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Everything posted by Referentzhunter

  1. is becoming a favorite of mine too
  2. David Morley - Stardancer Overwhelming gem of an EP. It's absolutely ridiculous. A must-hear if you like early Ambient-electronic like Biosphere.
  3. If ia want to listen to Shostakovich's symphonies i return to symphonies 7,8,11,5,1
  4. One of the best Bartok conductors ...
  5. What a pearl ! David Morley - Stardancer
  6. I will keep it in the back of my head
  7. ... heard Jane Baker. But didn't work for me.
  8. Luxman D-03X. It took me years and years to get here. The only thing that needs attention is a powerstrip/powerdistributor and eventually the powersupply and electricitywiring (walls) but i live rented, so i don't know about that.
  9. I love to hear her sing Schubert ! I have a new cd-player !
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