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  • Birthday 06/06/1962

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  1. 31 discs, huh? Such a prime number is gonna set off my OCD!
  2. This may be old news as I'm not on the O very often these days, but it appears that Mark Combs, Jazzmoose, has passed away. I'm not sure when, but today was his birthday, prompting a Facebook reminder, and a quick look at his FB page shows several RIP comments. Thought you guys would like to know.
  3. Agreed. But a word of warning to anyone (else) looking to Google the words "fresh blood" in search of a funny vampire picture to post. All I can say is: yuck!
  4. I am not defending drunk drivers. Nobody should get behind the wheel if they are drunk. Period. I am, however, saying consumers need to take personal responsibility for their own actions. Further, restaurants and pubs have a right to do business in this country. Alcohol is a legal beverage. Hence, the government will only deter business, not drinking. People can do that at home, too. A drunk will still drink irrespective of any laws and then get behind the wheel. This law is not for them. The 0.05 level now cuts into the population of responsible drinkers and that, my friend, is my problem with it. This has nothing to do with "personal responsibility." Not if that person is driving and endangering others by their actions.
  5. Great deal and great music, but fyi... that price is for mp3s
  6. Do In'n'Out or Five Guys count? God, I hope so! While I have no love for McD's burgers, I do have a soft spot for Carl's western bacon cheeseburger - my fast food burger of choice (from a national chain). .
  7. While a hoax (one way or another) was any actual crime committed by anyone involved? I hear a lot of the participants are lawyering up, but what possible legal repercussions are there, if any? If he's innocent, I wouldn't fault Te'o for punching Tuiasosop in the face... repeatedly.
  8. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7msb2_saturday-night-live-weekend-update_fun#.UP8EP6I80rc
  9. Hey, you don't have to convince me! I've been saying for years now that an all-juiced Olympics would be loads of fun!
  10. Has anyone actually really met Jim Sangrey either?
  11. This thread should get interesting again real soon...
  12. In the Dylan case, much of the previously unreleased stuff has been available for decades on unofficial bootlegs... and Dylan has pretty much looked the other way at fans who have traded (and let's face it, sold) it over the years. By pressing only 100 "real" copies, it seems clear they've also accepted that fans would be downloading and trading this material. Sure, it's a legal move to retain copyright - and more power to them for that - but also (imo) a tacit acknowledgement that the outtakes are of limited value except to the most die-hard fans. They want to keep shady record labels from profiting from these, but not necessarily fans from hearing them. I'm sure it's a compromise of sorts as what label wants to just "give stuff away," but it also suggests that they're well aware of the real life implications of their actions. Or what Jim said...
  13. I started a thread about this last week, but no one seemed too interested in it then either.
  14. Yeah, not too much more can be said. By all accounts he was a great guy, his shows were informative and entertaining, and he will be missed here in California.
  15. What about the next one, Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow? I have never been able to find that one in the blogosphere, but it looks promising on paper. According to Lord, it is a trio only, recorded in Detroit, and they do tunes like On Green Dolphin Street, Love For Sale, After Hours and Li'l Darlin'. It is coming out in Japan in March, so I have been thinking of getting it. I have heard most of Gene Harris's subsequent 1974-77 output, and it is indeed 70s Blue Note at its worst, but I had some hopes for the 1973 album. Y, T & T is more of a mixed bag, imo, then Of the Three Sounds. The title is highly apt as there are "Yesterday" tracks which aren't as great as the original trio but still good, and then there are "Today" and "Tomorrow" tracks that are putrid. For me, that is. I actually like (most of) YT&T and I think even included one track on one of my blindfold test discs years ago. Dan's right, though, as it's real hit or miss. I think we would have seen this released earlier if it could have fit on one CD (it's a 2-fer LP), but it runs just over 80 minutes iirc and would have had a hard time selling domestically at a 2-CD price point.
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