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About youdig

  • Birthday 08/22/1963

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    Chauncey Farms

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  1. NEWS FLASH !! The cheese man quickly replaces "Bixieland" as forums whipping boy-- EXTRA EXTRA read all about it.
  2. How about "Zero reasons that this place should not be called--- LIBERALISSSIMO "
  3. Organissimoelarryandcurly
  4. Bagpipes, Bassoon, and Banjo.
  5. Nice work ! Joey G Jimmy A Randy M When is the Michael Bolton and Organissimo album set to release.
  6. Jim, I am deeply sorry to hear of your loss. I never had the pleasure of meeting your father, but have heard some wonderful stories from Randy. It sounds like he was a strong influence on your love of music and life. Your family will be in my thoughts. Kurt
  7. I heard he was a member of the N.R.A.
  8. Allen, you never seem to amaze me.
  9. More jokes in bad taste. Dishes it out but can't take it.
  10. This is in poor taste. and you give me a hard time about my joking comments ! ? I guess it is just that old double standard that is AllenLowe.
  11. Sweetwater Music is in Fort Wayne and the Woodwind and Brasswind is less than a hour away. These are not record stores but fun places to visit.
  12. You can find this record in northern Indiana.
  13. I was thinking that because Peter is from Milwaukee, WI, that PAL would not be an issue.
  14. It is quite easy if you have a stand alone CD burner. Just use the audio outs from the DVD player. As far as using a computer, I could not tell ya. If you have something you need done ,send me a personal message and I can do it for ya.
  15. I get up at the crack of noon.
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