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Everything posted by youdig

  1. NEWS FLASH !! The cheese man quickly replaces "Bixieland" as forums whipping boy-- EXTRA EXTRA read all about it.
  2. How about "Zero reasons that this place should not be called--- LIBERALISSSIMO "
  3. Organissimoelarryandcurly
  4. Bagpipes, Bassoon, and Banjo.
  5. Nice work ! Joey G Jimmy A Randy M When is the Michael Bolton and Organissimo album set to release.
  6. Jim, I am deeply sorry to hear of your loss. I never had the pleasure of meeting your father, but have heard some wonderful stories from Randy. It sounds like he was a strong influence on your love of music and life. Your family will be in my thoughts. Kurt
  7. I heard he was a member of the N.R.A.
  8. Allen, you never seem to amaze me.
  9. More jokes in bad taste. Dishes it out but can't take it.
  10. This is in poor taste. and you give me a hard time about my joking comments ! ? I guess it is just that old double standard that is AllenLowe.
  11. Sweetwater Music is in Fort Wayne and the Woodwind and Brasswind is less than a hour away. These are not record stores but fun places to visit.
  12. You can find this record in northern Indiana.
  13. I was thinking that because Peter is from Milwaukee, WI, that PAL would not be an issue.
  14. It is quite easy if you have a stand alone CD burner. Just use the audio outs from the DVD player. As far as using a computer, I could not tell ya. If you have something you need done ,send me a personal message and I can do it for ya.
  15. I get up at the crack of noon.
  16. youdig

    Ralph Towner

    I was just listening to Oregon with Elvin Jones yesterday! What a trip. I also have a great Video of an Oregon Concert in Germany
  17. Nobody talks about the band. These threads are old so I wanted to post. Hey guys how are ya ! Hello to Jim, Joe and Randy.from DA CHEESE
  18. I found the article ! "Getting Down With The Milquetoast Maestro" by John Petric A whole lotta people paid a whole lotta money to witness a whole lotta meaningless breathing exercises done through a musical snorkel Saturday night at the Columbus Convention Center. Kenny G - the mayor of mayonnaise music, the milquetoast maestro, the woodwind weasel - played his saxophone to roughly 5000 people at $25 per head. That adds up to a $150,000 gross and boy, gross it was. G is the latest and most successful instrumentalist with a slight jazz pedigree to hit the big time. However, in G's case, it's with an authenticity so questionable he may as well document it with a fancy diploma from some phony offshore jazz school in the middle of the Caribbean. Even Zamfir comes with better jazz credentials. Ornamental romantic themes ruled the night's jazz lite hell. Goopy, chimey electric piano usually introduced his tunes, G's wimpy soprano sax then laid down a melody fit for a lovesick poodle on Prozac. If Holiday Inn motel art could come to musical life, it would sound like G's "Forever in Love" or "Sister Rose" or "Sentimental," all horrible crap from "Breathless," his bezillion-selling album on Arista. The Thin White Duke of Puke's solos were the color of air. His improvisations improved none at all as the long night dragged on. His chops consisted almost entirely of pyrotechnic finger exercises and obnoxious minutes-long sustains that had the crowd whooping and hollering. Sadly though, the long-winded G has all the fiery jazz imagination of, say, Richard Clayderman, the French dude. (He's French, for crissakes, need I say more?) After the G-weasel committed atrocity after atrocity in the name of jazz,pulling tunes off his seven-album catalog, the question remained. Why is this weenie doing so well? Opener Peabo Bryson joined G for a song in the middle of the headliner's set. It was the best part of the show.
  19. I loved the one review that referred to Kenny G. as "The Mayor of Mayonnaise Music"
  20. He was a TRIP ! I have some great video footage of Randy playing with him.
  21. I am a big hockey fan and I was looking through one of my books the other day and realized that there are three guys that play in the NHL that resemble the band.
  22. Damn Tennis Hooligans
  23. plus what about super obscure albums? wanna inform me of a shop where i can walk in and purchase Skilfullness by Alan Silva? cos i sure as fuck cant find one
  24. Thank you! Captain Beefheart is one of my all time faves... He was the "Poet Loreate" .. One day in 1969 while trippin' on acid I memorized "The Old Fart At Play".. And I still remember the words verbatim.. Happy Birthday from your Beefheart lovin Brotha frum anothuh mutha ! What are you 64 now ? "The cause of global warming is Randy Marsh" You and I and Pops gotta do a "PROPER HANG" before he leaves for the "Sin City" You Dig ?
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