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Everything posted by scooter_phx

  1. I have both of the Tatum boxes as well. Nothing to play them on since I no longer have a turntable. Wonder what they will finally sell for... mmm.
  2. Paid a buck and a half on this cd used. Don't think I can go wrong with that price.
  3. Makes me feel as if I overpaid. Just recently bought Classic Capitol Jazz Sessions box for about $100. I think I got a deal but I like your deal better. Also just bought the Kenton 1943-1947 box for about $70. Count Basie Live Recordings is very good but to me, the Studio Sessions box is just super wonderful. If you can find that for $60, don't hesitate -- buy it!
  4. Set #0124 made it to the desert. On Christmas Eve. I'd love to listen to it but no time for a couple of days. At least, it's here! Blessings!
  5. How about some Count Basie? Go here on Youtube... from 1976 - two sets.
  6. Christmas is coming and my wife is gonna order it for me. That works. I'm such a sucker for good music and I'm lucky to have a wife who understands that!
  7. One of the later CTIs. Made for the masses. Yusef must have been hungry when Creed came a calling...
  8. The tape sucks but without it, I guess we wouldn't have the cover at all. I think the cover is kind of cool though. Thanks for sharing. I have a friend who has some 45rpm 10" discs. I don't know how rare they are but the music/artists are a bit weak. One is a 'play along' vinyl by a forgotten hero. They are part of her late father's estate. I suggested eBay to test the waters. How common were the 10" 45's?
  9. Has anyone considered sending your collection to the Internet Archive (archive.org)? I'm certain how it works but on the surface, it sounds like an option. Anyone have knowledge they'd like to share about it?
  10. I can agree with this statement only if you're referring to trumpet players trying to imitate what they hear on this set. IMHO, most of the writing is well done and the band has some really good players doing their thing. True, most of the listeners aren't going to like the piano boxes but that's okay. I do.
  11. I suspect this will be pure speculation but was wondering what everyone thinks is the costliest box. All three of the Commodore Lp boxes have to be up there. So does the King Cole box. I suspect the Maynard box is pretty pricey as well. What do you think?
  12. Pre-ordered. Wish it had Montara on it but I will survive.
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