Great swinging band
Lawrence,Elliott Gerry Mulligan Arrangements 1955/07 Fantasy (OJC) 3-206
Lawrence,Elliott ...plays Tiny Kahn & Johnny Mandel 1956 Fantasy 902109
Lawrence,Elliott The Music of Elliott Lawrence 1956-58 Mobile Fidelity 2-229
Lawrence,Elliott Jazz goes Broadway 1957 Vik(FS) 45905
Lawrence,Elliott Bigband Sound feat. Al Cohn/Gene Quill 1958 Fresh Sound 2003
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Herman,Woody WOODY HERMAN 1948-50 Capitol 0324
Herman,Woody Second Herd 1948-50 Capitol (jap) 40012
Herman,Woody The Hits of Woody Herman 1954 Capitol 1554
Herman,Woody The Woody Herman Band 1954 Capitol(holl) 0560
Herman,Woody Jackpot 1955 Capitol(holl) 0748
Herman,Woody Blues Groove 1955-56 Capitol(France) 0784