians I felt I had to keep referring to other books to get much sense of what was going on. It was sort of like reading a history of Europe that had arbitrarily decided not to mention France because the French had gotten too much credit in other books.
  9. I used to never get early Stan Getz even though I liked his post mid-50's stuff. Bought the much lauded Storyville sessions and didn't see what all the fuss was about. Then last week I listened to it again and it was great!. I'm still waiting to get post '70 Miles. I do find I enjoy watching DVDs of thelater groups but don't enjoy just listening to them on cd. Similarly I've loved Cecil Taylor in concert but don't listen to him on record.
  10. I think he quoes "Worksong" in both versions of Moanin'.
  11. Check this out http://www.cmoa.org/teenie/info.asp Starting about photo 1100 there's a bunch of Billy Eckstine's band from '44 (with Bird and Dizzy) as well as photos of Mary-Lou Williams. Apparently there are also photos of Duke and Billy Strayhorn but I haven't come across them yet. Some of you guys could probably help the archive identify musicians. Just check the "comments" box. This is would be a wonderful site even without the jazz connection. If you're from Pittsburg this should make you proud.
  12. Here in Santa Barbara we're lucky in that we have 2 jazz + NPR/PRI stations from which to choose. Actually one (KCLU) is based in Ventura and the other (KCBX), in San Louis Obispo but they both claim Santa Barbara as theirs-- probably to have a larger base for fund raising. I give to both because they're both pretty good. KCLU actually calls itself a "Jazz and NPR" station. KCBX plays classical music in the afternoons, but jazz most mornings and evenings. They both carry the same syndicated show in the middle of the night but I just noticed that one of the KCLU djs, Bonnie Grice, is included in that mix, so she might be a good contact. (I like her because she plays a lot of Pee Wee Russell.) None of the other djs on KCLU have impressed me. Strangely, Ken Borgers formerly of KJAZZ, announces traffic reports etc on KCLU but doesn't dj. The djs on KCBX for "Morning Cup of Jazz" and "Freedom Jazz Dance" are both very good. Neither station ids what they're playing often enough, but that seems to be true of all stations nowadays. (I listen in my car a lot and often arrive at my destination without finding out what I'm listening to.) But KCBX at least posts their playlists. Their website URLs are http://www.kclu.org/ and http://www.kcbx.org/. Good luck. I look forward to hearing some Organissimo on the radio.
  13. I took the GREs nearly 40 years ago. In those days if you were good at multiple choice exams you did well. I scored very high in both math (which I hadn't taken since first year) and American Literature which I had never studied at all. (And about which I still don't know very much.) If they're still the same, take them if you're good at multiple choice exams.
  14. In the notes David Ritz keeps referring to one of the performances as a "rehearsal". Does he mean the first one? Both seem to be live concerts to me-- though we don't see the audience in the first one. Maybe because of the mix ( the vocals seem a bit low to me) the 2nd concert seems hotter or is that just me?
  15. Hey where'd you get the Slimer jpg? And what's it mean? (I'm curious because I was one of the producers of the Ghosbusters movies and tv show.)
  16. Or maybe Bob's just jivin' us. Who knows if he even met Lonnie Johnson. BTW Johnson lived in Toronto at the end of his life. Some people got together and raised a fund for him which he banked where a friend of mine was a teller --she's now a University president!-- and he would always see her to withdraw money. One day he looked at his balance and mentioned that it was running low but it was ok because so was he. He died shortly thereafter.
  17. Got it for my son for Channukah. He loves it. But then he thinks he should have been born in Seattle in about 1970 instead of LA in 1989.
  18. As with any addiction, anticipation is part of the joy. I find I'm depressed when I peruse the upcoming releases on Jazzmatazz and don't see anything I lust for. I still remember how great it felt looking forward to both the Mosaic Mulligan Concert Jazz Band box and the Miles Jack Johnson box during the several months between the time of their announcement and their final release-- which as I remember it were almost simultaneous.
  19. I tried rubbing hard with a wet cloth and got rid of the glue but scratched the disc! (This was a disc from the new Miles 7 Steps set.) However I was able to fix it using one of those disc repar kits-- "Skip Doctor" from Digitial Innovations. I've used this on 4 or 5 discs and so far it's always worked.
  20. What ever happened to the Freddy Slack Select?
  21. How can I contact Mr. Tanno?
  22. There was a thread about this earlier announcing its upcoming release. Has it appeared yet, and if so, where might I find a copy?
  23. I saw his band in in London many years ago. Jack Bruce was on bass and I think John Surman was playing with him. My memory is that it was pretty straight ahead jazz. I liked it but not enough to run out and buy any records. I think he's done some music for films.
  24. I saw his band in in London many years ago. Jack Bruce was on bass and I think John Surman was playing with him. My memory is that it was pretty straight ahead jazz. I liked ti but not enough to run out and buy any records. I think he's done some music for films.
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