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  1. Yvonne Loriod
  2. +1 for Café Zimmermann. Also look out for anything Herreweghe or Junghänel on Harmonia Mundi. Picked up this last week and it's wonderful: http://www.cantuscoe...moll-messe.html
  3. Love Savall/CDN for the Brandenburgs.
  4. Definitely second the recommendations for the big EMI box (years of listening to grapple with there) and Tony Palmer's film.
  5. Mingus Complete 1959 Columbia 3CD set on Amazon UK for 2 GBP (for now): http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B000024917/ref=olp_product_details?ie=UTF8&me=&seller= The info is a little contradictory but it's a pretty good punt if you ask me.
  6. Have had a pair of Nautilus 804 floor-standing speakers for 5 years or so; I believe I am their third owner. They sound excellent and I'd recommend any iteration of them (they re-did them every few years and upped the price tag slightly each time).
  7. Thanks, ordered me a copy. Any good?
  8. Just wanted to mention this one from http://frozenreeds.com/?p=21 ...
  9. Cool. Thanks for the rundown!
  10. You people are talking serious sense here. Would definitely pre-order.
  11. I agree. I've had that box since 1968. If you can find the book (it's a great 52 page "tome") you will be happy. I now listen to the music on cd (for convenience) but still pull out the book for reference. Would that be these recordings? http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B000002S29/
  12. Mine arrived yesterday! Pretty quick (USPS to Finland) this time.
  13. Some nice press, before we even have a firm release date: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/26/arts/music/26boxed.html
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