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  1. RTM

    Hey John!  Merry Christmas!  Please check for a PM (Re: The Mosaic Commodore Vol. III thread) from me. I know it's the Holidays.  Just give me a shout when you're not pinched for time...thanks!

  2. I believe I remember reading a Wayne Shorter interview where he mentions getting “tired of chasing thirds around” when he was a young musician. I can’t find any trace of the quote online using my rudimentary google’ing. Nor can I find it in the Mercer “Footprints” book. I was about to start going through all my Shorter-related albums looking for liner note quotes (and more importantly, of course, listening to Wayne’s music) when I thought I would just ask here. Bertrand? Anybody? Thx John Vancouver BC
  3. Thanks JSngry, I first heard that “I Got Rhythm” performance on a Smithsonian box set back when I was fifteen. I was in awe - Don Byas was (and is) amazing on it. I had forgotten that 1945 performance in terms of my “Stitt substitution” question in post #1. Thanks...
  4. I’ve got a recording with a fast 4/4 blues in B-flat, where occasionally a chorus starts off with this unusual progression: F#7 B7 E7 A7 D7 G7 C7 F7 (each chord lasting two beats - equaling the first four bars - with the chord substitution then returning to a regular twelve bar blues at that point). I have seen/heard this same chord substitution used more often on bar One of the A section of “rhythm changes” (AABA in B-flat, when using the substitution above). I have always heard this substitution referred to as the “Sonny Stitt substitution.” I don’t know if Stitt invented it or (more probably) just popularized it. Does anyone know of an early appearance of the “Stitt substitution” on record (or if it had another name or predates Stitt)? Other appearances of this substitution on record would be appreciated as well. Thx
  5. Just a quick thanks to Jazzmusicdepot/Tommy’s Jazz for the seven Black Saint/Soul Note CD boxes. They arrived pristine (and expertly-packed) here in Vancouver BC yesterday. John (jdw)
  6. Hi Ken, I would be interested in seeing the list if possible (realizing I’m from Canada, which is officially outside the specified shipping zone). Whatever you choose is fine - I would appreciate knowing rather than guessing... Thanks, John
  7. ... a friendly bump to this thread for Scott’s (freejazz) attention. Thanks.
  8. hi scott, i’m sending you a pm for: Carla Bley - Escalator Over the Hill ECM large box $14 Cherry/Vasconcelos/Walcott - The Codona Trilogy. ECM. $19 thanks john (aka jdw)
  9. PM en route with a request for: The Complete Candid Recordings of Charles Mingus $125 Stan Kenton: The Complete Capitol Recordings of the Holman and Russo Charts $50 The Complete CBS Eddie Condon All Stars (number X of series) $75 thx John/jdw
  10. Thanks for the confirmation Lon. John Vancouver BC
  11. I pre-ordered the Blue Train Deluxe Edition and CD Japan sent me an e-mail on January 26: "We are sending you this email to let you know that we just received an update from the Universal Music informing us that the release of the item below will be cancelled, unfortunately. Blue Train [Deluxe Edition] [UHQCD] [Limited Release] John Coltrane Release Date: February 21, 2018 Catalog Number: UCCQ-9358 end quote Did anybody else get the same announcement from CD Japan (or wherever they pre-ordered from)?
  12. A quick bump to thank Alan for the CDs I purchased from this thread. John Vancouver BC
  13. PM on the way for: Freddie Hubbard – Fastball — Live at the Left Bank (Label M) $6.50 Clifford Jordan – These Are My Roots: Clifford Jordan Plays Leadbelly (Koch) $3.00 and maybe a couple others (after I research a few titles)... Thanks, John Vancouver BC
  14. Yes, an organissimo member contacted me by PM in late 2012 and offered the Vol. 3 booklet for $40 US. A nice guy... Sorry that I neglected to update this thread in 2012. John
  15. https://vimeo.com/50148899 Somewhere in this four-part interview video (if I remember correctly), Michael Cuscuna says that a "live in 1964" volume had been prepared and was ready for release. The interview is around five years old, but at that time "1964" was supposed to be the third volume. Plans subsequently changed, of course. The 1964 recordings have now fallen out of the EU's 50 year copyright protection, but I don't know how much that changes Sony's plans.
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