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six string

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  1. Indeed.
  2. Thanks for the link. Really well done and gets to what made her playing so special. I’ve seen her more than any other musician and own more albums by her than anyone. Every performance was special. I’ve been listening to her Jazz Focus cds lately instead of her “newer” stuff and it’s brought back wonderful memories.
  3. This is hitting me hard as I knew it would. I met Jessica in the late 80s after she moved from San Francisco. She played every Wednesday night at the On Broadway for years and I was there most of those nights. She used to put on house concerts in her home for a $5 donation and everyone brought food and beverages for a potluck. It was a good environment to hear her and I met many people including some I am still good friends with. She moved quite a bit over the years but we always kept in touch. She was a deep thinker. We had many a long phone conversation over the years. She could really talk when she got on a roll! I loved the way she deconstructed standards and few people could play Monk as well as her imo. Blazing fast when she wanted to be, she slowed her technique down in her later years which I applauded as she didn’t have anything to prove anymore. I have all but a few of her cds, over thirty cassettes and her early lps so you can say I’m a bit of a fan. Currently listening to Inventions on Jazz Focus from 1995 which is one of many, many fine albums she made over her lifetime. I could go on but trying to avoid tl/dr. RIP Jessica. I love you and you’ll always be in my heart.
  4. Very sad indeed. One of the great jazz flautists. His music was very special to me.
  5. While I do find the sound a little murky it is primarily the issue of cymbals being almost totally absent. I assume it is due to the shaved off high frequencies from the acetate. What’s interesting is that there are times when the piano sounds fine in the upper register. The density of the music is not helped by the less than stellar mix. I’ve only played it four times so far so I don’t know the music that well yet. I am glad I went with my gut and bought the cd instead of the more expensive vinyl. I didn’t have high hopes for this to be a great sounding recording and unfortunately I was right.
  6. Thanks for letting us know you are doing well. It looks like your replacement wheelchair is working out. Must be very comforting to be using the same model so you don’t have to deal with the burden of learning new machines on top of everything else. Best wishes for more success in getting back to your life.
  7. I am eligible due to age so whenever it is offered to me I will get it. Since it won’t change my lifestyle anytime soon I am not in a big hurry to get it though I have no qualms about the vaccine. We’ll still be wearing masks and keeping distance from others for possibly most if not all of 2021 so whether I get the vaccine this month or June it will be the same for me. I’ll have to see some major drops in positive testing and hospitalizations before I feel like I can return to some version of normal.
  8. Just saw this late last night. Donating today. What an awful situation. Glad you are safe CJ. Hope things get back to normal asap.
  9. Blues For the Viet Cong was my intro to him. What a great player. He’s one of those guys I tend to buy when I come across his albums. Strata East was another milestone for him.
  10. He seems to be all over my record collection. So many times Ilook at the credits and the drummer is Billy Hart.
  11. I lived without SW for decades because it was so common. You heard the title track everywhere it seemed or friends had the album and played it when you came over. In the 90s BN reissued it on vinyl so decided to grab it just to have it in the collection. I discovered I really liked side two a lot. I rarely played side one. Music Matters reissued it and on the strength of side two I picked it up and sold off the other copy. Funny, I don’t play it all that often these days but when I do it is usually side two and then I put it away again.
  12. I still have his first album on the Kokopeli label and in fact played it a few weeks ago for the first time in ages. It has held up well.
  13. I’m not much of a Christmas album owner but glad I grabbed that Bobby Timmons album when I had the chance. I play that one with pleasure and guilt free.
  14. Maybe Van Morrison should get on the show Who Wants To Be Millionaire? and try to win the big one like David Chang did for the hospitality industry.
  15. RIP, what a crazy situation. I can understand the family not taking the time to make an announcement immediately but it did seem take longer than normal to get,out. I still haven’t seen an obit. in the NYT or WAPO. I got to see him a few times with Jarrett and DeJohnette but my favorite performance was when he came out to the SF Jazz Festival to sub for an ailing Charlie Haden to play a duo set with Yusef Latif.
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