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Everything posted by Jazzdog

  1. and more recently...Toad the Wet Sprocket has also split up. That story isn't as funny though!
  2. Blue Train...definetly. Close second is Song for My Father..or conversely, Rikki Don't Lost That Number, by Steely Dan!
  3. ...and HERE it is! Rex Stardust, lead electric triangle with Toad the Wet Sprocket has had to have an elbow removed following their recent successful worldwide tour of Finland. Flamboyant ambidextrous Rex apparently fell off the back of a motorcycle. "Fell off the back of a motorcyclist, most likely," quipped ace drummer Jumbo McCluney upon hearing of the accident. Plans are already afoot for a major tour of Iceland. Divorced after only eight minutes, popular television singing star, Charisma, changed her mind on the way out of the registry office, when she realized she had married one of the Donkeys by mistake. The evening before in LA's glittering nightspot, the Abitoir, she had proposed to drummer Reg Abbot of Blind Drunk, after a whirlwind romance and a knee-trembler. But when the hangover lifted, it was Keith Sly of the Donkeys who was on her arm in the registry office. Keith, who was too ill to notice, remained unsteady during the short ceremony and when asked to exchange vows, began to recite names and addresses of people who also used the stuff. Charisma spotted the error as Keith was being carried into the wedding ambulance and became emotionally upset. However, the mistake was soon cleared up, and she stayed long enough to consummate their divorce. Dead Monkeys are to split up again, according to their manager, Lefty Goldblatt. They've been in the business now ten years, nine as other groups. Originally the Dead Salmon, they became for a while, Trout. Then Fried Trout, then Poached Trout In A White Wine Sauce, and finally, Herring. Splitting up for nearly a month, the re-formed as Red Herring, which became Dead Herring for a while, and then Dead Loss, which reflected the current state of the group. Splitting up again to get their heads together, they reformed a fortnight later as Heads Together, a tight little name which lasted them through a difficult period when their drummer was suspected of suffering from death. It turned out to be only a rumor and they became Dead Together, then Dead Gear, which lead to Dead Donkeys, Lead Donkeys, and the inevitable split up. After nearly ten days, they reformed again as Sole Manier, then Dead Sole, Rock Cod, Turbot, Haddock, White Baith, the Places, Fish, Bream, Mackerel, Salmon, Poached Salmon, Poached Salmon In A White Wine Sauce, Salmon-monia, and Helen Shapiro. This last name, their favorite, had to be dropped following an injunction and they split up again. When they reformed after a recordbreaking two days, they ditched the fishy references and became Dead Monkeys, a name which they stuck with for the rest of their careers. Now, a fortnight later, they've finally split up.
  4. Yeah, I really only watch the REALLY bad stuff, when they get down tot he finals I could really care less. But I love watching these no talent bimbos getting up there and shakin it, tryin to sing...just like Britney and Jessica et al...but not as hot!!
  5. I was literally raised listening to this music. Whether or not he is jazz of course is really open to anyones personal biases. Regardless, I would say that he IS jazz, in the broadest sense of the term. My mom just thinks he's a genius! So there ya go!
  6. Everything about this show disgusts me. Every product of this show disgusts me. Any person riding a 15 minute crest of fame as a result of appearing on this show (or any of these reality shows) disgust me. I literally have to pull myself away from it!!
  7. I like Joan Osborne a lot..shes WAY beyond that God song...which was written by one of the members of the Hooters. Enough said. Everything else on Relish and her other cd, Righteous Love is well..righteous!!
  8. Yeah...please don't tell me I have to upgrade my Doubletime!!!
  9. Thanks for the Fall info guys. The later album I have is The Marshall Suite, and I like it a lot. Looks like I have some more Fall cd's to buy! They are coming to town here in about a month and I plan on making it down. Looks like I'ma have to hunt for some of this proper Pere Ubu stuff as well... Oh and I still like Pavement, especially Slanted and Enchanted!
  10. Yeah, but they got that from a Monty Python sketch thats pretty damn funny. I'll try to dig up a transcription of it later. Tons of great band names herein.
  11. I has having similar issues when I was getting into the Fall late last year. I grabbed a couple of albums off emusic, enough to whet my whistle on them while I sought out other stuff. Still having trouble figuring out where to go next with them, but it's a bet that paid off for me. Anyways, I only have this one David Thomas dolo cd, "Mirror man, Act one" and I bought this due to a performance by one of my hero's, a little known English folk singer by the name of Peter Hammill. Chris Cutler from Henry Cow, Linda Thompson and the great poet Bob Holman also appears. I have listened to it once or twice and it's pretty odd. Anyways, I can't tell if any of the older Pere Ubu cd's like Dub Housing are currently even available. Later works like Pennsylvania and St. Arkansas are though...I think.
  12. I have finally had a chance to check out the Reece and T/K/M sets. I recently decided to stop buying cd's until I can listen to and absorb all this new music. I listened to the first two discs of the Reece set and parts of discs 1 and 6 of the Tristano sets. The Reece material (The only music I have hard from this is the Comin' On cd) is pleasant enough, which is to say that it's excellent, everything I think late 50's Hard Bop should be. This set is just flawless!! As for the Tristano, I am kinda new to this kind of music, but I am learning a bunch about things that i was unfamiliar with until now. I guess I should say that I have always had this strange bias against, for the lack of a better word, white guys playing jazz. Not any more. The Trsitano live stuff on disk one is so dense, yet challenging that it was difficult for me to fully enjoy on first hearing. I love Konitz' tone, so thats not a problem, but Tristano's playing perplexes me. My lack of ability to describe how I feel about this in writing, well if you have the set, read Larry Kart's notes. I agree with everything he says...the parts I understand anyways . Anyways, I cruised up to the last disc to absorb more Marsh and Konitz and I can totally get behind what they are doing. The tonal complexities and the advanced harmonic structures bring the whole thing back towards the Reece/BN kinda thing I adore so much, yet brings something so much more fascinating to the table.
  13. Absolutely not! I just tried to order the Bitches Brew box and they were Sold out and awaiting restocking. Still a great price at any stretch!
  14. If by original lineup, you are referring to the one with Sammy Hagar, you would be correct. Tickets are on sale now!! http://www.van-halen.com/newsite/news.html Don't they all just look WAY too excited?
  15. Sorry to have to tell you this, but Box Sets are usually not included on the no s/h deal. They usually sale price box sets for this reason.
  16. I have a love/indifferent thing about Byrd...I like MOST of his stuff, up to and including Ethiopian Knights. Great disk, but I dunno if I am interested in the Mizell years. Of course, I've never really listenend to it either. I am also not crazy about the band he had in the 60's that included Sonny Red, even though I like his playing. The stuff seems just so transitional and it drifts right into his electric period of the late 60's. That stuff I like and of course the music he did up until Free Form is uniformly superb. The vocal stuff also leaves me kind of cold. As far as Silver, I am getting to like his music more and more, accepting it for what it is, the classic 50's BN's are hard to top. Indeed this is the sound the label built it's Empire upon. It really dosen't get any better than Finger Poppin/Blowin'!!
  17. I am one of the few who still likes Floyd all the way up until the Wall, though I do have to say that was probably the REAL beginning of the end. Animals is and will continue to be, my favorite Pink Floyd album ever! I have little use for Billy Joel, but I have in the past and DO enjoy him...I don't have any of his music currently. I really liked him as a kid growing up in the 70's!
  18. Jazzdog

    Creating MP3s?

    I've been using mKw for years and its production is flawless. You can convert any audio files into .mp3 or .shn files into and back from .wav flies and its interface is simple and very easy to use. All the info you need is here... http://www.etree.org/mkw.html I've been usuing this in conjunction with EAC for extraction for years and have been entirely pleased with the results.
  19. Eh...po-TAY-to, po-TAH-to!!!
  20. On the new RVG the bonus tracks are included on the ends of the original programs. On the McMaster they are right smack dab in the middle. I guess it really dosent matter but it I guess depends on the individual listener.
  21. The Half Note Doubletime was already out when the Box was put together. It would be nice to have it all in there, but I guess they didn't really need to have the two overlap on the market. Of course later on they did RVG Byrd In Hand, so who knows what the MO was.
  22. It once took me 20 minutes to type a Haiku as a text message. It didn't even go thru. I haven't posted one before or since! Oh yeah, I usually check the board for about 30 minutes once I get home from work. really I just sit and stare at the screen and check stuff out. It's more like just sitting there staring off into space, since when at work I actually "work", so by the time I get home I am absolutely exhausted. I might come back later in the evening if I have nothing better to do. Even occasionally, I find a chance to post something!
  23. I voted Sticky Fingers without even flinching, but I do love the Singles collection taking care of the majority of the strong 60's stuff. Even on this there is some filler, which is why I have never went with any of the other ABKO reissues.
  24. My dear Lord I hope this is a comprehensive set. The Village Vanguard recordings are Gigantic! Big Alice I'm comin' Home!!
  25. Not to mention the fabulous Miller Family, Glenn, Mulgrew and Marcus!
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