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Everything posted by RonF

  1. Another "old" pop rocker settles down to record a jazz standards album. Saw Carly on TV this morning. She looks like Mr. Ed with anorexia. Still can't sing a lick. Never could.
  2. RonF

    Jazz Vocalists

    Sara Lazarus is very good...a young American living in Paris. Give Me The Simple Life on Dreyfus. One of the best vocal albums of the year. imho I have Luciana's first Duos. Wonderful CD. Haven't heard Duos II.
  3. Killer heat in Arizona. 113! 8 people dead! Then I hear on the news this morning that NYC is like a sauna - people miserable, in the 90s with record humidity. Still, it's gotta be better than Phoenix. Yes? No?
  4. Lucky Duck!
  5. Couldn't agree more.
  6. Hey, you're still a good person!
  7. I knew they were screwed up. I knew they were addicts. These people are ill. They need a lot of help. A day in their lives is a lesson in abuse......every kind of abuse there is.
  8. I agree. One of the pleasant surprises of the year, for sure. Dave Stryker has a new one, Big City, on Melbay Records. Dave Kikoski, Ed Howard and Victor Lewis. Very nice.
  9. Dell's tech support used to be the best but I guess because they've gotten so big, it's fallen off considerably. If you do need assistance, you'll almost always be talking to a man or woman from India or Panama, struggling to speak English in an intelligible manner. In my experience, the problems always get solved but it can be very frustrating. I don't know if it's better anywhere else. The coupons are a good idea, and the Online Dell Specials change very frequently...sometimes day to day. Keep checking. In addition to free shipping, you can get some really good deals.
  10. Excellent news. Way to go!
  11. I will have to find the '74 Tambu with Tjader on OJC. Sounds terrific. I was fortunate enough to see Charlie at Concerts By The Sea in Redondo Beach right around the same time - '75 or '76. A unforgettable, special evening. Thanks for the info!
  12. Ahhh.....Amarillo. That means very windy and hotter than a MOFO. Chris, the Olympic Committee made their city selection this morning. Have you made yours??? Watch out for tornados.
  13. Damn! That IS a good lookin' watch!
  14. One more good one from Charlie Byrd in the same vein, My Inspiration, Music of Brazil with Romero Lubambo and Scott Hamilton - Concord '99.
  15. The Lady willpower line is rich. Thanks Joe, this has been looping in my brain since I first read the thread.
  16. I mostly agree with SS's assessment. There are 6 tracks on the CD I have and all but one of the tracks range between 10 and 16 minutes. Blood's Red Rooster is about 5. That one didn't bother me so much but ditto on the "ugg" for I Believe I Can Fly. I like Carter's The Real Quietstorm from about ten years ago. Pretty tame compared to Out Of Nowhere.
  17. Chick into scientology? Very depressing. Wish I didn't know.
  18. Too bad it was from Cruise who is so full of himself and as far as I'm concerned has zero credibility and would be nice if he didn't foist Scientology rubbish on everyone else but I guess you could say that about religion in general. ← I agree Chris. Since his public "kidnapping" of Katie Holmes sideshow, what credibility he had left is gone. Now he's brainwashing her with his scientology cult bullshit and he's losing it on Today Show interviews. I'll bet his agent is pulling his hair out. Stick a fork in the old top gun.
  19. Thanks again Chris, Rostasi. I consider myself informed!
  20. Thanks rostasi. Long live the almighty Tension Sensor!
  21. You gotta hand it to 'em. Those Weizens know how to have fun!
  22. Sorry to hear that.
  23. I know, it's become a commercialized joke. But aren't they all? Have a good one!
  24. Hmmmmm. Thanks guys. Good ideas. I'm going to start asking around.
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