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Everything posted by RonF

  1. As I recall, this is pretty much how another thread went...of a couple of years ago. Different interpretations of what Yusuf said or didn't say. Yes he did! No, he didn't! Maybe there's more to The Observer interview but I was surprised the fatwah subject didn't come up. If he's going to stage a comeback, I wish he'd address the subject directly and get rid of the lingering questions.
  2. I agree. Name calling isn't appropriate. The "nut" word wasn't in reference to his religion, but rather, that he may have supported the murder directive of Rushdie. Frankly, it was always my understanding that he agreed with the "fatwah". So, it's good to know that he didn't and, moreover, that he apologized for any confusion he may have caused. Thanks for the article, John. Maybe Yusuf wouldn't mind making a little cash?
  3. Regarding Cat's (can't recall his Muslim name) alleged connection to the Salmon Rushdie murder contract of many years ago. Was it true? Has he cleared himself or has he been cleared of those charges? For several years, radio stations weren't playing his music. Now I'm beginning to hear it again and I started wondering why. Is he a nut? Still a nut? Always a nut?
  4. Thanks Berigan. But now I'm really confused. That thread was started in March but not five days ago I was still surfing the old AMG format. Can someone explain?
  5. Curious what others think. The first thing I noticed is the sluggish response. Anyone else?
  6. Thanks folks. I just found out that you're right PHILLYQ. I told a network tech about my trouble with allmusic and he tweaked it for me. Now it's running. Ooooooooo.... Watch out for music and humor sites. Evil lurks there!
  7. Anyone noticed any changes? I can't get allmusic to work. I suspect my "network" at work has screwed with scripting but I thought I'd check. Gracias.
  8. I agree Joe. Of the Costello/Krall (Elvis's name first?) tracks, Narrow Daylight stands out for me. Black Crow is superb. I was concerned that the Costello influence would permiate the project but it really doesn't. I mean it's there...he's there, but it's still Krall. Anthony Wilson shows a side that I hadn't heard before. He is such a damned good player! McBride shines throughout. Erskine is a genius.
  9. Her musicians are the cream of the crop, as usual. McBride and band sound really good doing Temptation. So does Krall.
  10. Thanks Brandon and Jim. I'm running this info by our engineer. Looks like some research into other software would be a good idea. I'm digesting all of this as I continue to experiment. Thanks again. (to be continued)
  11. Brandon, It's the burning to disc at real time that poses one problem. Where I am, it's tying up computers for too long. Is there a program that that can record in real time, say - with 2 cds players, can create it's own voice file (no switching back and forth between ProTools), has some editing capability and burns to disc at an accelerated speed? I keep hearing that somthing is out there. Have you received your Jam for Toast 6? Are you familiar with Bias Peak? I've read mixed reviews. It's either that or something else that boasts of burning to disc at 1/4 real time. I'm also curious about Sound Forge....a PC program. PS Thank you for the tip on not burning more than an hours worth of time on a CD-R.
  12. Well said, Mike. And Bev.
  13. That was more tongue in cheek than serious. You have to read the damn book or you're going nowhere fast. The Visual Guide to ProTools sounds great. I've already read about "bounce to disc". Jim touched on it but (without having experimented yet) I wondered if it was relatively easy to insert an AIFF file from ProTools into a track list in Jam. I'm gathering that it is. Many thanks. To be continued......
  14. Thanks vibes. Just ricocheting around. Brandon, Thank you. Well, let's see.....it's version 5, which I understand is the grandpappy version. Since I posted the question, I've made some advances with regard to pause length between tracks and trimming. Next up is adding voice from Pro-tools (and I know damned little about Pro-tools) converting to AIFF or MP3 files into Jam. Have you done that sort of production?
  15. Basically, I'm too f*cking lazy to read the book. Thanks!
  16. Who me?
  17. SPEECH! Hope it was a good one, David!
  18. It ain't rocket science, folks.
  19. .........not like this is something new.
  20. CLASP !! You, sir, have more JASS IN YOUR ASS than all the pulers combined. TRIPLE CLASP !! WINGY b.) He will also extend the hand of camaraderie to a few others. Some will go along hoping to keep him calm; some sadly, will join in with him hoping to bask in his notoriety.
  21. Have a good one y'all?
  22. There you go again weiz. Doing everything I do....again! Of course, the chilled Heineken awaits. On the table this afternoon, an Old Vine Cuvee Chenin Blanc from Chappellet in the Napa Valley. My wine merchant is crazy over this bottle and I can't wait! CHEERS!
  23. B3, What's going on that's leaving a bad taste? btw, I remember the firestorms at JCS very well. I also remember the source.
  24. Over the years, and I mean several years, I don't think I've ever seen this subject articulated more perfectly. Thanks for the post Bev. Nailed it.
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