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Everything posted by flat5

  1. It does explain all the wong chords. (sorry)
  2. I Googled on 'speak with excellent grammar, syntax and enunciation without saying anything' but found nothing funny.
  3. I'm only considering his ability to play a very good jazz solo on a tune. Admittedly I'd have to listen to many CDs to come up with a list of those solos. I'm not in the mood to check out a pile of CDs. I'm not trying to justify his composing or other aspects of his...work.
  4. You people really sell him short. Which war are you referring to? From what I've heard him play WM covers 20s-mid60s. Put him in a cutting contest with any of today's trumpet players and he'll do just fine. and I do not believe he plays without emotion. He did not get to that level of artistry without passion.
  5. Present claws. Tail up!
  6. Ornette reference here: http://www.simpsoncrazy.com/articles/300episodes 14th season. "Barting Over" - which deploys gags and pop-culture references (Ornette Coleman, Arthur Miller, Michael Jackson's infamous baby-dangling escapade, pro-skater Tony Hawk, Blink 182, Samurai Jack and Bart's old Butterfinger commercials all figure briefly in tonight's plot) at a furious rate on par with The Simpsons' acknowledged, mid-'90s peak - continues a creative resurgence in the show that has been apparent since Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Tom Petty, Elvis Costello and Lenny "Don't you have a crotch to stuff?" Kravitz allowed themselves to be mercilessly ridiculed in the season premiere. and https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/rec.music.bluenote/bdbS--xn5TI So I think it's this episode: The Simpsons S14E11 - Barting Over https://www.google.nl/search?q=The+Simpsons+that+included+Ornette+Coleman&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a#hl=en&newwindow=1&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US%3Aofficial&sclient=psy-ab&q=Barting+Over+you-tube&oq=Barting+Over+you-tube&gs_l=serp.3..0i13i30.1469.4136.2.4967.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=37d9b85c62bcd681&bpcl=35277026&biw=1024&bih=577
  7. Neat. Would like to hear the phone call asking him to play the gig.
  8. Thank you Larry Kart for taking the time to express the position. I have not bothered to listen to the large works. I simply dismissed them after a short sample. His early jazz and Ellington projects fall short to, IMO. I did enjoy his work with Art Blakey and some other (possibly) sideman projects. For me, 'innovation' is not as important as playing very good music. WM can play excellent fresh, swinging, intricate, absorbing JAZZ. and yes he is a wonderful versatile trumpet player. That is not easy! I have no love for much jazz of the later 60s to the present. I don't want to listen to emotional screaming thru an instrument. Music is more than that. I was not so much happy with WM's status as that I think he helps sell jazz (ok, not all of it) and gives it a respectable image. I think it still needs that. Clearly I don't have any deep thoughts on this matter (or any) :-) I think he is good for jazz and plays very good at times. VERY good.
  9. I remain convinced that WM is a very good jazz musician when he wants to be. Larry, I have not followed him as you have. I don't know what the big lie is.
  10. Interesting incite to his work. Thank you.
  11. My friend forwarded an email: > Yes, I'm sorry to say Vince passed on Wednesday. (it finally hit me on Friday) > I got the email from Heide Pilc. (Vince's girlfriend) > Unfortunately we we're too late, Heide emailed me on Tuesday that he went in the ICU because of a bladder infection, > he was also on a respirator and he never came out of unconsciousness. > Before Vince went into the ICU, Roni and I had planned to stop by and see him on Thursday. > > Chris Amberger dedicated his gig to Vince on Friday at Cafe Van Kleef. > I spoke w/ Randy Moore who tried to stop by Cafe Van Kleef, but he said there was no parking, too many festivities/people etc., he didn't go in. > We hope there will be some kind of memorial jam session - I can't imagine there wouldn't be. > Maybe tomorrow there will be an obituary... > > That's all I know right now.
  12. flat5

    The Savoy King

  13. I just do not understand the hate this fine man and musician receives.
  14. Standing by. Sent an email to a friend in SF. He should know...soon. My friend replies: I hadn't heard that, although word spreads so quickly now of anyone's death. I had just heard a few days ago that Vince was still alive, but I would assume that this KCSM report is true. Vince has been on his deathbed for some time now. He's had multiple severe physical problems, has been unable to play for many months and could barely play for months before that. I had heard that he suffered from some dementia, but somehow maintained a rather positive disposition. I'll forward any information I get.
  15. But her pitch is not perfect (sometimes quite sharp) and her syllables are boring.
  16. I discovered him when I was 15. http://www.discogs.com/Vinnie-Riccitelli-Unique-Jazz-From-The-Westchester-Workshop/release/2944550 Fresh Sounds sells the CD
  17. good work
  18. 3.7 thanks for the link edit: The cover art is included in the 'sbrhs001m-3.zip'. You don't have to download it separately. edit2: I cleaned up the files and re-packaged them. Just a basic clean up. I still have to listen to the interview :-) http://rapidgator.net/file/46116396/Coleman_Hawkins_Interview.rar.html
  19. Thanks
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FR9ixWP-P9I
  21. It must take quite a bit of time to put these together. The speed and number of notes matches the fingers.
  22. mods, you may delete this if you think I'm out-of-line. (well, of course)
  23. Stupid.
  24. Took me about 40 years to realize he is Lionel Hampton's son :-)
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