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    The Netherlands

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  1. All the Things You Are is also on: Dexter Gordon & Rob Agerbeek Trio – All Souls' Vol. 2. Solid Records CDSOL-46923
  2. Dexter Gordon - Swiss Nights Recorded live at The Zürich Jazz Festival '75, August 23 & 24, 1975 https://www.discogs.com/release/16115963-Dexter-Gordon-Quartet-Swiss-Nights-Vol-13
  3. Han Bennink
  4. njtw

    Teddy Edwards

    Here's a Teddy Edwards recording in the Netherlands BIMHUIS in 1981: https://www.discogs.com/release/7499956-Teddy-Edwards-Quartet-Good-Gravy
  5. On the website of the Dutch Jazz Archive: https://www.jazzarchief.nl/product/bill-evans-behind-the-dikes/ there is more info. The website is in Dutch but you may read the tracklist and recording info in English.
  6. Sarah Vaughan & Jimmy Rowles 5: That Sunday, That Summer
  7. Herbie Hancock in "Indecent Proposals"
  8. Raw Jazz
  9. Misha Mengelberg, Dutch jazz pianist and composer and co-founder of ICP Records has died in a nursery home in Amsterdam according to dutch newspaper De Volkskrant. Here's the article in Dutch: http://www.volkskrant.nl/muziek/jazzpianist-misha-mengelberg-81-groot-dwarsdenker-van-de-nederlandse-muziek-overleden~a4469680/
  10. Fourth Box Set? Dexter in Radio Land Vol. 1-7
  11. The bass-player is Koos Serierse and the drummer is indeed Eric Ineke. Here's another YT-video with the same trio:
  12. According the Blue Note Label Discography compiled by Michael Cuscuna and Michel Ruppli (1988): Moacir Santos - Carnival of the Spirits, LA, March 17, 19 and 20, 1975, Clare Fischer piano, BN-LA463-C. BTW: mentioned in the discography as Fisher!
  13. Here's another interesting book: I'm The Beat (of De Korte Beentjes van Art Blakey) by Max Bolleman, Dutch jazz musician, engineer & producer. See this website: http://www.draaiomjeoren.com/boeken/imthebeat.html
  14. Here are some more Dutch jazz biographies: Rita Reys - Lady Jazz https://www.bol.com/nl/p/rita-reys/1001004002097532/ Ann Burton - Blue Burton https://www.bol.com/nl/p/blue-burton/666851877/
  15. Some more (I think): Chan Parker - My Life In E-flat ISBN 1-57003-245-9 Lorraine Gordon as told to Barry Singer - Alive At The Village Vanguard - My Life In And Out Of Jazz Time ISBN 978-0-634-07399-1 Sue Graham Mingus - Tonight At Noon - A Love Story ISBN 0-375-42115-7 Flora Purim & Edward Bunker - Freedom Song The Story of Flora Purim ISBN 0-425-05455-1
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