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  1. Does anyone here speak/write ENGLISH?
  2. I just ordered Telefunken Blues from an Amazon seller for $11. All the other prices I've seen are $55+ so I'm hoping it turns up OK. I'm now thinking this set would be an even better buy.
  3. Nothing tops the 8 and a half minute intro to Soul Junction.
  4. Todays "pop" music is so mind-numbingly boring I'm suprised they could give it away. The record companies have dumbed music down so much they deserve to go broke.
  5. OMG "Power Play" live in Munich 1973 is even better! I can't recommend this enough. Can't believe I never heard this band before. 'This is the kind of orchestra which used to be called a power house band-it radiates power and vitality!Roaring brass,thunderous rhythms,a whole lot of different sounds-a real power house full of music.And presiding over it all, a man with a trombone,hair flowing over his collar-tough,sure of himself,a mountain of a man-PETER HERBOLZHEIMER. He is the boss,principal composerand arranger for an ensemble which is unlike anything else in the world. Four trumpets, three trombones, one man on saxaphone and flute and a rhythm section normally consisting of six. They play a kind of jazz which makes virtually all other big bands sound old fashioned and a brand of rock which the specialist groups can only dream of. The organ goes wild, the flute soars above the virtuoso accompaniment of the congas, the bongos, the rest of the percussion and the bass guitar;the ring of the trumpets carry the melody along-the overall effect is overwhelming. There are elements of rock and macumba,shades of gospel services and even voodoo rites, but the real idols here are figures like Bird and Diz and all the other gods of jazz world.When the improvisation begins theres no pop - just bop!'
  6. Do I detect the start of a Mainstream reissue series? Those June 2 items look promising.
  7. I'm listening to "Live at Ronnie Scotts" from 1974. What a blast! Dieter Reith is amazing on keyboards. I wish I could replace my scratchy MP3's with a CD reissue. Is MPS ever going to get a proper reissue program?
  8. I've just discovered this amazing series of albums from the early 70's on MPS. Not available on CD but you can find them on the internet. Great funky small/big band with a stellar list of artists including Art Farmer, Phillipe Catherine, NHOP, Herb Geller, Kenny Wheeler and Dieter Reith. Anybody else aware of these guys?
  9. Anything by Edu Lobo from this time but in particular: A Musica De Edu Lobo Cantinga De Longe Also, it covers the seventies as well as the sixties but the Soul Jazz Records compilation "Tropicalia" is a lot of fun.
  10. The entire "Legends of Acid Jazz" series. Take your pick but this is my (least) favourite.
  11. I think this was recorded as part of Wattstax, and some of it appears in the film.
  12. This is Johnnie Taylor the soul singer.
  13. Tracks 1-6 are the full Tension album. This is same listing as Allmusic. They must have left off two tracks from Now Jazz Ramwong because of space contraints. Still a good deal with the best part of both albums.
  14. Late, It took me years to track Tension down on CD. A fantastic album. I found it on a German label, Bellaphon Records (CDLR71002), and bought from Amazon UK. It said last copy but you may find one somewhere. Note the title is "Tension", not "One Tension" Even better, I just noticed that the CD of Now Jazz Ramwong also includes the full Tension session. And its available: http://www.amazon.com/Jazz-Ramwong-Albert-...559&sr=1-12
  15. Late, It took me years to track Tension down on CD. A fantastic album. I found it on a German label, Bellaphon Records (CDLR71002), and bought from Amazon UK. It said last copy but you may find one somewhere. Note the title is "Tension", not "One Tension"
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