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  1. You can often find good deals at a no name phone repair store in your area.
  2. Now I understand. Pay no attention to my question in the other thread.
  3. Is this available anywhere outside of Amazon? $24 Lowe, Allen / Constant Sorrow Orchestra - Louis Armstrong's America, Vol. 1 - Amazon.com Music
  4. I am shocked that no one mentioned Dusk.
  5. I really loved his music. He was special to me. 😢
  6. Frank Zappa - Sheik Yerbouti
  7. Thanks Niko! I'm glad to hear he's still active.
  8. What has Drew Gress been up to lately? His web site is down and Wikipedia shows 2017 as his last recording.
  9. A company manager is flying across the desert in a hot air balloon when he realizes he is lost. He calls down to a man riding a camel below him and asks where he is. The man replies “You’re 42 degrees and 12 minutes, 21.2 seconds north, 122 degrees , 10 minutes west, 212 metres above sea level, heading due east by north east.” “Thanks,” replies the balloonist. “By the way, are you a data analyst?” “Yes,” replies the man, “how did you know?” “Everything you told me was totally accurate, you gave me way more information than I needed and I still have no idea what I need to do.” “I’m sorry,” replied the camel-riding analyst. “By the way, are you a company manager?” “Yes,” said the balloonist, “how did you know?” “Well,” replied the analyst, “You’ve got no idea where you are, no idea what direction you’re heading in, you got yourself into this fix by blowing a load of hot air, and now you expect me to get you out of it.”
  10. I so enjoy reading everything you write Teasing the Korean.
  11. RIP John Sinclair from a post of Bill Milkowski that reads: Sad to report the passing of the great poet-political activist-blues scholar-Monk devotee and marijuana connoisseur John Sinclair, who died today in his beloved Detroit at age 82. R.I.P. BIG CHIEF JAWN!!!
  12. Dave Stryker(g), Jared Gold(o), McClenty Hunter(d) Live at Smalls Jazz Club - 03/01/2024
  13. I deleted my incorrect comment.
  14. In this case you will need to make repairs from the system bios. To do this, restart your PC and when it flashes the bios screen press F8 to enter the advanced boot options. Locate Repair your computer, it may be in the system recovery options section. Click startup repair for it to check and repair errors.
  15. Press the power key and hold it until it forces the PC to shut down. Once it's fully off then press it again to restart. It may take a while to reboot as it will run a repair on any programs that were open.
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