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Everything posted by Coda

  1. They've also stopped hloroquine phosphate for the same reasons. And in a separate article by the FDA, remdesivir will also likley get the same. https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/coronavirus-covid-19-update-fda-warns-newly-discovered-potential-drug-interaction-may-reduce
  2. I heard that someone got injured badly when this came down.
  3. I'm almost always asleep at this hour. Not tonight, listening to
  4. Baguettes in a wicker basket. olive bread, stuffed with heritage tomatoes and confit garlic, with basil
  5. I'm listening to this and enjoying it very much. Thanks!
  6. I thought it was a scam. My card showed my first name and my wife's last name. Fortunately I didn't throw it away. Once I was convinced it wasn't a scam I tried to activate the card by using the web site and then tried to transfer the funds to my checking account. The transfer didn't take place. Two days later at a trip to Home Depot I decided to test the card to see if I could make a physical transaction. It wanted a PIN number. I wasn't provided a PIN when I registered online. Sigh. This morning I dialed the credit card phone number and used the automated activation method. It required me to provide the last six digits of my SSN and once validated it asked me to provide a 4 digit PIN. I think I'm ready to stimulate... I didn't get a cover letter and signature by the POTUS, I thought that was part of the deal.
  7. Brad, I liked my first listen to that CD. Now playing:
  8. I've been giving more thought about when would I feel comfortable seeing live music. I think wind instruments and vocalists will have to wait a year. Maybe jazz clubs will start promoting less popular musicians given they'll need to maintain table distance? That could be a positive.
  9. Introducing Covid Scholar, a machine learning tool to help search text across scientific research papers: https://scitechdaily.com/unexpected-scientific-insights-into-covid-19-from-ai-machine-learning-tool/ and the search tool: https://covidscholar.org/ The pace of research is amazing.
  10. Below is a list of working papers — preliminary versions of academic research –— by MIT Sloan faculty and PhD students related to the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic. https://mitsloan.mit.edu/ideas-made-to-matter/mit-sloan-research-about-coronavirus-pandemic?utm_campaign=news-mba-mban-mfin&utm_source=slate&utm_term=043020&utm_medium=email
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