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Everything posted by RonF

  1. That guy is your uncle? Small world.
  2. Hey Beri, You could ask my uncle the next time you're in NYC. He's about 5' 10, brown hair and usually wears a blue shirt.
  3. I know, different strokes, Troy, but...........that track is killer!
  4. That's very cool indeed, Randy. There's a Vic tribute to Barney Kessel on this that is tremendous. Great album. New last year.
  5. I don't want to look at it either.
  6. Rooster, Definitely go. I saw her at the VV with the Lewis Nash group as well, along with Mulgrew Miller and Steve Nelson. Regina was amazing. Personally, I dug the Kenny Barron/Regina Carter Freefall. For a refreshing change of pace, listen to Paganini: After A Dream - a mix of Latin, classical and jazz. It's a beautiful album. There's also a great story behind the violin she plays. Purists and police - don't even bother.
  7. We're just getting started here in the mountain states. During the live performances does anyone else notice the young people near the stage, standing and clapping with their arms waving in the air? Evident during the Stones Superbowl performance as well. These people have to be props - paid, enthusiastic, phony fans. If you look beyond the screaming employees - the crowd is motionless and silent....and probably bored to death. God, what an awful production. Does it get worse every year? Sure seems like it.
  8. Congratulations fellers. Onward and Upward!
  9. RonF


    I saw one amazing song. Talk about supercharged! He sure makes it look easy.
  10. Anyone like comedian Kathy Griffin? She says Angelina's lips look like an inflamed anus.
  11. Maybe if you hold off on that six pack before you start listening?
  12. What is this, a high school yearbook? Although that '67 Camero is choice, Ron. A 1924 Model T A 1928 Chevrolet Sedan A 1951 Plymouth Cranbrook Convertible No, I'm not that old.
  13. No hard feelings HBJ. I think Tuesday's in Chinatown is terrific. Andy Bey is a special kind of genius.
  14. couw, Your post, sir, is preposterous. There's no vendetta. No one is provoking. And who's blaming? He's infamous for baiting. He's infamous for namecalling. What you're suggesting is that when someone gets blasted with "You are truly a contemptible piece of shit.", followed by vulgar PMs, that they just be quiet and be careful not to rub him the wrong way. Thin skin? Give me a f*cking break. People have been bounced for that "crap". That's an insult.
  15. There's a name-calling, filthy-mouthed person on the board who bombards other members with vulgar personal messages when he is criticized. Maybe that should be out in the open, don't you think?
  16. Unfortunately, that's a pattern going all the way back to Blue Note.
  17. I heard a guy on cable say that this is perhaps the first serious chink in Queen Opry's armor. She called Larry King on an impulse, delusional that she really is a god and that whatever she says will be accepted by the poor, huddled masses. But there was a problem. She looked at the polls, heard people actually criticizing HER! Imagine the horror! So, the queen summoned the peon wordsmith to her castle and proceeded to humiliate and verbally lash him on national television like some fat, sanctimonious bully. Well done Opry! But she didn't make him cry and that's what she was shooting for. Too bad. Send him to the dungeon with bread and water.
  18. Not commenting at all would have been more appropriate. Thanks for the suggestion Ron but given that Albertson and his lapdog, Mr. Musical Prozac himself, 7/4, won't let the issue go, I figured it might be helpful to point out why no objection is raised to this thread as opposed to the others. Albertson still thinks that he is right, I am wrong, and that I am some sort of "censor" and I am frankly very tired of it. You know what Dan, you're the self proclaimed Organissimo Hall Monitor - searching high and low for political content out of place. Look at this thread from start to finish and it's obvious to me, you're the one who won't let the issue go. I can't speak for anyone else but I don't give a shit why you think you're being helpful. You're not. You're just stirring the shit up again for another 24 hour adrenaline rush and another 15 minutes of attention. Alfredson's running this joint. If you've got problems, email him. Spare the rest of us. You think you're tired of it?
  19. Not commenting at all would have been more appropriate.
  20. Haven't heard Jesus' new side. How is it? I hear he thinks he's Brad Mehldau. Sorry Ron, couldn't stop myself. He's on the Bethlehem Label. Check it out.
  21. Jesus christ, Rosenwinkel, Turner and Mehldau are but a fraction of the jazz happening right now. Granted, if your radio station isn't playing it, you don't know that, but seriously, you need to make an effort to listen to some more UNDEAD guys. They can make you feel alive too. Doubtful, but you might be surprised. There are plenty of very alive players that really touch me. I was commenting only on that particular Rosen-Turner fraction. Easy does it... Duke, Sorry, that was intended to be "general" not personal.
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