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Posts posted by marcosaurelio

  1. Good question...I know he had Trane 61 with Dolphy Scandinavia among all the other stuff...he had access to INA archives.

    I guess this stuff just gets put away in a dark place somewhere. It's a shame, he must have had the motherload.

    Any other Gilmore footage out there? I wonder if all the footage from that Mingus film has survived? I'm very curious as to how often Gilmore played with Mingus.

  2. Joe was a Junior Cook clone, but better at it, that's why he replaced him with Horace, after Junior introduced him to Horace.

    The video was from Paudras, the Bud Powell guy...if I remember, The Egyptian and Blues March and then cuts off.

    What did happen with the Paudras collection? I'm surprised that no film of this Blakey band from the Japan performances has turned up.

  3. Gilmore's solo on Riker's Tunisia is terrific.

    I don't have Half Note photos developed.

    Can't let videos out of my possesion...one day I'll get another Beta, maybe....

    I wonder if Gary has Half Note tapes...have talked to a couple of collectors and they don't have them either. Funny, I never heard that band live and didn't really want to. For some reason I never cared for Blakey's Messengers, great as Art was and everyone that came thru the band. I did make it to Five Spot in 65 to hear his new pianists Keith Jarrett though. It's like Lee's quintet which played around same time at Slugs', maybe that's why he left Art, I don't know...but the quintet with Mobley, Walton, Chambers and Higgins was some sad ass shit in 65 when you compare it with everything that was going on...Trane, Cecil, Albert, Archie et al. still feel that way after all these years, but am sorry I didn't go to Half Note, since I lived a few blocks up, even though I hated the place, to hear John.

    But then he went with Ra and I would go just to hear his free rev up which was about the second or 3rd tune, and then split.

    As for Lee, the band with Maupin, Mabern, Merritt and Roker WAS the shit! Went there to Slugs consistantly until I got mugged outside in between sets going to hear Tolliver, with Cowell, McBee and Brooks at the Port Of Call up the block...never went back to Slugs' again.

    Agreed, Gilmore's playing on Ryker's is great especially on Tunisia. His rhythmic use of false fingerings is always great to hear. You know, he had a lot in his bag but he never overused his stuff or showed all his cards in one place, a very disciplined player. Speaking of which, no one I have spoken with has any knowledge of Gilmore having had a drug problem at any time. On the contrary, people seem to know him for being straight as an arrow. In addition to that sort of behavior not being tolerated in the Ra band, there's an article on Gilmore (can't recall which one at the moment) where he talks directly about having steered clear of drugs (smack, I assume) starting in the early days in Chicago after seeing people he knew falling victim to their addictions.

    Speaking of guys playing at that time, do you know if Joe Henderson was checking out Gilmore? I had always assumed that Gilmore had that overtone/harmonic thing happening a bit earlier than Joe.

    Oh yeah, perhaps we could pitch-in to buy you a Beta machine? Do you recall what tunes were done in the French TV footage?

  4. Also looking for a copy of the Halfnote broadcast when Gilmore was with Blakey. Anyone know of any others?

    There are two Half Note broadcasts of the edition of the Messengers that included Bartz, Gilmore, Hicks, and Sproles.

    May 14, 1965

    On the Ginza

    A Nightingale Sang In Berkley Square

    The Sidewinder

    Buhania's Delight

    June 11, 1965

    On the Ginza

    I Can't Get Started With You (feature for Bartz)

    One By One


    These are Alan Grant's broadcasts...I'm thinking "Portraits In Jazz"...the same series from which the Coltrane Half Note broadcasts come. Grant has the tapes...or at least had them several years ago. He is the source of the stereo masters that Impulse released of the Trane material, as opposed to Boris Rose's mono recordings of the same broadcasts. To release them one would presumably have to negotiate an agreement with Grant. I am aware of at least 39 broadcasts that were preserved in his archive, not including the Coltrane sessions. But this information is old. I don't know if the tapes still exist or what his position currently is with regard to possible commercial releases.

    ...and I figure the "Nightingale" title is probably a ringer for something more familiar.

    Thanks for the info Ed! That's incredible. Have you actually heard these tapes before? Anyone have any contact info for Alan Grant? :)

  5. Gary Bartz was in to replace Lee. Photos of everyone in band.

    I have Paris tape INA footage on Beta, don't have machine anymore.

    Wow, I'd love to have that Beta tape transfered. Any places near you that could do it? I'd be willing to do it myself if you wouldn't mind loaning out the tape. I'd cover the Fedex cost too.

    I'd also love to see those photos as well. Do you have them in a digital format at all?

  6. Theres' France 65 video which I have and is better 'hotter' than London.

    I didn't know of broadcast from Half Note but I have the Raymond Ross photos.

    Pujol can't release the Birdland tape I forget why.

    John playing is dare I say, 'Monkish', in that he took fragements and built them up into a whole...whether on chords, or modes, or 'free'.

    A France '65 video? Wow, I'd love to work out a trade or something for a copy of that one.

    Yeah, in '65 when those broadcasts were being done from the Halfnote hosted by Alan Grant, the Jazz Messengers w/ Gilmore performed but curiously Lee Morgan was not able to make the gig due to illness (as reported by Alan Grant during the broadcast). I believe it's Gary Bartz sitting in on Alto. Once I spoke with a fellow who had actually heard it years ago but he couldn't seem to recall who had played it for him. Are the Raymond Ross photos of this band?

    The 'Monkish' observation of his playing seems to be right on the mark. He was apparently influenced by piano players (ie: Sun Ra, Monk) and even studied early on with Chicago guitarist George Eskridge. You know, I'd even dare to say that Lee Morgan picked up on this 'frag-rhythmic' concept of playing, or at least brought it out more than usual, when Gilmore was in the band.

  7. Jordi Pujol has Birdland broadcasts of Gilmore in Philly Joe's band.

    Wow, I didn't know recordings of that band existed! I'm a big Gilmore fan and have tracked down all (not very many) of the releases with him outside of the Arkestra. Is there any chance that Mr. Pujol would release these recordings? Also looking for a copy of the Halfnote broadcast when Gilmore was with Blakey. Anyone know of any others? I wish that Blue Note would release that Grant Green studio session with Gilmore, perhaps added on to a reissue or something.

    Also wondering if there exists any complete footage of Gilmore playing in Mingus' band that appeared in the "Mingus 1968" film.

    There's video of Gilmore with Art Blakey (Jazz 625 show) with Lee Morgan, John Hicks and Victor Sproles.

    Yeah, that's some great footage! I've got the laserdisc. What a band! It's too bad this band didn't go into the studio again after the tour. (maybe they did?) That's not to say I didn't enjoy S'Make It :)

    Gilmore's playing, sound, and concept really has a way of propelling the music forward. He took a different road, that's for sure. In addition, everyone (who I've had a chance to speak with) who knew him has had nothing but praise for the man. I got a chance to speak with some legends at various times like Art Davis, Joe Chambers, Reggie Workman, and Junior Mance (who knew him from way back in the Chicago days), and they have nothing but great things to say about him, his playing, and his reputation among all the players "in the know". In fact, both Art Davis and Reggie Workman talked about how Coltrane held John in the highest regard.

    Hey, does anyone have any contact info for Michael Cuscuna or Jordi Pujol?

  8. Jordi Pujol has Birdland broadcasts of Gilmore in Philly Joe's band.

    Wow, I didn't know recordings of that band existed! I'm a big Gilmore fan and have tracked down all (not very many) of the releases with him outside of the Arkestra. Is there any chance that Mr. Pujol would release these recordings? Also looking for a copy of the Halfnote broadcast when Gilmore was with Blakey. Anyone know of any others? I wish that Blue Note would release that Grant Green studio session with Gilmore, perhaps added on to a reissue or something.

    Also wondering if there exists any complete footage of Gilmore playing in Mingus' band that appeared in the "Mingus 1968" film.

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