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Everything posted by Shawn

  1. Surprised they're keeping Tennant. He mumbles through the series. Maybe they'll retrain him to say things like 'Awesome'. Can't imagine the Dorset accents of the other characters would go down well in Fox-land. Though you'll miss the best part of the programme - the Dorset landscapes. Where is the USA's Jurassic Coast? As with most US TV series these days it was actually filmed in Canada (British Columbia) because of the tax breaks and other incentives. Took a tour of Warner Bros. studios recently and only 1 outdoor set was in use, most of their TV series are shooting elsewhere because it's cheaper.
  2. David Gilmour is rich beyond measure, this is artistically motivated. From the little bit of leaked information they will be using some material Rick Wright recorded circa 1994 which they will add new parts to. Not sure how much of the album will feature Wright. David Gilmour is in my top 5 guitarists of all-time, whether it's a solo album or an actual Pink Floyd album really doesn't matter to me as long as he's playing guitar I'm buying it on release day.
  3. 80 and sunny, forecast calling for the exact same thing for the next 10 days.
  4. Here is the trailer for Gracepoint, the US remake of Broadchurch also starring David Tennant, with Anna Gunn from Breaking Bad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9IWvbbZPZc
  5. Born To Be Blue is definitely worth owning. Come to think of it, anything with Ike Quebec involved is worth owning.
  6. Who cares about the opinions of the elitist as they proclaim their superiority over everyone else.
  7. Americans hate subtitles, if you put a show on the air with a lot of subtitles you are pretty much guaranteed people will turn the channel. Just the way it is. Thus everybody speaks English, even when they shouldn't.
  8. It's ever so slightly better than Rocky IV, that's about all the credit I'm willing to give it.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddM7kJ9xQfA
  10. The streaming companies are making deals with the record labels that distribute the material, not directly with the artists themselves, except for a few high profile artists that have control of their entire catalog. AC/DC is a good example, they aren't available on streaming sites because they don't want to be, but they also have the clout of 200 million albums sold worldwide to back that up and they control their own masters.
  11. Sorry, but I can't agree with that. I'm listening to more music now than ever before since streaming kicked in, I don't value it any less, in fact having a much wider library available than I would ever personally own has increased my appreciation of several genres that used to only get casual attention. Spotify is the huge music library I always wanted but didn't want to have to buy shelves for.
  12. It is a great tune and not surprisingly a Duke Pearson composition
  13. You could always go solid state, no moving parts. They're still expensive but they're faster and last longer.
  14. Interesting, I've only had 1 external drive fail and that one died during the first week due to a manufacturing defect and was replaced. I have multiple backups just in case; 1 stored at home, 1 stored at work and 1 stored in a safety deposit box.
  15. My favorite "Dean" moment from season 5... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FswfgcXD_pY
  16. Attention Human Beings....COMMUNITY will return for a sixth season thanks to Yahoo. All the original cast and crew are on board, the deal was signed on the last day prior to the contracts expiring. #sixseasonsandamovie
  17. Old-Fartism. It's a horrible disease, seems to mostly target middle-aged white men. Thankfully there is a natural cure and there is no escaping that cure.
  18. Record labels fucking over artists, one thing that definitely HASN'T changed.
  19. Adapt or perish. The millenials don't care about owning music any longer, they just want access to it. They also don't care about owning movies on DVD and only buy video games on physical discs because that's the only choice. They aren't wrong, it's just their world revolves around portability and doesn't revolve around owning stuff, they prefer to spend their money going out and doing things instead of accumulating a library of crap to store in their apartments. It's a different world and the old one is not coming back. Musicians will just have to find other ways to make money from them, a new business model, because the old model is dead and buried.
  20. "Your American beer is a little like making love in a canoe...it's fucking close to water." "You can always tell when you're in Los Angeles, all the kids are drugs and all the adults are on roller skates." "ALBATROSS!"
  21. If you want to see a fine performance from Wallach later in his career then check out "The Holiday" from 2006. He has a significant supporting role as a retired actor and shares some wonderful scenes with Kate Winslet.
  22. There are at least 3 bona fide classics on Presence: Achilles Last Stand Nobody's Fault But Mine Tea For One - (this is my desert island Jimmy Page guitar performance) and the rest of the album is fine.
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