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Everything posted by RonF

  1. Jesus christ, Rosenwinkel, Turner and Mehldau are but a fraction of the jazz happening right now. Granted, if your radio station isn't playing it, you don't know that, but seriously, you need to make an effort to listen to some more UNDEAD guys. They can make you feel alive too. Doubtful, but you might be surprised.
  2. Good points. It's what jazz radio continues to struggle with - playing currents versus playing the music of the previous generation. I saw several top ten lists this year with Monk and Coltrane at number one and I must say, I don't understand it. Obviously, it's the archival discovery of the year. The sound is good, it's a great piece of jazz history and I've listened to it numerous times but, jesus, it was recorded 49 years ago. Is that the best of 2005? I don't believe so. Public radio jazz stations face an annual dilemma in that a sizable percentage of membership practically insists on hearing jazz classics. And when fundraising time rolls around stations have to listen. It's always been a balancing act but more so now, I think. And in fairness, more jazz stations are beginning to program more currents. There are so many terrific players making music today and still, damn little of it ever gets heard. You could add to JP's short list: Marc Johnson, Joshua Redman, Charlie Haden, Sara Lazarus, Fred Hersch, Alan Pasqua, Gerald Wilson, Eddie Palmieri, Mulgrew Miller, Terence Blanchard, Jessica Williams, Jan Garbarek, Bill Charlap, Dianne Reeves, Avashai Cohen.
  3. You ain't wrong.
  4. And of course, it's the job of critics to guess or make judgements (sometimes snap) about who understands and who doesn't. And we know that critics are always right. Well, 50... 30....... 10% of the time? If they're lucky. Is your last name ANGRY?
  5. Glad you added the last line. The evidence is there, the talent and personal connection are there and I would simply argue that Feather "gets" Ellington as much as McRae and Hendricks "got" Monk. We'll have to agree to disagree. And, I might add, I could give a crap if anyone likes or listens to Lorraine's music. You appear to have dismissed her for who she is, not for what she does. I don't think most serious lyricists try to make songs "their own". Maybe "stars" on a badly produced TV special do, I don't know. My point, and I haven't made it right yet, is that it's not fair to damn, criticize or dismiss the overall practice of taking on the music of great names in jazz and then make small exceptions. Just my opinion too, but I don't think you can have it both ways. Either it's all evil or it's all okay...some good, some bad.
  6. Okay, I feel dumber every time I do this but I'll take one more stab at it. With all respect, Jim, my question is, What's the difference between Lorraine's project and Carmen McRae's? You seem to imply that Carmen has your blessing but Lorraine has her head up her ass. Why? Did Carmen McRae turn Thelonious Monk into Tommy Tune? Is Carmen McRae evil? (for the 2nd time) Both had good intentions and both had respect for the composer. And, although it makes no difference, both have received critical acclaim. Or is any poor soul who dares to tamper with classic compositions or mess with the work of jazz icons past and present, simply a fool? Or a rapist? If that's the theory - if those are the ground rules, then jazz is a freaking ship of fools. The bigger question is what the hell's wrong with it? Being a purist is quite different from being an extremist.
  7. Jane and Leonard w/Duke Ellington I still see no difference. Co-opt to promote an agenda that had nothing to do with him? She grew up with these people. She has the utmost respect for Waller and Ellington. You make her sound like a dizzy broad who just discovered a gimmick. That ain't it. I don't know Jim. There are a lot of pretty savvy jazz folks who believe she's a genuine talent. Clearly you don't and that's fine. If you completely disagree with the practice of writing lyrics to established instrumentals and believe there's no place for it - that's one thing. But to condemn someone whom you don't respect or dislike for doing it, then turn around and say it's different or okay for someone you like and respect, well.......... Happy New Year. Peace.
  8. No, but using a criticism of one artist to create a generalization about an entire genre seems a bit, uh.... weird. Missing the point, perhaps? Come on, Jim. An entire genre? No. I simply asked you, If Lorraine Feather is a rapist, why isn't Carmen? Is Carmen evil? Weird Ron.
  9. Holy f*cking shit! Don't hold back, Jim. Guess there's no point in asking, Maybe you missed the point? So, Carmen McRae and Jon Hendricks raped Monk's tunes on Carmen Sings Monk? According to your theory they did.
  10. Well, it's time to jump in on Laz's side on Lorraine Feather. Dooji Wooji wasn't on my top ten list but I respect her for her brilliant lyric writing ability and I do enjoy her last two albums - particularly, Such Sweet Thunder - then Dooji Wooji. She's not a bad singer, either. I know, her career's been all over the map...TV, Movies, smooth, commercials, but, she's come around to being a force in lyric writing and an intelligent interpreter of (thus far) Waller and Ellington compositions. Christ, Billie Holiday is her godmother! She has cream of the crop players on her CDs - Shelly Berg, Greg Field and Dave Carpenter to name a few. I don't think it's a scam and I would bet that Lorraine's detractors either: 1. Have a problem with Leonard or 2. They've never heard one of her CDs. Just a guess. By the way, what does, "She's an advertiser" mean?
  11. You bet. She has recorded a boatload of CD's. I have 15 of them, but I'll bet there's another 25 out there I don't have. Anyway to answer the question- vibraphonist Joe Locke. Jessica put out Vol 1 and Vol 2 of Live At Yoshi's last year (on MaxJazz) ...just like Mulgrew Miller. She is terrific! John, have you listened to Joe's new one with the Milt Jackson Tribute Band - Rev-Elation? Good stuff.
  12. He's hardly an unknown. Just released his second (I think) on Verve 3 or 4 months ago. Super hyped, millions in promotion. Been on all the American morning and late night talk. Peter Cincotti, Harry Jr. with some snazzier r&b piano chops and he's supposedly very electric in live performance. Quite the entertainer. Although talented, he still sounds like he's in high school to me.
  13. Tri Da Paz' Somewhere is terrific. Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead....great track! The Luciana Souza duets are wonderful...both 1 and 2. Romero also plays on Dianne Reeves' last 2 or 3 CDs...beautiful guitar work all around. I've seen him in Telluride in recent years with his musical partner and wife, Pamela Driggs. Good stuff as you might expect.
  14. Probably will see it on DVD someday. Can't stand Matt Damon. Clooney's Good Night and Good Luck is a masterpiece. See that! Dianne Reeves will turn you to butter. Saw The Squid and the Whale with Jeff Daniels and Laura Linney last night with our daughter. Beautiful, well-crafted film. Great acting. Funny, sad, profound - about a family of four splitting up in Brooklyn, in the 80s. Noah Baumbach directs.
  15. Ditto on Beri getting medical attention soon. That's a very bad sounding senario. Jim, do you attribute your back ailments to moving B3s and equipment for several years?
  16. I'm talkin' about red and green, folks! Many Happys and Merrys all around!
  17. Really sad, indeed.
  18. Maybe Jim could eliminate the Artists Forum? Just trying to help.
  19. RonF

    Jimmy Ponder

    It's a good one. Gene Ludwig - bass, Cecil Brooks III - drums. Nice versions of God Bless the Child, Please Give Me Someone To Love and What's New. Jimmy has plenty of opportunity to show his abilities. HighNote.
  20. I like your Mom's work too, Beri. Bet your glad to have them.
  21. Jim, I hope you're not hearing this for the first time. Rachael got married, dude. I'm sorry. Her honeymoon diary will be revealed on Entertainment Tonight, Tuesday November 8th. Hang in there! She seems very happy.
  22. Speech! Have many more, senor!
  23. RonF

    Marc Johnson

    What Frank said.
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