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  1. https://www.discogs.com/release/6101697-George-Williams-And-His-Orchestra-Swing-Classics-In-Hi-Fi
  2. Earlier today, I walked into a bookshop I visit occasionally, and right at the front of the Jazz CD section, there was a copy of Brother Ah's "Sound Awareness." Immediately behind it, a copy of the Hines/Nance disc mentioned above. Snagged both for $25!
  3. Here's a very interesting read that I don't think has been posted before. Quite a bit of info on both the Birmingham scene, and his role in it, that wasn't discussed in the Szwed biography. https://burginmathews.com/tag/sun-ra/
  4. I've enjoyed this one for many years: https://images.app.goo.gl/6htA1AGk8MXbvxsT7
  5. O.V. appears on 4 tracks of this album, but this isn't one of them.
  6. Drummer is listed here as being Bill Lavorgna: http://stereocandies.blogspot.com/2018/10/dick-hyman-age-of-electronicus-1969.html https://www.discogs.com/artist/346176-Bill-Lavorgna
  7. dprfish

    Peter Nero

    These clips of three separate Peter Nero performances were just posted to YouTube. I've seen his name mentioned here before, but hadn't heard his playing. Thought these might be of interest to a few of you.
  8. Almost forgot - Harrison Calloway, trumpet.
  9. As Dan mentioned above, this is from The !!!! Beat, a show curated and hosted by Nashville producer, Bill "Hoss" Allen. The show was taped at a Dallas TV station rather than in Nashville because of the availability of color video facilities. In this segment, the band members are as follows: Fathead & Harvey Thompson, tenor; Skippy Brooks, piano; Johnny Jones, guitar; Billy Cox, bass; Freeman Brown, drums.
  10. https://www.discogs.com/King-Curtis-Theme-From-Lilies-Of-The-Field-Amen/release/5144161 Can't find any audio for this, but maybe "More Soul" is from this session?
  11. https://youtu.be/AXL8woLvxJQ https://youtu.be/mRICB-tCvpg
  12. Could be. I haven't heard much else of Munro's work, but these recordings are exceptional. The attention paid to the intent of the lyrics, the phrasing, the interplay with the band - it's all there. Hadn't heard it before, but the liners say Capitol signed him as a "replacement" for Nat King Cole.
  13. Anyone checked this out? Very nice repertoire, and beautifully sung. "If She Walked Into My Life" particularly floored me.
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