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Everything posted by RonF

  1. That appears to be a very strange expression on her face. What could she be thinking? "Dude, are you finished yet?"
  2. For you art appreciators - Environmental/nature artist Andy Goldsworthy's Rivers and Tides is highly recommended.
  3. The new one, From This Moment On, again with Clayton Hamilton Orchestra.
  4. What was the occasion? Blues singer. Despite your best efforts, do tapes survive? Absolutely not.
  5. I'm not a boxing fan either unless it's Ali. Anybody see the 15 rounder with Oscar Bonavena on OLN this past week? Cosell was trying to generate excitement and make it sound closer than it was. Ali is unbelievable. An artist at work. Can't stop watching. Bonavena had power but I'm convinced Ali was, more or less, playing with him...until Oscar hit the canvas in the 15th. I think Ali/Frazier is next on the Legends of the Ring series.
  6. Sorry. Click on "Discussions," then go to the "Rare Recordings" forum and do a search for "Theme Shows." Not exactly legit downloads, I'm sure, but Dylan seems to look the other way at them. Heck, I found the ExpectingRain link from Bob's official site... RDK, I'm a little slow. I went to Discussions, then to Rare Dylan Recordings...what after that? Thanks.
  7. From WWUH Jazz Pronunciation Guide: Ayler, Albert eye-ler From New England Jazz Radio Cooperative Pronunciation Guide: Ayler, Albert eye-ler Of course, they could have it wrong.
  8. that'd be Teel-uh-mahns, short "ee", short 'mute' "uh" and short "ah" which would make Teel-uh
  9. Thielemans, 'Toots' teel-mahnz Thiele, theel The guides I've seen say to pronounce the "TH" with Bob Thiele. But not with Toots. Saw this on a guide at All About Jazz: Albert Eye-ler
  10. I believe it's EP-ih-phone (short e sound in "EP") Yes.
  11. It's Ree-nee.
  12. Yeah! Maybe do some humpin' when you play too...like the bass player for U2! That'll git em!
  13. Yes indeed. Reminds me of Getz/Barron People Time. Wonderful.
  14. To quote Frank Zappa, "I watch that rotten box until my head begin to hurt." I feel like a slave....clicking around the channels night after night and there is absolutely nothing worth watching. So much awful sh*t. Has anyone been able to turn it off and leave it off? How did you do it? Remove the TV from the house?
  15. Yep.
  16. Way late on this thread, Tom. You should check out Maurice Brown - New Orleans.
  17. She's an extraordinary vocal force. Informed, neck-deep-in-negative critics will admit that. I've heard people say that if Herbie Hancock likes her then he must be getting senile. Ridiculous. I know of her from Herbie's Possibilities, my daughters and an occasional TV performance or video but her new album seems to be leaps and bounds ahead of her previous efforts. Dirty? Was that the last one? Ugh.
  18. Whether he's guilty or not - that's one scarey looking sonofabitch.
  19. Thanks for posting. Our two daughters have Dell laptops at school. We're checking.
  20. A loaded rifle and three loaded handguns, wearing a bullet-proof vest? Holy crap! Dude was headed for a war somewhere.
  21. The caption to that photo could read, Who's Next?
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