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Everything posted by Referentzhunter

  1. Mozart - Piano Concerto No 21 * Piano Sonata No. 8
  2. Thank you for your time ... could be one of those composers that aren't popular but did compose with integrity. I have to listen to more of his stuff to form an image.
  3. Symphonie No. 9 mmmh ... would be a good reference ! Going to give it a listen.
  4. Gunter Wand with Kölner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester. That's an absolute must-have ! Would love to hear Böhm's eight !
  5. Can you tell me what this man means to American music culture ?
  6. One of my uncle died and the family gave me a few records. This record (stereo version) was completely covered in fingerstains and dust. I didn't think much of it but cleaned it two times anyway. How is it possible that some of these older records look like shit but after a good clean sound like gold ? Maybe the quality of the vinyl, the depth of the groove ?! Strange ...
  7. Symphonie No. 8 Get's me every time !
  8. Needed some time with this classic but convinced me eventually.
  9. Hope to find the complete cycle from Fedoseyev one day.
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