From my Lords I found these Informations
Hope it helps
Harold Ousley
The Kid !:
Harold Ousley (ts) Neal Creque (p,el-p,org) Bob Rose (g) Jay Leonhart (el-b) Jim Young (d) Danny Barrajanos (perc) Ralph Dorsey (cga)
New York, March 28, 1972
The kid Cobblestone CST9017, Muse MR5107
Forget it, I've got it - MR5141
Me and Bobby McGee - MR5107
The prodigal son - MR4141
Come Sunday -
One for the masses - , Muse MR5141
Note: Muse MR5107 titled "The people's groove"; see flwg sessions for more titles.
Muse MR5141 titled "Sweet double hipness"; see flwg sessions for more titles.
Harold Ousley
The People's Groove:
Gary Chandler (tp) Harold Ousley (ts) Nat Stokes (g) Ray McKinney (b) Al Dreares (d)
New York, mid 1970's
The people's groove Muse MR5107
Harold Ousley
Harold Ousley (ts) Bobby Forrester (org) Nat Stokes (g-1) Steve Butler (d) Steven Kroon (perc-1) Ralph Dorsey (cga-1) Edna Holt (vcl-1)
New York, mid 1970's
Little virgo (1) Muse MR5107
Why did I choose you ? -
Harold Ousley
Harold Ousley (ts) Norman Simmons (p) Victor Sproles (b) Steve Butler (d) Ralph Dorsey (cga) Holly Hamilton, Edna Holt (vcl)
New York, mid 1970's
Positivity Muse MR5107
El exi-hente -