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  1. Well, you guys should do what the hell you want, and this is just my opinion, but... I don't understand the need to classify a thread or forum just for RVG-Edition Album of the Month, Week, or Decade. By doing that it seems you are giving too much free advertising. I think you should keep RVG discussion to re-issue or general AOW forum threads. And so what if established classics are discussed in AOW? They are not quite 'old friends' to all of us, especially newbies. And it's possible that new things can learned even if you've heard an album a 100 times, especially if someone gives a well written essay on their impressions. And who knows what stories or experiences can spawn from such threads. Different or better sound can change perspective too. If you don't like what's being discussed, ignore the thread. Most of the AOWs, as a relative newbie, don't interest me that much to be honest.
  2. I actually listened to the entire CD again, it seems like it's through the entire CD as well. What I meant to say is: I know atleast the title track and POSSIBLY other tracks. Sorry about that - this strangely unclear sound seems to be an exception, so I wouldn't worry too much. None of the other 11 Silvers or other BNs I have are really like this, to my memory atleast. In the case of the title track for 'SFMF', it's possible that the tapes were used too much since the song was/is so popular, but I don't really know for sure. Maybe you could try asking a mastering pro who deals with old tapes.
  3. "Jody Grind" domestic CD too. I know atleast the title track has 'crackly' sound.
  4. If you have to do a Hancock JTC, maybe 'Thrust'?
  5. Yes, the quality of the mastering is most important, but early digital masterings could sound harsh and edgy, which makes it even more of tragedy that alot of recent jazz re-issues seem so compressed and manipulated.
  6. Isn't there a difference between evolution & just change? 'My bad' if there isn't.
  7. I like the ones without the damn cat or the 'poof' better.
  8. Just wanted to add that this message board is one the most civil I've ever seen or participated in, even compared to other Jazz message boards. It's almost TOO nice. I come here mainly to listen and learn, though. This place is almost like an alternate universe compared to some of the message boards I've seen. Ok, Continue...
  9. For anyone who dosen't want to read the link, a person supposedly from Croatia(?) says his "Sidewinder" is copy-protected. He dosen't say where he bought it from or when. Interesting how he says: '....Confusing is that I have these clicks just on those 3 CDs which are new re-releases, released in 2003 on Verve, who really care about good recordings....' A single source & maybe not the most reliable source, but prompted my original question. I don't want this copy-protected BS coming to the US either.
  10. Stumbled upon this: http://www4.head-fi.org/forums/showthread....?threadid=50036
  11. Back to Star Wars, I had a really lame one with Wicket (one of the little furry guys from ROTJ). My mom recently found it and asked if I still wanted it - it's kind of beaten up with scratches though. Could it be worth anything? Can I put up in the sale forum?
  12. Little pulled 'a Dusty Baker'
  13. Alldirect - my recent last few month's experience with buying and browsing from: they don't seem to stock new releases or new re-issues of jazz, but have close to the best prices and a decent stock of already released stuff; good service in my experience too. Hope that helps. edit: for typo
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