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Everything posted by Quincy

  1. I do that too! I missed the news about this as I was away at the time so am just getting around to ordering. All the best Lon.
  2. Huge gamble by the Nets, if no title next year or the year after, they could be a huge mess.Ballsy owner. Apparently, Andrei Kirilenko thinks they have the best chance to win. He signed a 2-year deal that will pay him about $6.8 million less if he only plays only one season for them, or $3.64 million less if he doesn't opt of the second season. He opted out of $10 million for what would have been his final season with the Wolves. P.S. The Nets were already looking @ a $70 million luxury tax next year before signing him. If he can stay healthy for the right parts of the season he's a nice addition. But along with how he perceives the team's chances perhaps the Russian ownership played a role. Hey, if people bring up Jay-Z's tiny percentage as a draw all the time I can mention the majority owner's background as being one as well.
  3. It's enjoyable enough if you're not in a hypercritical mood (and don't think about what they could have released instead) although it peters out after the Scarlet>Fire>Good Lovin'. I'm pretty sure all circulating versions which sound very good have a cassette gen so hiss can be heard in the quiet moments (and most have a cut in A&A if that matters). There's a "Stayin' Alive" tease that Keith even participates in and as usual "The Music Never Stopped" is a great way to end a first set. I was exchanging emails with a friend who revisited his copy and he noted that the NFA is very relaxed and not the "gnarly, shredding, stomping beasts" like it often was in '77-'78. Of "Black Peter" he said it doesn't have the "desperate, 'rage against the dying of the light' quality" the better ones have and instead "Peter is on an extended morphine drip throughout." (I'm listening to mine right now and just now getting to the end of the 1st set. I skipped "Friend Of The Devil" as I'm not in the mood for the deathly slow version). I'm wrestling with the thought of trying to trade mine (I have a subscription), ideally (and don't laugh as one never knows without trying) for a '72 Europe 3 disc set that I don't have. You know, just in case someone doesn't like 4/7 or something or has 2 of them. Even with some tape hiss I think my trading copy of 4/24/78 is good enough, and it seems whenever I play it (like now) I think there are better options if I want to listen to this period. It's one thing to be playing a '90 show and stopping it before Brent's big bummer "I Will Take You Home" send off but in '78 it kind of sucks when the final 20 minutes of the 2nd set is just kinda going through the motions. Although some people really love the "Werewolves" encore and that makes it all up for them. Of the '78 official releases my favorite is Dick's Pick 18 (2/3-5/1978) as it has 2 high energy 2nd sets and even the 1st disc has some good versions of 1st set songs. I even know a few people who tend not to venture too far out from the Pigpen years who like it.
  4. You mean a gimmick menu. It's not a secret when it's mentioned in every blasted article about these chains. If you want to have some fun at In & Out ask for food wrappers & soda cups without the biblical messages.
  5. The 4 disc Garcia-Saunders Keystone set is available at Amazon for the record low price of $24.63. http://www.amazon.com/Keystone-Companions-Complete-Fantasy-Recordings/dp/B0089X38C2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1373305156&sr=8-1&keywords=garcia+saunders+keystone
  6. All I've done is point out "This is a Mosaic box that I store separately from the black Mosaic cases in the shelves. They go together, and it'd probably be wise to get one of your eBay friends to put 'em up and give whatever kind of cut you feel like for doing so." (Yet even there I don't have visions of $100s per box). As for the rest, if I'm not going in the 3 years who knows what titles will be worth, but I know it will be a nuisance trying to figure it out. Collectively it's bulky, horribly heavy yet fragile - what an evil person I'll be if I die before that can be pared down. Oh well, there are worse things men do (plus I listened to all those complaints about her work day. Hmm, I'm hitting Amazon after this post). With all the other post-death crap a person has to deal with, whether it's a nickel to the dollar or paying to get rid of it for all that jazz & classical junk she has no interest so be it. The nephew who never even writes thank you texts can find it all for free or by subscription anyway, plus he'll be deaf because of too many hours with earbuds welded to his head. Actually, I think that last bit may have a disastrous effect on things musical related although medical technology may save the iPod gen's asses...er, ears.
  7. Just a minor league deal, otherwise the ultimate WTF?...except when you think of it as getting Josh Hamilton back for realistic dollars & years. And even then... It seems like if anyone could keep hitting into his 40s like Julio Franco did it'd be Manny. Juice or no. The odds are against it, but worth a shot in the minors. (I'm rooting for him).
  8. I got it as an anniversary present. I know she bought it at our bigger independent CD shop and as I recall it was going for about $120 at the time. Best present I ever got or certainly one of them as it was a surprise and just what I always wanted. No having to pretend at all in my excitement, no siree. Many years later the prices of Miles box sets (and CDs in general) started dropping in price and maybe once or twice I thought "A gee, it was probably too bad that she bought that for me as it might end up selling for $50." Nope, instead it became one of the rare CD sets that went up in price.
  9. GA digs deep! Happy birthday PhillyQ!
  10. I really doubt it. I played the sport a lot, so never had any trouble watching it on TV, but I couldn't tell you how many times I've heard the (apparently justifiably) stock excuse "Well, I could never get into hockey because I can't follow the puck." [Aside] I think the fighting would be a negative for potential TV viewers, but I might very well be wrong. Congratulations to the Hawks! I grew up in the Chicago area, and was a huge fan of the early '70s teams which came close (a couple of Finals losses) but never made it. I doubt it too, but it's much easier today compared to on a 12" black & white with some snow in the over-the-air reception. Such a great series, I'm feeling just a tad bit of withdrawal.
  11. It's a sport greatly helped by modern TV sets too. Who knows, maybe its audience will grow?
  12. I recently completed watching the seasons featuring the 11th doctor (Matt Smith). That was my first experience with actually watching Doctor Who, a show that I've been aware of since I was a kid but had never really sat down and tried to watch it. I became hooked quickly and blasted through the available episodes. I'm working my way back to the 2005 reboot now. I have a similar experience having watched a few episodes in the '70s (I had cousins overseas who were ga ga about it) but never in a dedicated way. I finally watched the reboot season a couple of months ago. Right away in the first episode there were things about it that reminded me of Buffy. In a way this makes sense since Wheadon sure seems to love everything British. There's a two-parter that's extremely great in the reboot season btw. I intend to continue on but recently re-watched I, Claudius for the 5th or 6th time and picked up a cheap blu-ray of Rome for a 2nd go round (I should have done this in reverse order to make the timeline more ordered, but oh well), so I've been spending a lot of time there.
  13. I was happy to see Battier get his groove back which is kind of weird as I couldn't stand him when he was at Duke. But I've admired how he plays D and always does a little of this & that for his team. So I liked seeing an "old guy" who was in the doghouse have a great 7th game. And it's not all about points as Ray Allen had zero in game 7 too. I think he gets a pass given what he did the game before though. Congrats to the Heat, and it's actually somewhat of a relief to see LeBron play like a monster in Game 7. Now we keep the off season drama to "What will Dwight do?" (along with the Celtics & Doc I guess).
  14. Once in awhile it's actually the music on them that matters. Many of the out of print sets have the music available as individual releases (sometimes inexpensively) where that wasn't the case when the OOP Mosaic sets were released. Sometimes the masterings of the nonMosaic releases are preferred. And sometimes not - you know how remastering goes on discussion boards.
  15. That sums up my thinking too, though I'll watch for daggum reason. I wondered this at the time (I really did even though I never inhaled the NBA rulebook) but Duncan getting back onto the court when they reviewed to see if Allen's 3 was 3 was illegal and a technical violation. So assuming someone on Miami could have made the FT it may have been over sooner. At the time I thought a Spur had pulled a Weber Fab 5 TO violation.
  16. What gets me about the Ginobili non-call was you have to call something there. He either was fouled or he traveled. If you don't look at what Allen does with his arm and just look at the steps Ginobili looks like a running back ready to be brought down after a 3 yard gain. I know it's the NBA in the 21st century but c'mon. The no call on Bosh at the end doesn't bug me as the officials haven't been calling borderline fouls much. And although I hate how they didn't call something on Ginobili's drive, at least they haven't been fooled by the flopping as in past series. I do wish they'd start calling fouls for cry-baby face though.
  17. This cover was drawn up in June of 2001 for September release. The cover had to be changed which delayed the album release for a month.
  18. It looks like going to a diner and having iced tea would be just about the germiest thing you could do.
  19. Your past experience holds up. "Hear My Train..." is 5 minutes long but often it 7 minutes or over in a concert setting. A version of "Hoochie Coochie Man" is listed as 5:30 although I'm not sure how is talk (I have the clear vinyl version of BBC and can't check at the moment). But I believe everything else is 2 to 4 minutes. Before the BBC Cream set was officially released a version was being traded and initially people were excited about hearing Cream in A+ quality. Then they realized they were playing everything at Ramones song length. I really like the vinyl version of Concerts when it came out. It's not all Experience though, and it's a hodgepodge of places (some Winterland '68) and I believe the CD version changed a few songs too (though I'm not positive).
  20. I'm not sure, perhaps due to his "foreign" accent for an Oregon reporter she just assumed he said his r's funny. I noticed the NY Times misspelled the last name of the partner who died previously by dropping the "e" in his last name.
  21. Sorry about the loss of your friend - that's quite a life. As I was reading it there something about him that seemed familiar, and once Eugene was mentioned I remembered. Here's a link to an article from 2000 that was in our local paper. http://grenadachocolate.com/RGarticle.html
  22. Well with the ice you're going to get those fragments that end up on the table or counter top and possibly the floor. If it's the countertop no big deal but the table is wood, and even with the countertop I'll hear about if it's left with a small puddle that mosquitos could breed in. So then you have to wipe that off with a bacteria laden sponge, and then you'll have to wash your hands after touching the sponge, and then the face guilt of using a paper towel (or do if you live in Eugene, Berkley, places like that) to dry your hands or use one of the cloth dish rags that are also probably not as clean as they should be. Oh, and then sometimes a whole ice cube ends up on the floor and they can be hard to see, so if you step on one you could end up flying heel over head like in a cartoon. Hell, you might even die if you head hits the table on the way down. So see, it's a daily brush with death filling those trays. I used to delay cutting my toenails in part to having a phobia about cutting the nail on the small toe. Surely I'll cut too much nail off or maybe even the whole damn pinkie toe. But I realized in my early 20s that I'd better lick it (the phobia, not the toe) as I didn't want to be some kind of long toe nailed freak who had to walk around in clown shoes to house the nails. Plus once I reached the age where I was buying my own socks (last week) I realized I'd save quite a bit of money keeping up with such basic grooming. But even now there will be days where I decide to delay doing it a day with the main excuse being not having time to do it right after a shower. And then I think of clown shoes and try to do after dinner that night.
  23. Ouch! (That's fun to say in a Vin Scully voice btw). Well you are in Texas and Kazmir is the ultimate rehab project, but at least Carlos was clutch. Hang in there.
  24. Great picture btw! In case not everyone got the email Sunshine Daydream (8/27/72) is going to play in selected theaters on August 1st. *And as it's how many months & I still can't post a goddamn good looking link with this "upgrade" here's a broken link to it: http://www.fathomevents.com/?utm_source=Fathom&utm_medium=PR&utm_campaign=MeetUp13/#!sunshine-daydream So do we go out on a limb and assume that a DVD (crosses toes for blu-ray) release will be available on August 27? Not that I require full frontal hippie nudity in 1080p, but I'd be keen to have the music sound its best even if the sun & heat was doing all it could to make it sound warped.
  25. Wow, die by the 3 and win the game anyway!
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