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Everything posted by Coda

  1. You can now see projections by state: https://covid19.healthdata.org/united-states-of-america
  2. Close up. This image is from a Sigma Foveon camera. It went out of production in 2013. They're trying to bring back a modern version but keep pushing out the GA date. It's one of my favorite cameras.
  3. If you're getting a check (I am) then it could take as long as the end of August before you receive it. They're starting with the lowest income earners first sending checks (and a letter I'm told) in batches. I found a new covid tracker that's awesome to view: https://community.powerbi.com/t5/COVID-19-Data-Stories-Gallery/COVID-Dashboard/td-p/998788
  4. I can stream it on Amazon
  5. Does it get any higher end than this?
  6. I know most people are saturated by the covid statistics found about everywhere. I am actively researching the impact of the virus on business so I find myself searching for new sources of information. Here's another well crafted report with a lot of detail https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus#are-deaths-increasing-at-different-rates-in-different-countries If you're in the US and want to see projected peaks by state: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/04/07/825479416/new-yorks-coronavirus-deaths-may-level-off-soon-when-might-your-state-s-peak With all these types of reports it's important to realize that there isn't a lot of data available to draw conclusions. There is a lot of data bias in current models.
  7. A good read with thoughtful insight https://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/McKinsey/Business%20Functions/Risk/Our%20Insights/COVID%2019%20Implications%20for%20business/COVID%2019%20March%2030/COVID-19-Facts-and-Insights-April-3-v2.ashx
  8. Hi David, If you use MS Windows, the free app 'Paint' will resize an image. Open the picture, click on the resize button and select pixels. If you change the long edge to 600 pixels (with aspect ratio checked) the file size will be small enough to upload yet still large enough to view.
  9. I think there's a patch for the Zoom vulnerability. I got this message on Thursday: URGENT INFORMATION SECURITY NOTICE You are receiving this message because your laptop was detected to be running a version of Zoom that has a security vulnerability deemed critical by Enterprise Information Security. Our IT team is preparing a patch for your computer that will be installed at approximately 10:00 am Mountain Standard time on Friday, 4/3/2020. After the installation, a reboot may be required. If you are leveraging Zoom on any mobile devices (such as iPads, tablets, or smart phones), please go to your app store and request an upgrade for Zoom. Please contact the help desk if you have any issues with Zoom during or after this patch update.
  10. Street Photography
  11. Is the picture on your hard drive or up on the web?
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