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Teasing the Korean

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Everything posted by Teasing the Korean

  1. 👍 So I just played this. I found the solo piano tracks to be underwhelming. The two long trio tracks were much more interesting, especially from a rhythmic standpoint. Is it me, or am I hearing some weird pitch/tape speed issues at the end of "A.L.B.O.M."? Talking like the last minute or so of the tune.
  2. Mal Waldron is a name I've heard for decades, but I never checked him out. I recently liberated a Mal Waldron CD from the free bin, on the Black Lion label. It is called Blues for Lady Day. It apparently contains a second album, too, considering the 70-minute disc length and the additional two tracks clocking in at 35 minutes. I haven't spun it yet.
  3. Louis Prima did a commercial for a Greatest Italian Hits compilation sold on TV, circa 1972 or so. I have searched every corner of the InterWebz looking for this commercial, but I can't find it. If any of you do, please post it.
  4. The show will be available for one magical week until 4 pm EST Saturday, at which time it will vanish into the ether forever, along with your memories of it. Scroll down for the links. https://www.wmnf.org/events/surface-noise/
  5. Ms. TTK played "Sorry" by the Easybeats yesterday.
  6. Everything looks orange after staring at those blue pages for an hour.
  7. Ms. TTK, who frequently plays beat groups on her radio show, will program a Shel Talmy set on today's installment. I will add parenthetically that, while previewing particular songs for her to include, we were appalled by the lame stereo remix of the My Generation album on the deluxe set. And there was plenty of room to include the original mono mix.
  8. On the other hand, maybe this is not surprising. I had sent them additions and corrections over the years, and in recent years, none of these made it to the Website.
  9. Why are they closing it?!?
  10. Wendy Carlos
  11. You remove "ube" from "tube" in the url, hit "return," and then it takes you to a screen to download. I selected wav as the output format. It allows you to download up to three tracks in an hour. Everything downloads properly. Each file looks, sounds, and acts like any other wav file, but the time for each reads 6 hours, 12 minutes, and 50 seconds, regardless of length. I just listened to all 10 tracks in a playlist, and they collectively clock in at 28 minutes. Weird.
  12. This is weird. Not sure how many of you download audio from YouTube. I don't often, but I do every once in a while. Anyway, today I downloaded some audio as Wav files. All of these tracks - 10 in total - individually clock in at between 2 and 5 minutes. But, when I play them with Apple Music, the times being displayed for all ten tracks are 6 hours, 12 minutes, and 50 seconds (!). All ten of them. They don't actually play that long, but that is how the time is displayed. I placed all 10 tracks in a playlist and tried to burn it to a disc, and I received a message saying that they would not fit on a single CD. I imported a track into Audacity just to see if it looked weird, but the file ends at 4:53. As a workaround, I suppose I could load all 10 tracks into Audacity and export them, but I wonder if there is a quick fix. Anyone experience anything like this? @Stonewall15 ?
  13. I can hear the digital distortion just looking at the cover art! 😹
  14. Well, it looks like our friends at Acoustic Sounds read my post immediately above. They are releasing these four tracks as a standalone (and expensive) LP.
  15. Plus Q!
  16. Lou Donaldson - Gravy Train (Blue Note, stereo)
  17. Art Blakey, A Night at Birdland, Vols. 1 & 2 - Blue Note
  18. Precisely the album that I played last night. RIP.
  19. I hear you, but this isn't the kind of album I put on to hear stellar singing. I have about 30 other Sinatra albums I can do that with.
  20. Lou Donaldson - Lush Life (Blue Note, stereo, played back in mono to optimize the mix.)
  21. Yup! And a real time capsule...
  22. Sinatra at the Sands (Reprise, stereo) With Count Basie. Arrangements by Q.
  23. Q - The Great Wide World of... (Mercury, mono)
  24. Q - Live at Newport '61 (Mercury, mono)
  25. I've now been promoted to Grand Master, apparently too late to be included on the Smithsonian Collection of Classic Hip-Hop.
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