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About orchiddoctor

  • Birthday 01/23/1952

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  • Location
    Atlanta, Georgia
  • Interests
    Scuba, orchids, hiking, music, Ron "Pigpen" McKernan, life.

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  1. As noted. I guess Jerry played extra well. But ornette was right, the band was dysfunctional by then. 1993 -your favorite year! https://youtu.be/0LyIw0eA9XE Great l.p.!
  2. Ornette wasn’t impressed. He thought the band wasn’t listening to each other. Maybe different idioms, but ornette’s comment was taken as negative. He said he wouldn’t play with them again. I’d have lived to hear this in 1973.
  3. Ornette was quoted as saying—having played on stage with them—that the Grateful Dead was the most disorganized bunch of musicians he ever played with. He like Jerry though.
  4. Not a lot of jams. But 10/18 was the one! Get the stand-alone if you don’t get the box. I think they shot themselves in the foot, though. Now there are 5 or 6 (?) fall 71 shows officially out and same with 72. Those would have made better boxes. Yes Keith was finding his way in 71, but he found it damn quick. By 72, he was fully integrated.
  5. Dave’s Picks #2,376: Nassau. what a godawful release from an otherwise fine year. I don’t think a single song is listenable. I could just do an “I was at these shows” post (I was) and write about how spectacular they were (they weren’t. Nassau was way overpacked, rowdy, annoying, and the band was drowning each night). Are they running out of excellent shows that were taped, aren’t cut up, poorly recorded, or missing reels? Sooner or later it’s bound to happen. Time for Pigpen’s greatest hits.
  6. It would be nice if they put some music on that side.
  7. But they have released some of the RSD on CD.
  8. Still on Amazon.
  9. Could have added a bonus show as an alternative. Like the whole set with Clementine.
  10. Also: no bonus material on the collected early discs. Just the l.p. Material.
  11. But the Dark Star St Stephen and The Eleven Lovelight are spiced from 2 different nights. Had the issues the Dark Star St Stephen with the correct second part—that would have made a good disc— and the other half in whole as well.
  12. But it would be perfectly almost exact.
  13. Well American Beauty had a live show from several months after its release. Perhaps they could treat us to a fall ‘72 show.
  14. One thing on the skull and roses is that I wish they’d included the NFA reprise—Lovelight from the Manhattan Theater and at least the full outro to Wharf Rat. Maybe the ham that proceeded it. But all have our petty grievances. I’m certainly down for a copy. what on earth can they do for Europe ‘72?
  15. Wake of the Flood is so underrated. Maybe because of that Keith song! But the tenderness, the finesse, and my God, the songs. Stella Blue! Row Jimmy. Eyes. Their last great studio work—imo. Yeah, Blues for Allah is intriguing, but not as nuanced. I wish I’d waited a year before I got off the bus! Btw: if that Fillmore West disc on the Skull and Roses reissue is their tape, and not the pre fm, it will be worth it.
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