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Everything posted by dprfish

  1. O.V.'s last recordings were with a gospel group called The Luckett Brothers. There was a Japanese reissue of their recordings a few years back which I had but later unloaded. It's pretty sad. But - check out Opal Louis Nations' site www.pewburner.com. He has a disc available with all of O.V.'s leads with the Sunset Travellers, as well as tons of other incredible stuff.
  2. Ace have released two "The Soul of Money Records" comps, as well as individual surveys of both Bettye Swann's and Don Julian's recordings for the label. There may be a few doo wop cuts from RIH on other Ace CDs, but those are off my radar.
  3. I'd love to take the credit for posting that link Noj, but that must go to Clem. I screwed up when I was quoting his original post. I've also had my eye on that Main Ingredient disc - if you like the harmony/sweet soul, you might want to check this out. So-so sound quality, but some wonderfully gritty lead vocals with a mixture of Detroit and Chicago studio bands.
  4. when there's the likes of this, largely unheard by ya'll --> King's Serious Soul I've had this disc for 5+ years and, in my retail days, sold around 20 copies on the strength of Jimmy Braswell's "I Can't Give You My Heart" alone. A definite favourite.
  5. when there's the likes of this, largely unheard by ya'll --> King's Serious Soul I've had this disc for 5+ years and, in my retail days, sold around 20 copies on the strength of Jimmy Braswell's "I Can't Give You My Heart" alone. A definite favourite.
  6. Here in Toronto, I see at least 10-15 of these every day.
  7. I wonder if he knows "Ornithology?"
  8. If you've ever wondered what the scores for "City of Glass" look like... ****Link removed by SOAW 5/24/2011
  9. The correct personnel has now been posted on YouTube: Wayne Shorter (ts) Lars Sjösten (p), Roman Dylag (b), Rune Carlsson (d) from Molde Kino, Molde, Norway early August 1966, between August 4 and 7.
  10. Adam, If you read my post again, you may notice that I wasn't criticizing the doc. I WAS criticizing the media's propensity for jamming Stax/Motown down our throats as the "whole story" of soul music when there was SO MUCH ELSE going on at the time. Let's not forget: PBS was also responsible for Ken Burns' Jazz, and I think most of us can agree that its "errors of omission" were greater than the sum of its parts.
  11. Obviously, Stax played a huge part in the development and dissemination of soul music in general and Southern soul in particular, but I feel that the dogged focus on Stax and their artists obscures so much less "produced" Southern soul. Who here listens regularly to music on labels like Jewel/Paula/Ronn, Hotlanta, Glades, or Sound Stage 7? Who here knows people like Jimmy Lewis (who actually had one single on Stax) or Roscoes Shelton and Robinson or Ted Taylor or Geater Davis? All SS artists of the highest order - not to mention better known names like O.V. Wright and James Carr. Stax had the publicity (and the big-label money support), but there were so many other singers plying their trade at the time making far sweatier, more intense records that speak volumes to me about the time and place in which they were made. With some notable exceptions, Stax stuff just doesn't do this for me. To make the situation worse, we have "expert reviewers" like AllMusic's resident reductionist Richie Unterberger telling us that almost everything soulful that wasn't recorded on McLemore Avenue between 1965 and 1975 was just a ripoff of the "Stax sound." Sad.
  12. Much to like about this one:
  13. Colbert can go fuck himself. He's not funny, he's like Dennis Miller with one ball missing. Jim, I've read your posts for some time now, but have agreed with almost everything you've had to say. Haven't felt the urge to strongly disagree until the above showed up. Dennis Miller was one of the funniest, most intelligent comedians I'd ever heard until he seemed to do an ideological backflip about 10 years ago. Sure, he's stuck to his new right-wing guns with an impressive tenacity - but does that equal "balls" when there are countless other self-righteous pundits doing the same thing in an equally humourless fashion? Colbert's humour presents itself in a subversive manner; a manner much more akin to a "lets examine each other's differences but still try to get along" way of thought than Miller's often venomous chest-pounding. Perhaps my position as an "outsider" renders my opinion invalid. Without question I'll continue to respect you and your thoughts, but I really don't know about this one.
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