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Posts posted by shadowhillway

  1. there once was a short audio clip of Wayne playing soprano saxophone online. may have been on N2K Encoded Music's Jazz Central Station (jazzcentralstation dot com). this must have been late 1990s. just playing a few notes solo.

    today I realized those few notes may very well have been this motif from High Life the composition on High Life the album:


    or at least fairly similar. wish I could find the original clip...

  2. For me "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" is like "So What", "Footprints", and "A Night in Tunisia". They're classics but I would be happy never to hear them again. Covers of "Tunisia" are the most egregious offenders.

  3. Cyndi is the best!!! To me, she is the Miles of what she does. Long varied career, always doing something different, rooted in the blues, don't take shit from nobody on the outside but as human as anyone inside. Not to mention they're both native Noo Yawkers.

  4. This is my Bitches Brew effects review, comparing some aspects of the 1998 boxed set re-creation with the original as heard on the 1996 Japanese Master Sound.

    It's a bit delayed getting out due to the editing involved. I'm hoping it will reverberate with folks here. Maybe someone will echo my findings. Feedback is appreciated.


  5. Given that the last post on this thread was a week ago and assuming that those in the loop would have posted something here already if Freddie's condition has changed one way or another, I would like to add that I hope Freddie is comfortable and that any number of white jive motherfuckers he wishes will please kiss his black ass.

  6. Definitely. Studio chatter clearly shows that Teo wanted Miles to give him a sock. Furthermore, Miles totally misunderstood why Wynton went onstage unannounced that one time. Wynton really admired Miles's socks from down on the audience floor and was just eager to find out where he could get a similar pair. He should have taken a cue from Teo. And why do you think the Messengers left Japan in tears? Cuz they knew they wouldn't be able to get those great Japanese socks in the States. But again, they should have just asked Miles.

  7. I haven't heard the record yet. Some thoughts about the NYC concert.

    The music desperately needed direction -- a leader to give focus to what was going on. I am not necessarily saying that the music needed Miles. Trying to imagine what he would have done would be pure speculation.

    The KoB arrangements were not clever.

    I came away with a greater interest in Badal Roy and tabla, as a result of his solo.

    At one point, Roney and White really dug in together, which was nice.

    In the balcony, the sound sucked. The sprawling ensemble made matters worse. Of course, live sound is rarely good.

    It looked like Belden wasn't wearing socks.

  8. Although I am serving mainly as a mere troll for '80s Wayne here, I am happy to instigate. What constitutes "most personal album" is certainly open to interpretation. All I'm saying is if I shrunk myself and boarded a microscopic spaceship and flew into Wayne's ear and brain, "Phantom Navigator" would be playing on the ship's speakers.

  9. I'm as big a cheerleader of post-WeatherReport Wayne as anyone, but that's no reason to knock any of his older tunes, Footprints included. It's a beautiful tune and will always be one. (...) If any of you are tired of this tune, it's YOUR fault.

    Hey Michael,

    Don't mind me and my trolling. :g

    I'll listen to Wayne play anything he damn well pleases all day long!

  10. Once I met Wayne, at the Montreal fest a few years back. I mentioned that each of his compositions was like a different room in the Wayne mansion in my mind & Danilo Perez, who's a friend, told me that he and Wayne stayed up late talking about that, eating ribs.

    That's not surprising. He probably loved the metaphor. It's like something he would say!

  11. I am starting this thread because I have a need to state the following.

    I believe Wayne Shorter is a genius.

    I am absolutely sick and tired of his composition "Footprints". If I never hear it again in my life, I will die happy. It is by far Wayne's least interesting composition. There are so many other Wayne compositions that are far more interesting than that one. I wish people would shut the hell up about "Footprints", leave it in the past where it belongs, and not attract more attention to it by naming their Wayne biographies after it. People need to focus on the important things in life, like Atlantis, Phantom Navigator, Joy Ryder, and High Life. Covering Footprints should be a crime punishable by death, in my humble opinion, because it shows absolute no imagination and understanding of Wayne's body of work. I would like to leave my own footprints on the dead horse that is "Footprints" by beating it with "The Three Marias" and "Virgo Rising".

    Thank you.

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