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Bright Moments

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Everything posted by Bright Moments

  1. thanks! still searching
  2. hope it was a good one!!
  3. happy birthday!!!! Happy Birthday!!! Happy Birthday!! Hope it was a good one!!
  4. He's only 57? Looks more like 77. Is he sick? Nothing has been officially announced (that i'm aware of) regarding any sickness, there's only been speculation. In my opinion the dude does not look well, whatever the cause. Seeing that pic of Frank Miller made me wonder what ever happenned to this fellow?
  5. happy birthday!! Happy Birthday!!!
  6. Happy Birthday!!!
  7. I would like a DL please - and thanks!!
  8. and again!! Many happy returns!!! Happy Birthday!!!
  9. Happy Birthday!! happy birthday!!!
  10. where did you go? hope all is good!
  11. where did all the gifs go?
  12. :party: hope it was a good one! many happy returns!!
  13. happy birthday!!! happy birthday!!
  14. better late than never! Happy Birthday!!! Hope it was a good one!!!!
  15. better late than never! Happy Birthday!! Hope it was a good one!! Happy Birthday 2014!!
  16. DL please and thanks!!
  17. happy birthday 2014!!!
  18. Happy Birthday 2012!!! Happy Birthday!!
  19. happy birthday!!!! :party: and again!!!! :party: and yet again!!! :party: and still again!!!!! :party: :party: Happy Birthday 2012!!! Happy (belated) birthday 2013!! Happy Birthday 2014!!!
  20. discovering and enjoying Perigeo!!!
  21. Congratulations!!! As you can see i'm still crawling along. If only people had more birthdays. . . or if there was a "babe" thread and the aging classic rock audience! THERE ya' go! looks like you will be celebrating 50k soon!!! we should have a party!!!!
  22. Happy Birthday 2014!!!
  23. happy birthday 2011!!! Happy Birthday 2014!!!
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