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Everything posted by RonF

  1. The goons are still at it, Chris. Look, I like and appreciate Mike Ricci and, apparently, he's personally involved with this latest debacle. I'm sure he'll have something to say. But this is only one in a string of erratic, nonsensical bannings. I'm only too aware that being a moderator is a mostly thankless job but clearly, the structure needs some attention at AAJ. I spoke out in defense of one of the bannished and received a copy of the rules and a not so subtle warning. He might as well have pointed to the door and said, "No soup for you!"
  2. Brunch Livened Up By Jazz Trio's Violent Breakup October 30, 2006 | Issue 42•44 The Onion - America's Finest News Source SAN FRANCISCO—An ordinary Sunday afternoon brunch at Café Cleo was enlivened by an explosive physical exchange between members of jazz band Everywhere/Nowhere, which ended with saxophonist Dave Jeremy storming out of the eatery. "I was just sitting there eating my eggs Benedict with tempeh hash browns, and all a sudden the music stopped and I heard this loud 'crack' and a spit-covered mouthpiece whizzed past my head," said local silk-screen artist Sarah Wang, who was dining with poet Jenna Nowler and playwright James Lewis. "Not only did the jazz stop for a while, we also had something to talk about besides James' new one-act." After the breakup, the two remaining members of Everywhere/Nowhere played a 30-minute drum-and-bass version of "My Funny Valentine."
  3. Ron : If you really want your nose opened to what Greta does, go to the Origin website and check out some of the clips from her CDs .. better yet, check out her website: http://gretamatassa.com/index.html I'll betcha end up copping at least one of 'em!! Phil K Thank you, Phil. You're absolutely right - I will get a couple of her CDs. Talk about deserving of wider recognition! Well, that certainly applies to you, too. Her vocal on My Museum is stunning. The lyrics are wonderful. I can't recall the writing collaboration. Good luck with the CD.
  4. My Museum is superb, Phil. Congrats! And Gretta! What can you say?
  5. Hey Greg, was it actually a tumor? I had one of those ganglion cysts once that look just like a tumor. Regardless, glad things are A-Okay!
  6. And, of course, his ears are too big.
  7. Sad. One of the best programs on the air. I've been a devoted fan for years.
  8. Thanks RT. Great stuff!
  9. New York City Blues.
  10. I liked a few of the songs in the early days - never bought anything. I've seen a bit of the NEW Moody Blues on PBS fundraisers and I have to say that with the fluffy wigs and ruffled shirts, they pretty much creep my ass out.
  11. There is none.
  12. Me too.
  13. It did take guts, and was on target much of the time, but it wasn't that funny. Guy
  14. With all due respect, whether you like him or not, you don't know what you're talking about.
  15. This is completely wrong. He went after the media as brilliantly as he went after Bush. Most of mainstream media (embarrassed and angry) reduced the Colbert story to nothing or ignored it. Bungling hypocrites that they are. What Colbert did was one off the most courageous things I've seen in years.
  16. No brains is more like it. Imus apologized and has deeply regretting saying it to this day.
  17. It's a fake news show! It's comedy! And yes, it's damned good satire. Did you guys read or hear him ripping the administration in front of Bush last spring. It was fucking brilliant.
  18. I think they were playing with a "Dark Secrets" theme. Weren't they?
  19. Dark Secrets is the only Heid CD I'm familiar with and I agree it's exceptionally good. I see that there's a more recent release on Savant (2003) Da Girl with the same band which I have not heard. He must have done a promotion switcheroo.
  20. I had Jeremy and the Satyrs...seems like about 40 years ago. Who was in that band, BTW? That album is gone - rendered unplayable about 30 years ago. ... ahem, satyrated? probably from oozing flutes? Exactly.
  21. I had Jeremy and the Satyrs...seems like about 40 years ago. Who was in that band, BTW? That album is gone - rendered unplayable about 30 years ago. I just checked jeremysteiginfo.com and found this: 1968 Jeremy & The Satyrs Reprise Warren Bernhardt, Adrian Guillery, Donald MacDonald, Eddie Gomez
  22. I had Jeremy and the Satyrs...seems like about 40 years ago. We played What's New with Bill Evans, Eddie Gomez and Marty Morell until the grooves were gone.
  23. In another thread it has been pointed out that this (was?) an extremely abusive relationship - in every way imaginable. A case study, and it ain't over yet.
  24. SAY IT AIN'T SO! Whitney Wants Out By Sarah Hall Being Mrs. Bobby Brown no longer appeals to Whitney Houston. The "So Emotional" singer has filed for divorce from her husband of 14 years, her rep, Nancy Seltzer, confirmed to E! News. Houston filed the paperwork on Friday in Orange County, California, Seltzer told People magazine. She explained that the filing was technically for a legal separation, but that Houston is referring to it as divorce, as that is her intent. However, Brown's attorney, Phaedra Parks, emphasized that the split had not yet reached that stage. "It is a legal separation. It is not a divorce or a divorce petition," Parks told the Associated Press. Court proceedings in the split are expected to begin next month. As yet, there's no word on custody arrangements for the couple's 13-year-old daughter, Bobbi Kristina. It's certainly not the first bump in the road for Brown, 37, and Houston, 43, whose tumultuous union has been well chronicled both in the press and on camera since they wed on June 18, 1992. In between stints in jail for Brown and rehab for Houston, the couple's marriage endured a trial separation, rumors of infidelity, drug addiction, domestic abuse and various encounters with the law. In December 2003, police were called to the couple's Georgia home after Brown allegedly struck Houston during a heated argument. Though the twosome tried to handle the matter privately, Brown was ordered to stand trial for battery. Then came the duo's bizarre TV turn on the Bravo reality series Being Bobby Brown, which provided viewers with far more than they needed to know about Brown and Houston's bathroom habits, but failed to demystify the inner workings of their marriage. In January, reports surfaced once again that the pair were on the verge of divorce, despite Brown's adamant denials. "We're here and we're gonna be together for a long time, so people can expect us to stay together," the R&B singer told People magazine at the time. "I'm with my wife for the duration--and that's life." A few months later, Brown's sister made headlines when she told the National Enquirer that the marriage was suffering because Houston was addicted to crack and provided photos of what she said was her sister-in-law's bathroom, littered with apparent drug residue and garbage. However, Brown again defended his Grammy-winning wife, telling People he was "happily married." "We are going to stand for each other for as long we live," he said. "I adore that woman. She helps me see God. I look in her eyes and I see God." Apparently, Brown's eyes don't hold the same allure for Houston. In recent months, the "I Will Always Love You" singer has made attempts to polish her public image. On Tuesday, she made a rare appearance at the Ella Awards with her cousin, Dionne Warwick, and longtime mentor Clive Davis. Houston is also working on a new album, her first since 2002's Just Whitney. As for Brown, he reunited with New Edition in July for a performance at the Essence Musical Festival that received mixed reviews and plans to mount a full-scale New Edition tour in 2008.
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