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Everything posted by RonF

  1. However, if the Smarts in any way insinuated that it was because they prayed a lot that Elizabeth was found, and that other missing children who are not found are not found because of the lack of prayer, then yes, I would agree that is very insensitive.
  2. Two more that's toooooo damn big.
  3. Giganto Head. Very scarey.
  4. Being raised Mormon, I've been waiting for all the dogma to come in and it's been surprisingly light, believe it or not. Maybe I'm just getting my news from the wrong sources. Anyway, nothing I've heard in the news or read online has been anything other than what I would expect from any strong Christian family. vibes, I'm also an atheist but I want you to know that my intention was not to slam Mormans. I've probably interrpreted a lot of what I've been hearing incorrectly. I do, however, agree with those who object to the "power of prayer" mantra. If nothing else, I think they're being terribly insensitive to those who have been far less fortunate under similar circumstances. The Smarts and their daughter Elizabeth were very, very lucky, indeed.
  5. I, too, have found myself checking in at the B3-er site first and I suspect soon to be only. I like the feel of this place. I like the ORG and I like the management style. AAJ is okay but I really don't like being told what I can and cannot discuss. Then there's that dipsh*t Pha-rock and the unexpected arrival of some unsavory types from another BBS, who shall remain nameless. (I don't need that again) Damn, that cigar smells good. Now, I think I'll just have another sip of this fresh Guinness draft.
  6. I thought it was one the best albums of last year. Nine tracks, 5 fine, new Cedar compositions and a great version of Body and Soul. Vincent Herring - alto and flute David Williams - bass Kenny Washington - drums I like everything on this cd. Those are getting hard to find.
  7. It's interesting to hear the rumblings of protest regarding the Smart family's constant referral to "miracles" and the power of their prayer. The objection centers around the inference that families whose children have not been found alive didn't pray enough or hard enough. I have to say, the Mormon dogma is getting pretty thick surrounding all of this.
  8. B3-er, For what it's worth the JPEG looks the same for me too. On my s***ty Mac at work and on my PC at home. I've imagined the purple to be the purple of the old JazzOnline. Am I close?
  9. Wonderful to hear some good news, indeed! My daughter called me at work when she heard the news this afternoon. She was elated and so was I. Made my month!
  10. The only board I visited was the BNBB. Now that I'm registered at AAJ and here, I intend to visit both. It's nice to have a solid alternative. This is a cool place! Now if the old politcal junkies would just show up and start things simmering.........
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