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Everything posted by Quincy

  1. Did he ever. In Game 7 against Tony Perez with the Red Sox up 3-0. He threw a couple of 'em, then a 3rd. 3-2 Red Sox.
  2. Is that THE Steven Wilson? Not exactly an unusual name, you know. It is indeed. He interacted some in the thread about his album and a little bit elsewhere too. It's kind of scary when people get into talking specs and asking why he had to release on blu-ray rather than DVD-A.
  3. It was a hell of a year! So have yourself a hell of a birthday, in the good sense.
  4. Baseball Prospectus has been following this in amazing detail. Probably most of us could jump ahead to Update 6 by this point. The false positive rate on the initial test is indeed very high, but this is one strange story.
  5. What you're describing is exactly what I went through and it was a swelled battery. To see take the battery out and run the computer plugged in without it. (This is okay to do.) If the cursor isn't jumping around then this is your problem and it's easy to fix. The best solution of course is to buy a new battery if this is indeed the problem. Some lucky people were able to look doe-eyed at an Apple store employee and get a new battery if the battery had obvious warpage but I wasn't able to (plus mine was 3 years old.) You can think of a swelled up battery kind of like a swelled prostate - the pressure it's exerting against the trackpad interferes with it's ability to work right.
  6. Yeah, in cases like these I think it's far better to pay far too much in a short amount of time than go out to age 42. Sheeeesh, I didn't see this one coming, though I should have as if you're going to go long the AL makes more sense for him. It looks like Lance will have an easier place to play for St. Louis. And now Stan Musial can die knowing many of his franchise records are safe, not that he really cared. Man, sports owners just never learn do they? Or the accounting is such that they've learned very well, as financial losses aren't really losses. Whew!
  7. The deluxe version is $89.09 at DeepDiscount.
  8. I've long thought Santo belonged, in good part for the 3rd basemen are underrepresented reason that Dan mentions, and I think it's sad that it takes death (or maybe just a new group of voters, or both) to get in. I do recall reading in a few places (perhaps Leo Durocher's book being one) that some believed that Santo's HR & RBI totals always came when the team was far ahead or well behind. Whether he deserved that rap I don't know (I doubt it), but it was there.
  9. I have a few friends who live too far away from civilization to have access to cable or high speed internet service. So that's one situation, though probably not a common one in this thread.
  10. No, I think you're right. There have been "lightning deal" sort of things where some of the newish big rock sets are marked down for an hour or a day. Deepdiscount had the Beach Boys SMiLE Sessions $20 or $30 cheaper for at least a day. The Springsteen Darkness binder from last year appeared as an Amazon Lightning Deal is another example. I'm wondering though if post-Christmas will be a time of better markdowns. Ah yes, I see last year I bought the Dylan mono box on sale on NYE from Barnes & Yes We're Still Here Noble of all places.
  11. Yes siree, Jack was his great-great uncle. I'm sure there's a joke about "tools of ignorance" and great-great uncle's instrument choice in there somewhere. (Apologies to Free For All.) Between Nolan's wanting pitchers to go further into games and Greg's brain to pick you may end up with a staff of super pitchers for the Rangers.
  12. I'd be more overjoyed if our national food system wasn't wholly corrupt and the main contributing factor for the heart disease, diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol issues that plague our population. Then we wouldn't need overpriced drugs in the first place! I doubt times have ever been better as far as the availability of organic and healthier choices out there, along with alternatives to gluten and so on. It's just a matter of cost and taking the time to prepare & cook the healthy inputs, and those are 2 things that seem to be in short supply nowadays. I found the funniest part of the apple juice controversy to be that children should be eating the apples and not drinking the juice to begin with so as to better consume some fiber and not suck down sugar water. The arsenic was the least of the worries.
  13. Nice to have some good health news for a change. Wow is the word!
  14. Just to add a wee bit of jazz content to the thread (as occasionally somebody gets upset at people wasting time on baseball on a jazz board), Taylor Teagarden was traded from the Rangers to the Baltimore Orioles. Maybe the cartoon bird on the cap will bring out the best of his abilities.
  15. That statue sure is "receptive." An old favorite and cats & kittens lend themselves to all sorts of variations.
  16. I just had to search Casey Anthony as murderous moms just go in one ear & out the other with me. Murder kept within the family doesn't effect me much. I should also add I moved 2000 miles away from my parents just in case.
  17. Aspirin. Tylenol. No kidding about Tylenol. I've bumped into a "regional Acetaminophen overdose by geography" report that was gated and didn't take time to see if my library has it, but I've long been curious if the Pacific NW has more overdoses due to the medication's warning being described in number of drinks. There's a huge difference between 3 12 oz. bottles of Budweiser and 3 pints of hopped up higher alcohol microbrew.
  18. So that's who I saw in the gorilla costume heading to Wrigley.
  19. The Flaming Lips started the year with the intention of releasing an MP3 single each month. I think they strayed from that goal into more weirdness. They ended up releasing music on USB devices inside of gummy skulls and gummy fetuses. (Imagine the collector & resell-for-a-profit people trying to preserve a gummy skull. ) They also released a 24 hour long song. I don't know if this is necessarily creative, but it's different.
  20. Lamont came oh so close to getting the Pirates to play .500 ball in the late '90s. That's a major accomplishment! He also had some good years with the White Sox. He's very deserving.
  21. I'm that way for the most part, but there are certain things that are a bit more marginal so I find it fun to be hardcore about insisting it be (example) 4% less, even it that translates 64 cents. I'm big on delayed gratification. I also have a huge want list, so it winnows the buying process too.
  22. I've been making more of an effort to put any item of (slight) interest on Camel x 3. I had an amusing occurrence today as just 2 hours after placing an order where I bought something for my dad and added something for myself to get free shipping. I received notice from Camelcamelcamel that my price had been met on James Brown Singles '67-'69. Luckily there was a pre-order I was going to hit by next week so I could add that to it as I can wait if they must bundle the shipping together.
  23. Quincy


    Yes, thanks for sharing! The above especially rang true. My first album given as an Xmas gift was Chicago 9 - sorry, like Super Bowls I mean IX, aka Greatest Hits 1 (I) when it was new.
  24. Former Duck football coach Mike Bellotti is in the news thanks to some Oregon newspapers suing to have state pension records made public. Bellotti's pension payment is over $41,000 a month thanks to the way the pension formula works out. By comparison the former UO president Dave Frohnmayer's pension is only $21,000 and change per month. I'm sure other states have similar situations.
  25. Agree with you on that. I became a Yankee fan in 1964. I was eight years old, the Mets were a joke, the Yanks make the WS and lose in 7 to the Cards. They don't sniff a game after #162 until 1976, by which time I was 20 and had suffered through Horace Clarke, etc. for my adolescence. I stuck with my team through thick and thin and I still do. It's much easier now to be a Yankee fan, but I remember the lean years, the Stump Merrill years, etc. This is a very different thing though. All of the stories of those of us who have had moments of defection (if you want to call it that) have something in common - either ownership, a manager or a player comes on board whose style, behavior or philosophy was so repugnant it makes watching your team something you want no part of. Baseball coverage in the early '70s wasn't what it's like today but I don't recall Horace or the other Yankees of the early '70s being portrayed as bad people (oh...I guess I'm not opposed to wife-swapping ), just not the best of ballplayers. This is akin to the Mariners of the past too many years who play bad baseball, but I still remain loyal to them. However, my eyes do wander to other teams to root for when not against my team.
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