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Everything posted by Shawn

  1. I admire his talent but fucking detest his attitude. As someone that loves rock music equally as well as jazz music his elitist prick viewpoint and constant put-downs of rock music just make me want to smash him in the head with a brick, repeatedly.
  2. Season finale week means I can go back and start watching several series that I skipped during the season because I didn't feel like dealing with commercials, hiatuses and other annoyances that go along with broadcast TV. These days I like to binge watch and having the entire seasons recorded means I can watch them on my schedule, not the damn networks. Castle Grimm Elementary Bones The Big Bang Theory Parenthood
  3. I blame the characters, I really have a hard time watching a show if I can't identify (or at least tolerate) the main characters. With no characters to dig into I get bored and tune out. To be honest I didn't like Breaking Bad the first time I tried to watch that one either, it took a second attempt many months later before it finally clicked with me.
  4. It took me 5 attempts to make it all the way through season 1 of this show, I made it through the first couple episodes of season 2 and just gave up. I think I'll just watch paint dry instead, I think I might find it more interesting.
  5. Sometimes I'm glad I never learned music theory, I just listen to the song and enjoy it.
  6. That episode of The Good Wife was delicious, I love the Calvin Sweeney episodes. This has been a crackerjack season.
  7. Metallica - The $5.98 EP: Garage Days Re-Revisited (1987) P.S. - When it was issued on CD they changed the title to "The $9.98 CD: Garage Days Re-Revisited".
  8. I really enjoy Thinking Of Home, I think it's a very nice record and underrated.
  9. 1970s 1960s (entire decade for jazz, 1967 and later for pop/rock)
  10. Coupling (BBC) - Another great Steven Moffat show, one of the funniest series I've watched in awhile.
  11. Was able to see it very clearly about 15 minutes ago over Los Angeles. I just went out and checked again and it has been mostly obscured by clouds so I got lucky.
  12. Part of me doesn't really give a crap because the only time I see late night talk shows is when I watch the interview segments on youtube. Part of me would like to have seen a different choice than "another middle-aged white guy" (what about a female late night talk show host...c'mon). But there is also a part of me that thinks Colbert is pretty damn amusing (when he's in character, not sure about out of character) and I'll be curious to see how it pans out.
  13. First cartoon with a soundtrack was My Old Kentucky Home (1926) though it was an early experimental system and wasn't completely synchronized with the picture. The first cartoon that used a click track for synchronization was Steamboat Willie (1928). The cartoon you linked uses 2-strip technicolor, several filmmakers experimented with that process. The first cartoon to use real 3-strip Technicolor was Disney's "Flowers and Trees" from 1932.
  14. Hipsters! I bet I could sell a crate of these records at Intelligentsia Coffee over in Silver Lake.
  15. I go there at least twice a month, it is fun to just browse around even if you don't buy anything. If anybody is coming to the Hollywood area and wants a tour guide of Amoeba and all the general things to see in Hollywood, hit me up.
  16. I watched the pilot, it's actually not one of the better CW shows I've seen but was still mildly entertaining. The few CW shows I watch all have better actors, production values and writing but I will still probably end up watching the season to see how it progresses. They launched 5 new dramatic series this season, 2 of them were immediate hits and were promptly renewed (The Originals, Reign), the other 3 either flopped (Star-Crossed) or are borderline whether they will be renewed or not (The 100, The Tomorrow People). Star-Crossed and The Tomorrow People were both horrendously bad and deserve to be cancelled. Next fall the new series about The Flash begins (Arrow spin-off) and there is also a Supernatural spin-off in the works. No word on other possible shows yet, they will probably have enough programming space to launch 2 more series in the fall depending on how many they cancel at the end of this season (which could be as many as 3). The current plan to only launch genre shows (comic book, horror and sci-fi) is still in effect as far as I know.
  17. I'm old enough to remember Upstairs Downstairs, or more accurately I remember suffering through it when I was a kid. They replayed it on Masterpiece Theater in the late 70s/early 80s, I think it came on right before Mystery. Anyway, my Mother watched it and I would invariably end up having to sit through it and to my 10 year old mind each episode felt like it lasted 7 hours. That's one of the reasons I was surprised I liked Downton Abbey, I usually can't stand stuffy costume dramas. But the characters and the cast make this one work for me. The show is definitely formula, some of the plots creak so badly it's hard to hear the dialogue, but there's something about it that keeps me interested and entertained.
  18. I usually HATE stuff like Downton Abbey, in fact I fully expected to only watch the pilot episode...but for whatever reason it hooked me like a fish. I'm about halfway through season 3 at the moment.
  19. Meh. Was okay but could have been better. Not sure if I'm going to watch the next season or not. I've seen 4 episodes so far, I'm enjoying it. I recently signed up for Amazon Prime and I've been catching up on series that aren't available on Netflix, Downton Abbey was the first one, this is the second.
  20. I have to kind of kick myself for my earlier comments about Wolf of Wall Street. I DID eventually end up going to see it and I thought it was great fun. It's Marty doing comedy and it's a damn funny film, the whole sequence with Leo on quaaludes trying to get into his car would have made Preston Sturges proud.
  21. Cool. I will probably wait until I find out whether it gets renewed for a second season prior to starting it. I've kind of given up on the uncertainty of network TV.
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