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Everything posted by jazzcorner

  1. Thanks Anthony for that link. BTW I am too on Jim Harrods list for quite a while. There was an hot discussion at Discogs about the topic "has Albert Marx created a new [combined] label TREND/DISCOVERY" or not? The question is still not solved. Its documented IMHO on his reissues only on the center labels. and on his catalog. But the "knowallandeverything" major egos ruled it down without any research. I think the opposite is the truth. My request to Jim brought no results.
  2. [K3986-15] Roland Kovac Trip To Mars: Roland Kovac (p) acc by unknown big band incl. Jimmy Deuchar (tp) Cliff Hardy (tb) Derek Humble (as) Karl Drewo (ts) Francis Coppieters (p) Johnny Fischer (b) Jimmy Pratt (d) Stuff Combe (perc) Koln, spring 1968 Space station 1 Saba/MPS 15165ST Service 1 - Heat - Sound barrier - Marssonde - Northern lights - Service 2 - The green star - Munich on the Mars - Power start - Milky way - Colossus - Service 3 - Computer - Moon crater - Blue dance - Space station 3 -
  3. Here are the details Cat# MPS / UIniversal 06025 2759201
  4. As it looks the Shorty Rogers was only issued on Discovery vinyl cat # 843 (see my listing the blue one above) or Chuck's listing + another LP.
  5. Have to look up the details and will report
  6. Very helpful for my research. Much appreciated. W
  7. Yes he has several albums on MPS. All here
  8. Thanks for that cover. There is one with the Cat# DS 843 in my 1983 catalog. I have the Reprise edition shown above Here is a listing from Albert Marx' 1983 catalog. But there must be another and later edition A good part of those are reissues from other labels Thats is good Information. Can you supply some scans pref. the most recent one. I am very interested. Thanks
  9. A nice bargain for € 17,50 from Germany
  10. I am interested in finding a listing of those labels . Thanks
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