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Everything posted by Jazzdog

  1. Images by Tyrone GreenePerformed by Eddie Murphy (date unknown) Dark and lonely on a summer's night Kill my landlord Kill my landlord Watchdog barking Do he bite? Kill my landlord Kill my landlord Slip in his window Break his neck Then his house I start to wreck Got no reason What the heck Kill my Landlord Kill my landlord C-I-L-L my l a n d l o r d
  2. The spirit of Chris Farley lives, and posts here on Organissimo.org!!!
  3. Forhget him? I am listening to him right now! Literally, he is soloing on Teeter Totter off Our Thing. My favorite Joe Henderson BN!
  4. my words! ubu I dunno...Zevon's version is pretty fucking heartwrenching.
  5. I don't even have it, and it's still my favorite cover!@
  6. I'm not sure exactly how to respond, but its either gonna be Moose Pine or Moose Bryce Moose Pine works a bit better!
  7. It's not a cover really, but what about Adrian Belew as the voice of Bob Dylan on "Flakes" by Frank Zappa?
  8. I opened up thinking..."My favorite Dylan cover HAS to be Nashville Skyline" the first thing that pops into my head is a Jerry Garcia (Grateful Dead) cover of "She Belongs To Me" It's about as great as Jerry ever got, his voice breaks and the rendition is FAR from perfect,. but it just pulls at the heart strings every time. His "Visions of Johanna" is great as well. I bought the album of Byrds' Dylan covers and sold it away! Keller Williams does a great version of Tangled. Jerry does it as well. Guess I am still quite a big Deadhead! Also the Red Hot Chilli Peppers covered Subteranean Homesick Blues on one of their first albums. It's not bad, but it still sounds too much like RHCP
  9. The most exiting Shortstop ever to have played the game!
  10. I'm with Brad and Shawn (hey is that Barton Fink in your avatar?) I don't think I really want or need to see such a picture. Hank is my man, and I dont want to think of the withered sick old man he might have become. It's difficult to even imagine with such a fate. I'd rather relish the purity and beauty of his music!
  11. This song is completely and utterly amazing, especially from a technical standpoint. I asked Andre from Project/Object if that was the hardest Zappa song to play, and he just looked at me and said "It's one of em!" Good luck with the show David, sounds like it will be loads of fun!
  12. Please add my name to the Politics Ignore list. Thanks!
  13. The only thing worse than Top ??? lists, are people who complain about them! ...and you can quote me on that!
  14. I'll add to that, just that he always sounded GOOD. No one has singled out Breakthru. I think it's a great record as well as being Hank's Last Stand! I also really like the Prestige sides, Cedar and Plays Cedar Walton Skid mentions up above.
  15. okay, so I chickened out and voted "other". I just can't find anyone who tops Dolphy. In ervry sense of the word. My top choices were Ervin, McLean and Adams, and Kirk if only for his work on the Carnegie Hall concert.
  16. The Max Roach. It's been over at my moms house since this summer. I have already peaked at the booklet, and I can't wait to check out the tunes.
  17. I have successfully kicked my coffee habit for 5 weeks back in the Spring of '99. I had bronchitis in February of that year and that was the impetus to keep me away from the java. As I got better my craving for the bean had not returned, and I decided to abate until one fateful evening. At work one Saturday night, I thought to myself "I'll NEVER get thru this evening without a cup o' joe" so I sauntered to the cafe, pumped out a cup, fixed it with milk and "sugar in the raw", took one sip and dumped that garbage out. The cafe there has the worst coffee ever. Next day, there I was back at Peet's for my daily fix, and I've been back on the bean ever since. The great thing about it was, I never went thru a withdrawl period of any kind, no headaches, never felt restless or tired. Life was good. I can drink it straight or with cream but for some strange reason last winter I went thru a cappuccino phase and only at Peets! I am thinking about getting a job part time there, just for the holiday season!
  18. For years, come to think of it my entire childhood was spent at my Grandparents ranch. IIRC there were about 7 different families gathered and it was always a big event. My Mom's mother (actually her aunt, My mom's parents died when she was young) married a Sicilian and she inherited an amazing pasta recipe, so in addition to turkey and all the fixins we had spaghetti as well. YUM!! In 1996 my Grandmother died and the family fractured apart soon after. Since then we just had a quiet dinner at home, mom and pops and assorted invited guests, but it was always quite small, 5-7 people. This year my aunt and a few from her family (my cousin and her hubby and 4 year old son). So now the count is up to 13 (including Miranda, my gf) and a freind of my moms who has come to T-Day dinner for the past few years. Aparently my uncle, my moms brother hasn't been invited yet, but if he does come that will increase the party to about 16 people...assuming he brings HIS family. It was always like this, but instead of 7 families its now only 3. My parents have a small house, and this will be the most people in it at one time since my parents stopped drinking! The best part, home is about 30 minutes away!! I can be with my family and still sleep in my OWN bed that night.
  19. I have some of the same experience in the "learn by watching dad" dept. he seems to know how to do just about anything, so it's fun to learn from him. We just did a bunch of plumbing in his house and recently installed hardwood floors in two rooms of the house together. It has been a fun learning experience with him, going out to the suburbs on alternate Sundays ad helping him out with several projects he has done around the house. He also pays me, kind of an apprenticeship kind of deal. The best part about it is, that I get to hang out with my dad, who just turned 61 and is just about as cool an old man a kid could wish to have. I've learned a lot about home repair and remodeling and have greatly improved my relationship with him in the process. WE have invented cool way of working together, where he is the know-how, and I am the objective eyes and ears...in other words, we can finish where the other person gets stuck and viseversa. Now , auto repair is a completely different matter...I can change oil and replace spark plugs but thats about it!
  20. Sorry to get all serious and heavy there. Yeah I like Street Singer (BTTT) the most, followed by True Blue and then Minor Move. I have to admit, that I put on Minor Move after saying that it sucked, basically. I didn't want to come back straight away and say "Yeah, its a good session" but now I am gonna just say it. It's a good session! As a stylist, Brooks was okay, but it's easy to see how he got lost n the shuffle within the confines of BN at that time period. There were simply so many great players at the time. One wonders what would have happned had Tina fallen into the Presitge crowd and cut some sides with Jack McDuff et, al.
  21. It's truly a sad sad story. One gets the feeling that maybe Tina only had a few good years in him. Heroin addiction is the most serious addiction I have had to deal with. There is no way to deal with the addict other than to unconditionally love them. It feels as if there were many who cared about him, Brooks never allowed himself to get too close to others. In that world it's a battle of wills with yourself and its a poison that does not suffer fools gladly. While youmay always love that person, a seamier side ultimately kicks in. The side that will cheat you and steal from you, the side that takes and takes without remorse. It's the hardest thing to do to see someone wither away but it's a more difficult thing I've ever had to do, to stay with someone and hope that they will soon see the light and then too see them wither away and die. It changes you...either way.
  22. Well put. Describes me as well. Kind of makes one want to slap on Unity!
  23. Well, I am hoping for a positive resolution on this matter. Airborne says they dropped my package (Patton Mosaic) at my door on a Monday when I wasn't home. It looks like someone may have swiped it off my doorstep. It's the only possible solution, unless of course Airborne lied. I have yet to hear anything back from Moasic (Cindy) as of today, but hopefully I hear something back by Monday or I might have to cause a ruckuss. From what I can tell, Mosaic stands by their delivery method, but like I said, I have no idea what to expect. I half expect them to say tough shit, but I am remaining positive. It seems like any other carrier would at least get a signature or leave a note if the party is not at home. I live on a busy street in an urban area, so anything is possible! I am fucking pissed off about this, and hopeing Moasic does the right thing by sending me another copy.
  24. Jazzdog

    Brand X

    Livestock is the most "jazzy" album they did. Most of their stuff is more based around Goodsall's guitar and wiggling synths and rock drums.... what a sec...maybe Brand X is Fusion after all! I don't know which is worse. Being referred to as a "Prog" band or a "Fusion" band. I'd just rather say that I liked their music..A LOT!
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