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Everything posted by RonF

  1. I think I have their CD. "Ron and Juan's Greatest Hits" Why don't you two turkeys go stuff one in your ears?
  2. Are you wearing a helmet, conn? Might be a good idea.
  3. Joe, Asshole poachers like that do time out here. It's very serious business. The fact that it happened so close to homes would make it all the more serious. Criminal negligence? Reckless endangerment? Put the SOB away!
  4. Out here in Colorady, where there are, easily, 5 million real estate agents - per square mile, many folks insist on saying REEL-A-TER, rather than REAL-TOR. Drives me insane. Another one that I hear out here is JOOL-ERY rather than JEWEL-RY. Goddam hicks! Look at the word!
  5. No proof, conn? Give us a break. The virus has arrived, dude. I hope you have a marvelous time.
  6. Hmmmm, does masterhit have a cellphone?
  7. I agree. As Valerie mentioned in the AAJ banned thread, one of those involved has been kicked out (at least once) of every jazz board since Jazz Online years ago. Seems to me, a good lesson for anyone in this business - if he comes knocking, don't let him in. Save yourself the trouble. And I agree that JC is eventually going to have to deal severely with the same Greg virus that invaded here. He went in there with guns blazing. Nothing good can come of it. Back to Bev's original point, I think Mike deserves support from anyone who can muster it. It will certainly be more appealing now that some of the low life is gone.
  8. RonF

    Bobby Broom

    I will definitely seek out Modern Man. I was introduced to Bobby Broom with the CD Stand, on Premonition. The album concept is songs that he listened to and was influenced by throughout his younger days. Songs include Stand (Sly Stone), House of the Rising Sun, The Letter, Happy Together, Monday, Monday and Lennon and McCartney's I Will. Don't let some of those titles scare you. Broom's arrangements are brilliant and he cooks with Dennis Carroll on bass and Dana Hall on drums. Recommended. B)
  9. Hope you had a good one weiz!
  10. Interesting Jim. The plot thickens.
  11. OOPS! Thanks for setting me straight folks. I really like Tony Bennett's vocal with Evans on The Tony Bennett Bill Evans Album.
  12. Gene Lees wrote the music and Bill Evans wrote the lyrics. I think I've read it before on jazz boards but I've forgotten - who was Bill Evans writing about? His daughter?
  13. The stuff of museums. Incredible! B)
  14. I like it too GOM. I've run hot and cold with Cassandra, especially with some of the early recordings. I was impressed with her Jacky Terrasson collaberation on Rendezvous and got closer to understanding her on Traveling Miles. I liked Belly of the Sun. In many ways she's an enigma with me. I have to throw out all of the traditional concerns about song selection, instrumentation and even pitch control. In the end, she just seems to make it happen. You accept her or you don't. She's a true original, I believe.
  15. Thanks for the feedback everyone. As I mentioned, money's burning a hole in my pocket anyway, but I'm sold!
  16. Is anyone familiar with this 5-CD boxed set from Galaxy? Recorded between '79-'82. I have a chance to get a deal. I'll probably pop but I was hoping for opinions.
  17. A day to go out and splurge. Get yourself that ice cold 12 pack of Natty Lite cans and to hell with everyone else. Celebrate!
  18. We're still recovering from the giant fires in SW Colorado. They were bad but they don't compare to the loss of life and property going on out there. Best wishes to everyone in SoCal.
  19. Very Cool! B) Wish I had a room with a view.
  20. SPEECH! Have a good one!
  22. Now the wheels have fallen off at Wrigley. Amazing!
  23. Ah-ha! Right you are. Regarding Tom Jones....why was he in this Chris? Do you know?
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