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Everything posted by Joe

  1. Limelight also gave us the Mecki Mark Men and this rather fine release... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlie_Parker_10th_Memorial_Concert
  2. Jack & Ben Wright. Have Anthony and Tyondai Braxton ever recorded together?
  3. IMO, Ehrlich's recordings are, without fail, always worth an audition. This one is especially strong.
  4. Blues singer (though he could shout, too) Al Smith recorded 2 LPs for Prestige / Bluesville, one with backing from the Lockjaw / Shirley Scott group, but neither seems to have received much recognition. But there's much to like about both recordings. Perhaps because its never been all that easy to find, THE RETURN OF HOWARD MCGHEE (Bethlehem, 1955), strikes me as being a relatively overlooked date. In fact, just about all of McGhee's Bethlehem dates (DUSTY BLUE, LIFE IS A JUST A BOWL OF CHERRIES) are worth more attention. Finally, (acoustic) guitarist James Emery, a founding member of the String Trio of NY, but a fine composer and band-leader himself. Both of his late-90s Enja dates -- STANDING ON A WHALE FISHING FOR MINNOWS and SPECTRAL DOMAINS -- while rather different from one another, are superb.
  5. http://namelesssound.org/
  6. Live music? Monday nights at the Amsterdam Bar in Exposition Park (across the street from the State Fair grounds) = rather good jam session. Shelley Carrol is usually there, and sometimes Andrew Griffith (he used to play with Marchel Ivery and was once a member of this board, I believe) mans the skins. http://amsterdambar.blogspot.com/ There's also Sandaga Jazz, recently relocated and re-opened, also in Exposition Park... http://uptownjazzdallas.com/profile/SandagaJazz
  7. Was quite an enjoyable performance... nice band, sound was a bit rough, a little bit too much grand-standing for my tastes (I liked trumpeter Mike Rodriguez's relative restraint; the rest of the audience, less so), but, what a killer rhythm section! SOme pretty entertaining dancing in the aisles.
  8. Michael Howell's records are definitely worth hearing. A bit beyond "straight-ahead," but... Linc Chamberland! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I35l6A83A7c
  9. Also, he recorded fairly often, especially in his later years, but there's a wonderful set of duets between Ira Sullivan and Joe Dioro -- THE BREEZE AND I -- worth tracking down. Rory Stuart is another fine guitarist whose work seems to have gone relatively unnoticed. There's HURRICANE on Sunnyside, a few sideman appearances... Thar Joe Cinderella date was released in 2001, and is now well OOP, but, thanks to Youtube, you can get a sense of what the man's eight-string work sounds like. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umrB-VJV-jI
  10. A. Spencer Barefield (he can play in a straight-ahead context, and very well) Les Spann's GEMINI, while featuring more than just his guitar playing, is a good one. Al Casey: Yes. His BUCK JUMPIN' is worth tracking down as well. And there's a Joe Cinderella leader date floating around out there somewhere...
  11. Norman Mapp... any relationship to bassist Gary Mapp?
  12. He also gave work to farm animals. I was fortunate to see him perform in Leningrad about 22 years ago. The pig was wearing military garb. Kuryokhin was an amazing talent. Have all of his original Leo recordings been fully restored to that label's catalog?
  13. Mickey Tucker can be something of a pan-stylist. As can Dave Burrell.
  14. Ahmad Jamal Ben Webster (IMO)
  15. Much grass, all. Herman also has a copy of recordings out (or so it appears) focused on Misha Mengelberg compositions. Intriguing... how have I not heard of this guy before now?
  16. Any board members have any thoughts to share on this one? Herman (as) Pierre Christophe (p) Jos Machtel (b) Joost van Schalk (d) The AMG review by Ken Dryden (!) is complimentary, but other takes are most welcome. Thanks in advance.
  17. Joe

    Joe Farrell

    Another vote for the Farrell / Pepper session. For one thing, you get two very distinct players working rather differently through their respective Coltrane influences. For another: features some brilliant assists from George Cables. A sample from YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTAa6BUbq_0
  18. Carlo Actis Dato has a couple (at least) of solo sax releases on Leo that are worth hearing. Pieces tend towards the miniature, and, while free-ish, aren't all that out. THE MOONWALKER is probably the most approachable of the batch.
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