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Everything posted by Jazzdog

  1. I'll defer to you, Lon. It's in the first series in 1994!
  2. Well, Dance With Death with an unissued session or two is a near given, but what about these? Have they ever been reissued domestically on cd? Here to Stay [unissued] / Freddie Hubbard Freddie Hubbard (tp) Wayne Shorter (ts) Cedar Walton (p) Reggie Workman (B) Philly Joe Jones (d) Lots more Freddie coming next year, howz 'bout we top the year off with this one? High Frequency [unissued] / Jackie McLean Jackie McLean (as) Larry Willis (p) Don Moore (B) Jack DeJohnette (d) Oh and cancel that last post...though I still would rather see a Booker Select... Booker Ervin [unissued] Woody Shaw (tp) Booker Ervin (ts) Kenny Barron (p) Jan Arnet (B) Billy Higgins (d) VGS, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, May 24, 1968 Gichi Den Tex In a Capricornian Way Lynn's Tune 204 ps. B) = bass Kind of cute innit!!! B)
  3. I'd have to say, I don't think the sketch was a direct allusion to that particular incident. I think it is supposed to be lampooning the state of Hard Rock in the 70's and the whole Behind the Music phenomenon. If the Soft White Underbelly didn't epitomize Rock in the 70's I don't know who does!
  4. Who's on that unissued Booker Ervin session??? I would take a gamble and assume that he means "Back From the Gig" which was of course coupled with Horace Parlan's Happy Frame of Mind. I don't think think it's ever been issued on cd, even overseas. If this is so, I am furthering my campaign for the Booker BN/PJ Select!!! As far as McCoy Tyner goes, isn't there a Complete BN Mosaic scheduled for 2004? A McCoy Conn would interfere with that release I should think.
  5. It's not half.com that does not ship outside North America, most likely it was the particular seller who elected to not ship overseas. I've had numerous items on sale here, and have shipped overseas many a time.
  6. Well, neither am I...I just saw him singing on tv, and it scared me stuff! Who replaced Dianne Weist??
  7. Except that it hasn't really started yet. No,those prices were like that because you got them @ Costco!
  8. Well, there is ONE thing for sure in this world...that I fecking hate the fecking Yankees!
  9. Yeah, I think my initial reaction re:Orbach, was his role on Murder She Wrote and because he put Baby in a corner, and as well ALL know, "Nobody puts Baby in the corner". I always expect him to start singing at any given moment. Like I said, I really dont watch tv anymore unless the game is on!
  10. I've been a fan ever since the Sorvino/Florek cast, and to this day it remains a sentimental favorite. Everything about that period of the show, the espiodes, the characters..everything is so understated, that i can see why the show had such a slow build. I think it was one of the first "cop/lawyer" shows to focus on plot, not chincy character devolpment (that came later when they started putting women in the cast). That being said, I never liked Hennessy all that much, until that Crossing Jordan show...not that I watch it...she just looks HOT as that character. It was also nice to get the female perspective on the show. It took me a long time to warm up to Waterston. He is certainly not as intense as Moriarity, but may be the better actor (and a much better eye for the ladies. Then after Noth leaves, its kind of hit or miss for me, cuz I can't stand Jerry Orbach. I miss Steven Hill as well! So onto the the offshoots. CI is great because of D'Onofrio. He's a damn fine actor, but he IS that cop...he is fooking amazing in that show. Better than anything else I have seen him in (Full Metal Jacket not withstanding). The other show, SVU, is OK in my book...just okay. I dont really watch all that much tv anymore, so I am not up on it, but I also love Floreks re-entrance and I like seeing Belzer and Ice-T on the show. I was a big fan of Homicide, so natually I gravitate to his role on the show. I just wish they would focus more air time to that partnership...I dunno, another spin off? The built in irony of Ice-T playing a detective is too cool for words!
  11. For me, Mr. Hill was a revelation, as it was PoD which truly hooked me as a fan. after getting thru the bulk of Ornette's Atlantic stuff, and missing with the few Jackie McLeans I had (Let freedom Ring, and Destination Out) I knew I liked jazz which was slightly off-center, and thru Eric Dolphy I got into Andrew Hill. When I realized artists coming from disparate routes such as Joe Henderson, Eric and Kenny D., having all three on one album proved to be a true revelation. Then I got into Dialogue and Our Thing and the rest as they say...was history. I started delving a bit deeper, from Judgement and Smoke Stack then onto some of his mid-70's stuff like Spiral and Montreux (which I sadly have never heard on cd, and then the late 80's BN's with Osby (my hero of the modern jazz set) and back tot he 60's BN's. I missed Dusk, but have been wanting it for a long time. Beautifu; Day is very nice, while not on the level of some of the stuff I mentioned above, is still a worth addition to the Andrew Hill legacy...or canon, as the man said. Also check out the Shades cd with Clifford Jordan. It still might be available somewhere. Look for his other mid 80's Soul Note discs as well.
  12. Jazzdog

    Billy Harper

    Yeah, and the suit that he wears on the cover is BAD ASS as well!
  13. I find it dl'ing really poorly during the day lately. seems to back off after around 8 PM (PST) or so, thats when I get most of mine done. Someone was having trouble with the Monk Blackhawk date, but it took about 5 passes but I finally got it all!
  14. They're not, but none of them were in "The Hudsucker Proxy" either. I knew there was something fishy about that one. It slipped under my radar, but the performances WERE great. Bruce Campbell should be in more of their films!
  15. It's on my list two, but I do gotta admit, that nothing about this "feels" like a Coen Bros film to me. Or at least, nothing that I can tell anyways. it dosent have their usual cast of characters, and doesn't seem to have their usual sense of irony. So maybe thats good for a a lot of people, but I LOVE Coen Brothers films like Barton Fink, Fargo, Big Lebowski (maybe my favorite film EVER...non-Orson wWells category) and Raising Arizona, and I just cant tell if this will match up. But I could be wrong and love this movie. If it's even half as good as O, Brother, I will be dutifully impressed. Someone please tell me that Buschemi, Turturro or Goodman are somewhere in this one!!
  16. Re; All Seeing Eye... Glad I sold the Conn way back when. What I am even more happy about is the fact that it is available again, as an RVG. Gives me a chance to revisit the album as soon as I feel compelled to. Problem is that I dont really feel compelled. I've also sold the Etcetera Conn. I guess there was something about those two that didn't feel right to me. I've had the chance to go back and listen to more Wayne in the interim, and I think these are both albums that need to be delved into, not just to have on as I am fiddling about, downloading stuff off the internet.
  17. ANY Lee Morgan is worth having. I would say that everything from '65 or so, onwards, is pretty damn good BN style Hardbop! The albums may be pretty interchangeable, but thats okay by me!
  18. Yeah, I am another who dosen't know this music as well as I might. I have been impartial to PoD for some time, but hes always been pretty consistent for me. the only one that never really grabbed me was Smokestack, I dont think we are the only two people who feel this way. The album just needs a horn, or maybe even Bobby Hutcherson. That being said, I have always loved the Catta, as was mentioned in the other thread. The tune is very catchy and maintains a very steady pace throught, unlike some of his other more mainstream cuts like the Rumproller or Soul Special. I am all for the mixing it up idea, but to be brutally honest, I would rather hear some cuts from the Mosaic box, and the like...stuff that many of us who dont have the box or the Japan cd's have never heard before.
  19. ...if only he could have worked that magic on the original recording!
  20. Knowing what I know about how it will work on MY end...every couple of weeks I get a list of all prices that need to be adjusted...up or down. To wit I go find all those titles and pull them and reprint new labels for. It's happening all the time with DVD's now, after several months the newest releases go down tot he standard retail price. Usually my cd list is meager, but I expect that to pick up whenever the changes are implemented. Right now is the time when the stores are heavily stocked for the Holiday season, which has already been underway for several weeks. Its just a large buildup of stock, until mid January, when things go back to normal. When that happens, eventually I will send the mass stock of titles to the distribution center, and someone else will take care of the restickering. Makes my job easier, but in turn makes someone on the other side hate my fucking guts for doing this. Which is fine by me, as long as they dont know where I live! Overnights? No fecking way...not for this at least, they'll never approve the bloody OT!
  21. LOFL!! This entire thread amuses me greatly! I have a feeling that Frank Zappa must have gotten this inspiration for the songs Tittlies and Beer and Honey, Don't You Wanna Man Like Me from hanging out at this place!!
  22. There was an article in the recent Billboard about this supposed price drop. If it does even happen it wont be until at least the new year according to this article IIRC. There is still some haggling between the majors and the big distributors. I wouldnt hold out finding anything from these lables at the reduced price until all the details get hammered out. Also, Ghost, I would be the poor sucka in charge of restickering all of these titles, something I am REALLY looking forawrd to!
  23. Hmmm...I found that album in a bin somewhere for two bucks...totally excited. Paid for it, took it home and took it off almost as quickly. I gave the disc another spin a few years later, and I was suprised to find out that the place that sold it to me, would buy it back for about .10. I really didn't mind, but I would have thrown the damn thing in the garbage. This totally scared me off from buying anything by GG that wasn't on Blue Note.
  24. I used to have a homemade cassete with Collosal Head on one side and the first Latin Playboys disc on the other. That was a fun one!
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