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    Duxbury, MA
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    Jazz, jazz history

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  1. I'd love to watch it, but I can't sign up for yet another service. I think it is $6.99/month which isn't bad, but when added to all the stations we already have...just too much, sadly.
  2. Ordered mine from the U.K. a few days ago and it is supposed to arrive on Wednesday. Very excited!
  3. Thanks for the info, Paul Combs and I can't wait to purchase!
  4. Sorry I missed out on the 1369 Club. Going through my Mom's photos and found this one. Do not know the name of the bartender.
  5. Christian Sands: Facing Dragons. At 28 years old, he has the soul, technique and history of the music in his playing (one of his mentors was the late Dr. Billy Taylor). Sands was also chosen by the Erroll Garner family to represent Mr. Garner/Erroll Garner project which he's been touring with recently.
  6. Just heard drummer Chris Beck at Scullers/Boston, and he can play! He was with trumpeter Terell Stafford's group on 1/5/19 and he played with sensitivity and really propelled the band when called for. Vocalist Veronica Swift - also very talented and she has a few tracks well worth listening to on pianist Benny Green's new recording, Then and Now. Great ears and innate sense of swing. I love/loved her Dad, pianist Hod O'Brien and her mom, Stephanie Nakasian can "sang," too!
  7. Just started Maxine Gordon's biography on her late husband, Dexter Gordon. I purchased the Kindle version, but going to buy a physical copy instead. Something lost in the translation on my tiny phone!
  8. I've read Marc's blog for quite a few years and I've learned a lot. Love the in-depth interviews he conducts from time to time with well known and not-so-well-known jazzers. Also love the format of jazzwax.com. I find it very easy to navigate and can always easily go back to past interviews/stories with ease.
  9. Will do, Brad - I should have them in about 2 weeks and hope to just stay home one full weekend and devour them. I did get to read Vol 1 at my friend's home (that's how I found out about the 3 volume). Had to/have to have these since there are many comments/stories from the musicians we love. In a way, it reminds me of Ira Gitler's Jazz Masters book(s) and from Swing to Bop - even Notes and Tones (Art Taylor) in that you are getting the history directly from the source(s). Hefty cost as it is self-published by Mr. Simich so I literally had to save my pennies - have to purchase them as a 3 volume set and cost was total of $300.00. Anyway, I'll have them in my hands in about 2 weeks and promise to report back, though I can tell you Vol. 1 was outstanding, which is why I worked hard to save my $ to buy the set!
  10. Thanks, everybody! SonnyMax, wow, a photo of the inside of Bop City!!!! I'm really appreciative of everyone's posts. I missed this entire era (born in 1957), so I'm somewhat obsessed with finding photos of the interiors of Minton's Playhouse (back in the day), Royal Roost, Birdland - all of them! In fact, a guy named Milan Simich self-publishes a 3-volume extraordinarily detailed book(s) on Birdland with really obscure photos and interviews with Jazzmobile's Johnny Garry (passed away recently). Johnny managed Birdland for 5 years and gives a very detailed description of the inside of Birdland (the original, of course). I'm waiting now for my 3 volume set and I'm told by a friend there's even more obscure photos of the interior and musicians! Also, thanks Medchuck for the link - going to check that out now.
  11. My Aunt just sent me a scan of a brochure she got while at Bop City sometime between 1949 and 1953. Does anyone here have add'l information on this club? I do know that it was in the Brill Building, but not sure if it was right on the ground floor. I found one photo of Bop City from the outside, but no interior photos (supposedly could seat 1,000 people)! I've attached a copy of the brochure cover. My Aunt says her original is in perfect condition!
  12. Hey Dan, Keep an eye on your local PBS station. I think one or both of the Ashby Brothers had something to do with the film, too. Really hoping you can catch it and sorry I didn't keep a copy. Marla
  13. Hey Dan, This wonderful movie was shown briefly on PBS and I managed to see it - hope you can catch it somehow/somewhere. We need more films/documentaries on the cities and musicians where jazz thrived at one time. I also recommend The Jazz Loft audio series on WNYC radio: https://www.wnyc.org/jazzloftthemovie/ ...and then, you can rent or purchase the Jazz Loft movie here: or on amazon or itunes. Monk, David Amram, Bill Crow and so many others were interviewed and there are many extraordinary photos, as the man mostly responsible for the Jazz Loft "scene" was the great photographer, W. Eurgene Smith. Marla
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