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About Shawn

  • Birthday 08/05/1970

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    Los Angeles
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    Life! Women! Guitars! Movies!

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  1. I recently picked up an LP reissue of that one, it has long been a favorite of mine. The track Our Man Higgins on that album is a scorcher.
  2. This is such a beautiful moment. I think Griffin was Monk's perfect foil and this little personal insight into their friendship is a joy no matter how many times I've watched it.
  3. Recently I've started getting back into all the Blue Note records after taking an extended (roughly 10 year) break. It's been a joy, but one thing I had forgotten about were all the gospel-inspired gems. Listening to Freddie Roach's 'Wine, Wine, Wine" started me searching for more of the Baptist Beat. So, what are some of your favorite examples of this subgenre? It doesn't have to be Blue Note.
  4. Found a mint LP copy of this one, sounds awesome.
  5. Perfect Beings - Vier (2018)
  6. You might want to make that "people under 50", I was only a couple years old when this went down and I'm 47 now. I learned more about the era from movies than I ever did in school.
  7. A studio collective of artists that frequently record for Wide Hive records.
  8. I usually get stoned before I go shopping at Amoeba in Hollywood. In fact, that sounds like a good plan for this morning, I already have the first requirement fulfilled.
  9. My appreciation of Van Halen has increased over the years; completely distinctive and one of the most influential in rock history.
  10. Finally got around to watching the Luke Cage series on Netflix. Although not up to the same level as Jessica Jones or Daredevil it's still a rewarding show with some great characters. What I like best about these Netflix series is that each one has its own distinct vibe.
  11. This one was brilliant... Baby Driver - 2017 (Edgar Wright) This one sadly wasn't... Free Fire - (2017, Ben Wheatley)
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