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Everything posted by jazzcorner

  1. Could not get it at that time. It is still on my want list. There is another one on Soulnote. But this one here is also great and worth to look after with a great group:
  2. Yep .... but "Soran Bushi" remains my go-to platter .... btw more quality Billy Harper from that period - as member of the Max Roch 4tet - available .... Thanks for the Info but havent seen those yet. On Mercury or EmArCy? Probably you might like also this one:
  3. can on ly agree but he has more on the same label
  4. Insert other media
  5. My record! My record!° My record!
  6. Not often seen Shearing fans here. Like the MGM's best
  7. Ahh you got me. I am a big Kenton fan myself except the Mellophonium period. From that Stuttgart event I have the following broadcasts from the former radio Stuttgart on reel and cassette tapesin the collection beside about 30 ore more tapes with Kenton but havent digitized the material yet. Could you list the tracks on that CD so I can compare them with material ..... and thanks for that Information. Do you know the website from Terry Vosbein "All things Kenton"? Was in touch with hin some years ago when he started to build up this project and supplied a lot of Kenton material from my Down Beats. Greeting from the Rhine river W. Kenton,Stan RB S2 1972/01/17 120 Stuttgart Vax/Worster/Davis # 0762 Kenton,Stan RB SDR 1972/01/17 7"(2) Stuttgart Kenton,Stan RB SDR 1972/01/17 7"(2) Stuttgart (I) Torres,Richard Kenton,Stan RB SDR 1972/01/17 7"(2) Stuttgart (II) Maiden,Willie Hat man natürlich auf den Regalen ;-]] W.
  8. Excellent + this one from radio SWR The program:
  9. ATLAS LA27-1027 - Harry Edison & His West Coast Friends " Blues For Lovers" - rec. 1983 - Engineers: Berni Kirsh & Eric Westfan Like very much
  10. ATLAS LA27-1020 - Lew Tabackin & His West Coast Friends " My Old Flame" - rec. 1982 - Engineers: James Mooney & Jerry Wood
  11. Early Skylark & Tampa EP's - V.S.O.P. reissue 2017
  12. Hi John,

    hope everything is fine inspite of the Corona diease.

    I'm cautious all the time because I will spend some more time with the collection.

    At this time I am revisiting a lost of West Coast material on V.S.O.P. and ATLAS label in my collection.

    Best wishes



    1. John Tapscott

      John Tapscott

      Hi Willie: Yes, we're fine thanks. My wife and I just retired a couple of months ago. We moved back to her home province of Nova Scotia where we had a new house built for our retirement. We are enjoying it very much. I finally unpacked and shelved all my recordings (mostly CD's - still have a few LP's and cassettes!) Starting to listen more now. 

      COVID-19 is quite rare in this part of Canada, though more common in the province of Ontario where we came from.  But we are being cautious, mask wearing, distancing etc. Public activities and travel are curtailed somewhat.  Our daughter works in a dental office and her main function right now is screening patients for COVID-19 symptoms.  

      I enjoy your postings. I have the Art Pepper box set on ATLAS. Also some have V.S.O.P. CD's.   

      All the best


    2. jazzcorner


      Hi John.

      thanks for calling back. Beside the nearly complete ATLAS series on vinyl (XYZ & his west coast friends)  I have that box too. Art Pepper is a great favorite of mine.

      I am retired for more than 12 years.  Lost my wife 7 years ago nafter beeing caretaker for 3 years. It was a late  MS and we could not do anything against it.  I fell in a deep hole after this but spent now the rest of my time with my unissed tapes and files  on CD-RW's and hard discs. Just found recently 3 Bill Evans concerts from Cologne , Stuttgart & Hilversum, which have appeart in the meantime  with parts on some dubious CDs.

      Covid-19 is also not spread wide in my area (small village on the Rhine river) but I do observe what is needed , masks, distance and no fiestas.

      My sons family lives in Switzerland and I visit them 5 or 6 times a year via Intercity (about 6 hours train) to get there for the weekends.

      My dear wife and me had bought out little house here in Neuwied in 1987 but now I am living alone here. That is the course of life. Otherwise  my health is what you can call 'normal" for someone over 80.

      I think I will make it some more years if the Lord allows. My dear mom died with 98. Thats the way I want to go.

      Best wishes and have a goor time in the new home and retirement. We see us in the forum.

      From Fred i have reveived the usual X-mas greetings every year.





  13. Yupiteru Records YJ25 - 7028 - Shelly Manne Trio "Gemini Three" - rec. March 1979 - Engineer: James Mooney
  14. Bought the LP box some time ago but the recordings had an audible tape hiss son I bought the CD set which isnt much better except the music on both. IMO the Trio with Ellis ist the best version (probably a bit over the Trio with Barney).
  15. Coral CRL 56122 [FSR reissue] - Leith SAtevens And His Orchestra "Private Hell" - rec. 1954 & 1959
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