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Everything posted by manfred

  1. as my daughter just plays one tune of the soundtrack on piano and presented me the cd of amelie soundtrack this christmas days, i have to say, that this album seem completely not to match with your other choices, but it does......it`s so with me: constantly and always get me going, especially track 4, the piano theme "....:L´après midi it`s really moving.... so i have to check out your choices number 2, which i do not know, i agree completely with number 3 and 4....
  2. Thank you Chuck Nessa, AllenLowe, rostasi, paulsecor and jeffcrom for your answers, that seem to be our common fate...... Your answers will help me to soothe and calm my wife and my daughter (who thinks, that is completely unjust, as she has not enough money to buy records, and I buy them and do not listen....)
  3. if i see all your suggestions and recommendations, i often wonder, how much records you must have... so i am really curious.... how many vinyl do you (still) have, and how many CDs? Vinyl: about 1.400 CDs: about 1.240 sorry, if we have had this topic already, did not find it.... kind regards, manfred
  4. wowh! great, i would take that......
  5. thank you for this, manfred.
  6. Of course you are right with your warning Bev: The concert with the blake material, that brought me to Mike Westbrook, was a complete desaster for the band, they were completely whisteled and booed by the audience, ecspecially for the vocals, and at first I thought that I am wrong, to be so deep impressed and moved by this music…. So, with the vocals in the westbrook-music it is really is a bit special, I have to apologize, but I really have to say I do not like the singing of kate westbrook, I am sorry, But I love all the vocal-art of phil minton and norma winstone and would be happy to hear her again with the westbrook orchestra, but she does nice work with colin towns, and also a new program with Michael Gibbs and the NDR Big Band, called “Here`s a song for you”, performed in hamburg in december 2011.. As the Goose Sauce is mentioned, I have to recommend the “Solid Gold Cadillac” and “Brain Damage”,both are reissued in 1999 as a double-cd on bgo records cd471, both with fabulous-marvelous Phil Minton, and brain damage with material of the “Welfare State Theatre”, of whom I just bought a fantastic record filed under Lol Coxhill, also a strong recommendation for this one….
  7. ...i would say there are three versions, the first one is called "Tyger", very rare, rather unknown..... often filed under "adrian mitchel", who organized a kind of "musical" i would say, but it is a complete mike westbrook record, with the first complete version of the blake material, and there are some great differences to his later interpretations, for instance compare my absolute favourite "let the slave", the singing/speaking of "price of experience" is much more moving on the second version (blake material), but with this really complete outstandig sax solo, to me the most moving sax solo i ever heard.......!!!! and on "for the records" are also some great tracks of the blake material!! i started westbrook with a concert in Freiburg/Schwarzwald(black forest) with the blake material, and since then i collected all westbrook records, i think it is a very good start, as it is full of great emotions, full of pathos, but not pathetic..... kind regards manfred
  8. thank you, sidewinder, again and again i`m fascinated by the opportunities of the net, it`s a pity that mike does not perform in germany, just once every five years i guess..... i`ve seen him just three times, once with the blake setting (this concert, 1980?, made me a fan of him until today) once with the rossini-project, very great concert with a fantastic lindsay cooper and once the little-westbrook-music-trio. Seems, that you did attend a great concert, did they perform anything of his blake-stuff??? Again thank you very much for your reporting, kind regards from old europe, manfred
  9. Which of your albums is the most valuable to you? i mean: you like the music, love the musicians, it´s very rare (and expensive ;-)), and you are happy "to have" it, and you even listen to the music ;-) and you "hunted" for it for a long time to get it finally (or it is one of the first albums, you bought, with your first money, in your first record shop, that (the record, not the shop, or even both ?)now is nearly a part of you) and if you would sell all your records, you would not sell this one..... you would only bequeath it to your beloved child.... you may tell us, WHY it`s so valuable to you... please name just one, but not more than three, starting with the absolut most valuable.... as i start the topic, i may name four ;-)) 1. "Tyger" by Mike Westbrook 2. Archie Shepp "live in donaueschingen" 3. Joachim Kühn "Monday Morning" 4. Jeanne Lee "Conspiracy" kind regards from old europe manfred
  10. dave holdsworth already played trumpet on one of the first recordings of mike westbrook, on "Tyger - a celebration of william blake" from 1971.... well, too late to call the post back! so sorry, i`m just a bit surfin` without thinking too much.... ...i talked to colin towns some days ago around one of his concerts here in hamburg with ndr big band (john lennon project), and said, he is missing a new mike westbrook project with the big band or missing his works with bigger "formations"... well, i seem again to have some westbrook-days at the moment: today i got, from canada, a lp i looked for really very very long, someone from japan once recommended that to me, as he called it, a "proto-type" of the mike westbrook orchestra, the welfare state project of lol coxhill, will listen to it tonight now... someone else wrote on amazon, that the1re would be a westbrook-cd called "arrivederci chouartse" have you ever heard something about that, is that a fake? ..found, that this is a record of michel portal, don`t know, why this guy made it to a westbrook-recording.....
  11. happy you! i would really like to go there.....perhaps you can post something about the concert...
  12. well, too late to call the post back! so sorry, i`m just a bit surfin` without thinking too much.... ...i talked to colin towns some days ago around one of his concerts here in hamburg with ndr big band (john lennon project), and said, he is missing a new mike westbrook project with the big band or missing his works with bigger "formations"... well, i seem again to have some westbrook-days at the moment: today i got, from canada, a lp i looked for really very very long, someone from japan once recommended that to me, as he called it, a "proto-type" of the mike westbrook orchestra, the welfare state project of lol coxhill, will listen to it tonight now... someone else wrote on amazon, that the1re would be a westbrook-cd called "arrivederci chouartse" have you ever heard something about that, is that a fake? thank you for your reply, bev, next june we will again go to cornwall, not to devon....
  13. THE BIG BAND IS BACK ! presenting the MIKE WESTBROOK BIG BAND a special pre-Xmas concert launching a new 20-piece big band featuring some of the finest West Country musicians directed by Mike Westbrook a programme of big band classics and Westbrook originals from Citadel/Room 315, The Cortege, On Duke’s Birthday, Big Band Rossini and more….. Friday December 10th, 2010 - 8pm doors open 7.30 CARLTON THEATRE, TEIGNMOUTH DEVON tickets £10 ( £8 Concessions ) reservations by post from Teignmouth Jazz, 8 Brook Orchard, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot TQ12 5AX cheques payable to Friends of Teignmouth Jazz and enclose SAE from November 15th also from Carlton Theatre Box Office 01626 778 991 01626 778 991 bookings@carltontheatre.com in association with Friends of Teignmouth Jazz Festival
  14. has anybody seen the actual tour of herbie hancock and his imagine-project? terrible sound - singer-no-singer - in hamburg.... save your money! of course, he is great, and i like him and he is one of the greatest, but just for this reason: what does he think on his fans, to choose such a singer???? miles would have never done something like this, dear herbie, he listens to your music and he is expecting you, so be careful!!!!
  15. wowh, great, good time for you two! ...perhaps you can recommend somethin when you are there or afterwards...??
  16. ...more than 100 string quartets, i read, more than 300 composition alltogether....but i don`t know if that`s right...... some very nice "clarinet-things" are recorded by sabine meyer.....
  17. my son is going to hongkong for two months - and i have no idea of musical recommendations for him (well, he did not ask me....;-)) Does anybody knows hongkong-local musicians (jazz, soul, funk, r`b, hiphop, ethno/world.....), he should/could look for????? any recommendations for good music clubs? any records/cds he could get there for me ;-)) thank you, i`m looking forward to your answers!!!!
  18. manfred

    Satoko Fujii

    wowh, thank you, that`s what i`ve looked for, i`m deeply impressed..... thanks!
  19. manfred

    Janelle Monáe

    wonderful clip, thank you! have you been there????
  20. manfred

    Satoko Fujii

    Thank you Bill, i will try to get the recordings with Carla Kihlstedt (never have heard of her!), and the one with natsuki tamura (that sounds good to me, guess i`ll like this one....).... thanks again!
  21. manfred

    Janelle Monáe

    "Only you" take5? ....good pop music could and should be.... are there other recordings, of which you would say that? pet sounds? no one else listening to janelle monae?????
  22. manfred

    Janelle Monáe

    just bought "Archandroid" today and listening to it again and again, fascinating...... what do you think of her music and her singing????
  23. ....so try to get "Monday Morning", "Dear Prof. Leary", "Paris is wonderful", "Bold Music", "Piano", "solos" and "Joachim Kühn/Eje Thelin", they are all worth.....
  24. He's listed on the other three I have - 'Storm of Light', 'Stella Marina' and 'Inner City Blues'. The only Working Week albim with Keith Tippett on that I know was the later 'Fire in the Mountain'. Not sure if he's on that. The last time I saw him he was playing in the band that recorded this: oh god, ....where do you always find (and get) these great cds ????? i am speechless again and again, somehow i think i am quite well informed, but reading your posts makes me feel to live behind the seven hills or mountains....;-)
  25. manfred

    Satoko Fujii

    I`m just listening to a cd of her orchestra "The future of the past", and to "April Shower" with Mark Feldman. I like both of them, and they are quite different. The orchestra reminds me strongly to Carla Bley`s "Escalator", especially, the way, both are working with brass and reeds, for instance if you listen to track 3 - Incompleted on "The future of the past", and here especially from about minute 5 to minute 12, or the starting brass "loop" of track 1 - Pakonya, sometimes it also reminds a bit to mike westbrooks early cds. Which of her other orchestra cds would you recommend, which are "similar" to the-future-cd???? And what else could you say about her music??? And which of her cds are a bit similar to her cd with mark feldman? Thank you
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